Release Notes (version 8.1.2)

Using the warehouse agent for replication and accessing Client Connect warehouse sources

Using the warehouse agent for replication

If the source, target, capture control, or apply control servers (databases) are remote to the client system, you must catalog the database with the same name, user ID, and password on both the client and the warehouse agent systems. After you catalog the source on the client and warehouse agent systems, verify that you can connect to the source, target, capture, and apply databases.

If you cannot connect to the warehouse source, warehouse target, replication capture, or replication apply databases, verify that the environment variable DB2COMM on the remote system is set to TCP/IP, and that the port number matches the port number of the node that is cataloged on the client system.

To verify the port number on the remote system, type the following command at a DB2 command prompt:

get dbm cfg | grep SVCENAME

You specify the port number of the client system when you catalog the node.

Accessing Client Connect warehouse sources using the warehouse agent

When you access a warehouse source that was defined using Client Connect with a warehouse agent, the source must be cataloged with the same name, user ID, and password on both the client and warehouse agent systems. If you are using the ODBC version of the warehouse agent, you must also catalog the source as an ODBC source on both the warehouse agent and client sites. Otherwise, actions that require the warehouse agent to access the warehouse source will fail.

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