
|36.11 数据源管理

|在“Chapter 3, Using Query Administrator to Administer DB2 Query Patroller”中, |具有对数据源参数的新描述和已更改的描述。

|Static Cost is the DB2 estimated cost of the query in timerons. This cost |is stored in the job entry for each job. You can see it as the Estimated Cost |when using Query Monitor to look at the job details of a job.

|Zero Cost Query is the query with a static cost, or estimated cost, of |zero. No query actually has an estimated cost of zero (even the very simplest |ones have a cost of around 5). Rather, this occurs if a job is submitted with |the do not do cost analysis option. You can only choose this option if you |have set up the user profile to allow it. In most cases, you will not have |your user profiles set up in this way. You should keep this option for superusers |like other administrators, selected special users, or yourself. These users can |then run whatever queries they want. The system treats queries from these |users as zero cost so that the queries are treated as high priority.

|Cost Time Zero, Cost Time Slope, Cost Time Interval, and Cost Time Min |are no longer used.

|The Cost Factor is the multiplier to convert the Static Cost in timerons |is not the cost in the accounting table. The cost in the accounting table |is equal to the Static Cost multiplied by the Cost Factor.

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