Release Notes

30.7 Logging in from OLAP Starter Kit Desktop

To use the OLAP Starter Kit Desktop to create OLAP models and metaoutlines, you must connect the client software to two server components: DB2 OLAP Integration Server and DB2 OLAP Server. The login dialog prompts you for the necessary information for the Desktop to connect to these two servers. On the left side of the dialog, enter information about DB2 OLAP Integration Server. On the right side, enter information about DB2 OLAP Server.

To connect to DB2 OLAP Integration Server:

The DB2 OLAP Server information is optional, so the input fields on the right side of the Login dialog may be left blank. However, some operations in the Desktop and the Administration Manager require that you connect to a DB2 OLAP Server. If you leave these fields blank, then the Desktop will display the Login dialog again if the Integration Server needs to connect to DB2 OLAP Server in order to complete an operation that you requested. It is recommended that you always fill in the DB2 OLAP Server fields on the Login dialog.

To connect to DB2 OLAP Server:

30.7.1 Starter Kit Login Example

The following example assumes that you created the OLAP Sample, and you selected db2admin as your administrator user ID, and password as your administrator password during OLAP Starter Kit installation.

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