Release Notes

29.8 SAP Step Information

29.8.1 Possible to Create Logically Inconsistent Table

If all of the following conditions are met, the resulting target table may not be logically consistent.

  1. The BO has GetList and GetDetail export parameters and you have mapped all key fields.
  2. On the Output Parameters page of the Properties notebook for the SAP step, you select a GetList export parameter whose SAP parameter name differs from the one used for the parameter mapping.
    SAP parameter name refers to the part of the parameter appearing before the period in the fully qualified name. For example, for the parameter, DocList.DOCNUMBER, "DocList" is the SAP parameter name.
  3. On the Output Parameters page of the Properties notebook for the SAP step, you select the GetDetail export parameter.


DocumentNumber is a key field. DocList.DOCNUMBER and DocNumberSelection.OPTION are GetList export parameters. DocData.USERNAME is a GetDetail export parameter.

You map DocumentNumber to DocList.DOCNUMBER. (Condition 1)

You select DocNumberSelection.OPTION as an output parameter. (Condition 2, since DocNumberSelection and DocList are different SAP parameter names.)

You select DocData.USERNAME as an output parameter. (Condition 3, since it is a GetDetail export parameter.)

These conditions result in a target table whose column sources are GetList and GetDetail parameters. The logical consistency of the relationship between the columns, however, is not assured.

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