Release Notes

|4.18 Gnome and KDE Desktop Integration for DB2 on Linux

|DB2 now includes a set of utilities for the creation of DB2 desktop folders |and icons for launching the most commonly used DB2 tools on the Gnome and KDE |desktops for supported Intel-based Linux distributions. These utilities |are installed by DB2 Version 7.2 by default, and can be used after the |installation to create and remove desktop icons for one or more selected |users.

|To add a set of desktop icons for one or more users, use the following |command:

|db2icons <user1> [<user2> <user3>...] 
Note that if icons are generated while a Gnome or KDE desktop environment is |running, the user may need to force a manual desktop refresh to see the new |icons. |

|To remove a set of desktop icons for one or more users, use the following |command:

|db2rmicons <user1> [<user2> <user3>...]       
You must have sufficient authority to generate or remove icons for other |users. Typically, db2icons and db2rmicons can be |used to create or remove icons for yourself if you are a normal user, and for |others only if you are root, or another user with the authority to write to |the specified users home directories. |

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