Release Notes

46.12 Hebrew Information Catalog Manager for Windows NT

The Information Catalog Manager component is available in Hebrew and is provided on the DB2 Warehouse Manager for Windows NT CD.

The Hebrew translation is provided in a zip file called IL_ICM.ZIP and is located in the DB2\IL directory on the DB2 Warehouse Manager for Windows NT CD.

To install the Hebrew translation of Information Catalog Manager, first install the English version of DB2 Warehouse Manager for Windows NT and all prerequisites on a Hebrew Enabled version of Windows NT.

After DB2 Warehouse Manager for Windows NT has been installed, unzip the IL_ICM.ZIP file from the DB2\IL directory into the same directory where DB2 Warehouse Manager for Windows NT was installed. Ensure that the correct options are supplied to the unzip program to create the directory structure in the zip file.

After the file has been unzipped, the global environment variable LC_ALL must be changed from En_US to Iw_IL. To change the setting:

  1. Open the Windows NT Control Panel and double click on the System icon.
  2. In the System Properties window, click on the Environment tab, then locate the variable LC_ALL in the System Variables section.
  3. Click on the variable to display the value in the Value edit box. Change the value from En_US to Iw_IL.
  4. Click on the Set button.
  5. Close the System Properties window and the Control Panel.

The Hebrew version of Information Catalog Manager should now be installed.

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