Release Notes

|20.5 Usage Scenarios

|The MQSeries Functions can be used in a wide variety of scenarios. |This section will review some of the more common scenarios, including Basic |Messaging, Application Connectivity and Data Publication.

|20.5.1 Basic Messaging

|The most basic form of messaging with the MQSeries DB2 Functions occurs |when all database applications connect to the same DB2 server. Clients |may be local to the database server or distributed in a network |environment.

|In a simple scenario, Client A invokes the MQSEND function to send a |user-defined string to the default service location. The MQSeries |functions are then executed within DB2 on the database server. At some |later time, Client B invokes the MQRECEIVE function to remove the message at |the head of the queue defined by the default service and return it to the |client. Again, the MQSeries functions to perform this work are executed |by DB2.

|Database clients can use simple messaging in a number of ways. Some |common uses for messaging are: |

|The following scenario extends the simple scenario described above to |incorporate remote messaging. That is, a message is sent between |Machine A and Machine B. The sequence of steps is as follows: |

  1. |The DB2 Client executes an MQSEND call, specifying a target service that |has been defined to represent a remote queue on Machine B.
  2. |The MQSeries DB2 functions perform the actual MQSeries work to send the |message. The MQSeries server on Machine A accepts the message and |guarantees that it will deliver it to the destination defined by the service |point definition and current MQSeries configuration of Machine A. The |server determines that this is a queue on Machine B. It then attempts |to deliver the message to the MQSeries server on Machine B, transparently |retrying as needed.
  3. |The MQSeries server on Machine B accepts the message from the server on |Machine A and places it in the destination queue on Machine B.
  4. |An MQSeries client on Machine B requests the message at the head of the |queue. |

|20.5.2 Sending Messages

|Using MQSEND, a DB2 user or developer chooses what data to send, where to |send it, and when it will be sent. In the industry this is commonly |called "Send and Forget," meaning that the sender just sends a message, |relying on the guaranteed delivery protocols of MQSeries to ensure that the |message reaches its destination. The following examples illustrate |this.

|Example 4: To send a user-defined string to the service point myPlace |with the policy highPriority:

|VALUES DB2MQ.MQSEND('myplace','highPriority','test')

|Here, the policy highPriority refers to a policy defined in the AMI |Repository that sets the MQSeries priority to the highest level and perhaps |adjusts other qualities of service, such as persistence, as well.

|The message content may be composed of any legal combination of SQL and |user-specified data. This includes nested functions, operators, and |casts. For instance, given a table EMPLOYEE, with VARCHAR columns |LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME, and DEPARTMENT, to send a message containing this |information for each employee in DEPARTMENT 5LGA you would do the |following:

|Example 5:


|If this table also had an integer AGE column, it could be included as |follows:

|Example 6:

|      (LASTNAME || ' ' || FIRSTNAME || ' ' || DEPARTMENT|| ' ' || char(AGE)) 

|If the table EMPLOYEE had a column RESUME of type CLOB instead of an AGE |column, then a message containing the information for each employee in |DEPARTMENT 5LGA could be sent out with the following:

|Example 7:

|      (clob(LASTNAME) || ' ' || clob(FIRSTNAME) || ' ' || clob(DEPARTMENT) || ' ' || RESUME))

|Example 8:

|Finally, the following example shows how message content may be derived |using any valid SQL expression. Given a second table DEPT containing |VARCHAR columns DEPT_NO and DEPT_NAME, messages can be sent that contain |employee LASTNAME and DEPT_NAME:

|Example 8:


|20.5.3 Retrieving Messages

|The MQSeries DB2 Functions allow messages to be either received or |read. The difference between reading and receiving is that reading |returns the message at the head of a queue without removing it from the queue, |while receiving operations cause the message to be removed from the |queue. A message retrieved using a receive operation can only be |retrieved once, while a message retrieved using a read operation allows the |same message to be retrieved many times. The following examples |demonstrate this:

|Example 8:


|This example returns a VARCHAR string containing the message at the head of |queue defined by the default service using the default quality of service |policy. It is important to note that if no messages are available to be |read, a null value will be returned. The queue is not changed by this |operation.

|Example 9:

|VALUES DB2MQ.MQRECEIVE('Employee_Changes')

|The above example shows how a message can be removed from the head of the |queue defined by the Employee_Changes service using the default policy.

|One very powerful feature of DB2 is the ability to generate a table from a |user-defined (or DB2-provided) function. You can exploit this |table function feature to allow the contents of a queue to be materialized as |a DB2 table. The following example demonstrates the simplest form of |this:

|Example 10:

|SELECT t.* FROM table ( DB2MQ.MQREADALL()) t 

|This query returns a table consisting of all of the messages in the queue |defined by the default service and the metadata about these messages. |While the full definition of the table structure returned is defined in the |Appendix, the first column reflects the contents of the message and the |remaining columns contain the metadata. To return just the messages, |the example could be rewritten:

|Example 11:


|The table returned by a table function is no different from a table |retrieved from the database directly. This means that you can use this |table in a wide variety of ways. For instance, you can join the |contents of the table with another table or count the number of messages in a |queue:

|Example 12:

|   FROM table (DB2MQ.MQREADALL() ) t, EMPLOYEE e 

|Example 13:


|You can also hide the fact that the source of the table is a queue by |creating a view over a table function. For instance, the following |example creates a view called NEW_EMP over the queue referred to by the |service named NEW_EMPLOYEES:

|Example 14:

|   SELECT t.msg FROM table (DB2MQ.MQREADALL()) t

|In this case, the view is defined with only a single column containing an |entire message. If messages are simply structured, for instance |containing two fields of fixed length, it is straightforward to use the DB2 |built-in functions to parse the message into the two columns. For |example, if you know that messages sent to a particular queue always contain |an 18-character last name followed by an 18-character first name, then you can |define a view containing each field as a separate column as follows:

|Example 15:

|   SELECT left(t.msg,18) AS LNAME, right(t.msg,18) AS FNAME
|   FROM table(DB2MQ.MQREADALL()) t

|A new feature of the DB2 Stored Procedure Builder, the MQSeries Assist |Wizard, can be used to create new DB2 table functions and views that will map |delimited message structures to columns.

|Finally, it is often desirable to store the contents of one or more |messages into the database. This may be done using the full power of |SQL to manipulate and store message content. Perhaps the simplest |example of this is:

|Example 16:

|   SELECT t.msg FROM table (DB2MQ.MQRECEIVEALL()) t

|Given a table MESSAGES, with a single column of VARCHAR(2000), the |statement above will insert the messages from the default service queue into |the table. This technique can be embellished to cover a very wide |variety of circumstances.

|20.5.4 Application-to-Application Connectivity

|Application integration is a common element in many solutions. |Whether integrating a purchased application into an existing infrastructure or |just integrating a newly developed application into an existing environment, |we are often faced with the task of glueing a heterogeneous collection of |subsystems together to form a working whole. MQSeries is commonly |viewed as an essential tool for integrating applications. Accessible in |most hardware, software, and language environments, MQSeries provides the |means to interconnect a very heterogeneous collection of applications.

|This section will discuss some application integration scenarios and how |they may be used with DB2. As the topic is quite broad, a comprehensive |treatment of Application Integration is beyond the scope of this work. |Therefore, the focus is on just two simple topics: Request/Reply |communications, and MQSeries Integrator and Publish/Subscribe.

| Request/Reply Communications

|The Request/Reply (R/R) communications method is a very common technique |for one application to request the services of another. One way to do |this is for the requester to send a message to the service provider requesting |some work to be performed. Once the work has been completed, the |provider may decide to send results (or just a confirmation of completion) |back to the requestor. But using the basic messaging techniques |described above, there is nothing that connects the sender's request with |the service provider's response. Unless the requester waits for a |reply before continuing, some mechanism must be used to associate each reply |with its request. Rather than force the developer to create such a |mechanism, MQSeries provides a correlation identifier that allows the |correlation of messages in an exchange.

|While there are a number of ways in which this mechanism could be used, the |simplest is for the requestor to mark a message with a known correlation |identifier using, for instance, the following:

|Example 17:

|DB2MQ.MQSEND ('myRequester','myPolicy','SendStatus:cust1','Req1')

|This statement adds a final parameter Req1 to the MQSEND statement from |above to indicate the correlation identifier for the request.

|To receive a reply to this specific request, use the corresponding |MQRECEIVE statement to selectively retrieve the first message defined by the |indicated service that matches this correlation identifier as follows:

|Example 18:


|If the application servicing the request is busy and the requestor issues |the above MQRECEIVE before the reply is sent, then no messages matching this |correlation identifier will be found.

|To receive both the service request and the correlation identifier a |statement like the following is used:

|Example 19:

|SELECT msg, correlid FROM table (DB2MQ.MQRECEIVEALL('aServiceProvider','myPolicy',1)) t

|This returns the message and correlation identifier of the first request |from the service aServiceProvider.

|Once the service has been performed, it sends the reply message to the |queue described by aRequester. Meanwhile, the service requester could |have been doing other work. In fact, there is no guarantee that the |initial service request will be responded to within a set time. |Application level timeouts such as this must be managed by the developer; |the requester must poll to detect the presence of the reply.

|The advantage of such time-independent asynchronous processing is that the |requester and service provider execute completely independently of one |another. This can be used both to accommodate environments in which |applications are only intermittently connected and more batch-oriented |environments in which multiple requests or replies are aggregated before |processing. This kind of aggregation is often used in data warehouse |environments to periodically update a data warehouse or operational data |store.

| Publish/Subscribe

|Simple Data Publication

|Another common scenario in application integration is for one application |to notify other applications about events of interest. This is easily |done by sending a message to a queue monitored by another application. |The contents of the message can be a user-defined string or can be composed |from database columns. Often a simple message is all that needs to be |sent using the MQSEND function. When such messages need to be sent |concurrently to multiple recipients, the Distribution List facility of the |MQSeries AMI can be used.

|A distribution list is defined using the AMI Administration tool. A |distribution list comprises a list of individual services. A message |sent to a distribution list is forwarded to every service defined within the |list. This is especially useful when it is known that a few services |will always be interested in every message. The following example shows |sending of a message to the distribution list interestedParties:

|Example 20:

|DB2MQ.MQSEND('interestedParties','information of general interest');

|When more control over the messages that particular services should receive |is required, a Publish/Subscribe capability is needed. |Publish/Subscribe systems typically provide a scalable, secure environment in |which many subscribers can register to receive messages from multiple |publishers. To support this capability the MQPublish interface can be |used, in conjunction with MQSeries Integrator or the MQSeries |Publish/Subscribe facility.

|MQPublish allows users to optionally specify a topic to be associated with |a message. Topics allow a subscriber to more clearly specify the |messages to be accepted. The sequence of steps is as follows: |

  1. |An MQSeries administrator configures MQSeries Integrator publish/subscribe |capabilities.
  2. |Interested applications subscribe to subscription points defined by the |MQSI configuration, optionally specifying topics of interest to them. |Each subscriber selects relevant topics, and can also utilize the |content-based subscription techniques of MQSeries Integrator V2. It is |important to note that queues, as represented by service names, define the |subscriber.
  3. |A DB2 application publishes a message to the service point Weather. |The messages indicates that the weather is Sleet with a topic of Austin, thus |notifying interested subscribers that the weather in Austin is Sleet.
  4. |The mechanics of actually publishing the message are handled by the |MQSeries functions provided by DB2. The message is sent to MQSeries |Integrator using the service named Weather.
  5. |MQSI accepts the message from the Weather service, performs any processing |defined by the MQSI configuration, and determines which subscriptions it |satisfies. MQSI then forwards the message to the subscriber queues |whose criteria it meets.
  6. |Applications that have subscribed to the Weather service, and registered |an interest in Austin will receive the message Sleet in their |receiving service. |

|To publish this data using all the defaults and a null topic, you would |use the following statement:

|Example 21:


|Fully specifying all the parameters and simplifying the message to contain |only the LASTNAME the statement would look like:

|Example 22:


|This statement publishes messages to the HR_INFO_PUB publication service |using the SPECIAL_POLICY service. The messages indicate that the sender |is the MANAGER topic. The topic string demonstrates that multiple |topics, concatenated using a ':' can be specified. In |this example, the use of two topics allows subscribers to register for either |ALL_EMP or just 5LGA to receive these messages.

|To receive published messages, you must first register your interest in |messages containing a given topic and indicate the name of the subscriber |service that messages should be sent to. It is important to note that |an AMI subscriber service defines a broker service and a receiver |service. The broker service is how the subscriber communicates with the |publish/subscribe broker and the receiver service is where messages matching |the subscription request will be sent. The following statement |registers an interest in the topic ALL_EMP.

|Example 23:

|DB2MQ.MQSUBSCRIBE('aSubscriber', 'ALL_EMP')

|Once an application has subscribed, messages published with the topic |ALL_EMP will be forwarded to the receiver service defined by the subscriber |service. An application can have multiple concurrent |subscriptions. To obtain the messages that meet your subscription, any |of the standard message retrieval functions can be used. For instance |if the subscriber service aSubscriber defines the receiver service to be |aSubscriberReceiver then the following statement will non-destructively read |the first message:

|Example 24:


|To determine both the messages and the topics that they were published |under, you would use one of the table functions. The following |statement would receive the first five messages from aSubscriberReceiver and |display both the message and the topic:

|Example 25:

|SELECT t.msg, t.topic FROM table (DB2MQ.MQRECEIVEALL('aSubscriberReceiver',5)) t

|To read all of the messages with the topic ALL_EMP, you can leverage the |power of SQL to issue:

|Example 26:

|SELECT t.msg FROM table (DB2MQ.MQREADALL('aSubscriberReceiver')) t 
|   WHERE t.topic = 'ALL_EMP'
It is important to realize that if MQRECEIVEALL is used with a constraint |then the entire queue will be consumed, not just those messages published with |topic ALL_EMP. This is because the table function is performed before |the constraint is applied. |

|When you are no longer interested in subscribing to a particular topic you |must explicitly unsubscribe using a statement such as:

|Example 27:


|Once this statement is issued the publish/subscribe broker will no longer |deliver messages matching this subscription.

|Automated Publication

|Another important technique in database messaging is automated |publication. Using the trigger facility within DB2, you can |automatically publish messages as part of a trigger invocation. While |other techniques exist for automated data publication, the trigger-based |approach allows administrators or developers great freedom in constructing the |message content and flexibility in defining the trigger actions. As |with any use of triggers, attention must be paid to the frequency and cost of |execution. The following examples demonstrate how triggers may be used |with the MQSeries DB2 Functions.

|The example below shows how easy it is to publish a message each time a new |employee is hired. Any users or applications subscribing to the |HR_INFO_PUB service with a registered interest in NEW_EMP will receive a |message containing the date, name and department of each new employee.

|Example 28:

|      current date || ' ' || LASTNAME || ' ' || DEPARTMENT)

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