Release Notes

|12.4 db2inidb - Initialize a Mirrored Database

|The description of the RELOCATE USING configfile parameter should |appear as follows:

|Specifies that the database files are to be relocated based on the |information listed in the configuration file prior to initializing the |database as a snapshot, standby or mirror.

For information on the format of the configuration file, see the Data |Movement Utilities Guide and Reference. |

|12.4.1 Usage Information

|If the RELOCATE USING configfile parameter is specified and the |database is relocated successfully, then the configuration file is copied into |the database directory and renamed db2path.cfg. |During any subsequent crash recoveries or rollfoward recoveries, this |configuration file is used to dynamically rename the container paths during |the log file processing.

|If you initialize a snapshot or a mirror database, then the configuration |file is removed automatically after the recovery completes. If you |initialize a standby database, then the configuration file is not only removed |after the recovery completes but is also removed if you cancel the recovery |process.

|If you are working with a standby database that you are keeping in the |pending state so that you can continually roll it forward, and you add new |containers to the original database, then you can manually update the |db2path.cfg file to indicate where the containers should be |stored for the standby database. If you do not specify a location for |the new containers, then DB2 will attempt to store them in the same location |as the originals.

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