
|40.4 JDBC Driver Support for Additional Methods

|CallableStatement.getBlob() and CallableStatement.getClob()

|The JDBC driver now supports the methods CallableStatement.getBlob() and |CallableStatement.getClob(). Since DB2 does not support LOB locators in stored |procedure parameters, enough system memory must be available to hold the maximum |possible size of your LOB data, the value specified in CREATE PROCEDURE. An |out of memory exception will result if there is not sufficient memory.

|This support is unavailable for uncataloged stored procedures.

|Statement.setFetchSize(int rows) and ResultSet.setFetchSize(int rows)

|The JDBC driver now supports Statement.setFetchSize(int rows) and ResultSet.setFetchSize(int |rows). These methods can now be used to improve ResultSet performance with |the Type-3 (or "net") driver.

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