Important Note:

The following special instructions are only needed if you have FixPak 1a installed on your machine, and you are using the Windows operating system.

1.  Unzip the DB2 FixPak 4a file (For example: FP4a_WR21338_ESE.exe ) to a temporary Directory (x:\ESE).

2.  Download the patches from ( ) to a temporary location.

3.  There are two zip files from this download site; and
   	(For example, For ESE product, you just need to download the file)

4.  Unzip the corresponding zip file to another temporary directory (x:\DB2PATCH). 

5.  Copy the DB2.msp and wininst.exe from x:\DB2PATCH\db2\windows directory to the FixPak 4a x:\ESE\db2\windows directory.  Click ‘OK’ to replace the existing files.

6.  Run setup.exe from the FixPak location to install the files

What error will I get if I do not apply this install patch?

	If you have DB2 UDB FixPak 1a installed and you executed setup.exe from the FP4a_WR21338_ESE.exe without the patch.  Your installation will fail with the error message 1723.