
|43.9 GRAPHIC type and DATE/TIME/TIMESTAMP compatibility

|In the following sections, references to datetime values having "character |string" representations have been changed to "string" representations. DB2 |now supports, for Unicode databases only, "graphic string" representations |of datetime values.

|43.9.1 String representations of datetime values


|Values whose data types are DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP are represented |in an internal form that is transparent to the user. Date, time, and timestamp |values can, however, also be represented by strings. This is useful because |there are no constants or variables whose data types are DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP. |Before it can be retrieved, a datetime value must be assigned to a string |variable. The CHAR function or the GRAPHIC function (for Unicode databases |only) can be used to change a datetime value to a string representation. The string |representation is normally the default format of datetime values associated |with the country/region code of the database, unless overridden by specification |of the DATETIME option when the program is precompiled or bound to the database.

|No matter what its length, a large object string, a LONG VARCHAR |value, or a LONG VARGRAPHIC value cannot be used to represent a datetime value |(SQLSTATE 42884).

|When a valid string representation of a datetime value is used in an operation |with an internal datetime value, the string representation is converted to |the internal form of the date, time, or timestamp value before the operation |is performed.

|Date, time and timestamp strings must contain only characters and digits.

| Date strings, time strings, and datetime strings

|The definitions of these terms have been changed slightly. References to |"character string" representations have been changed to "string" representations.

|43.9.2 Casting between data types

|DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP can now be cast to GRAPHIC and VARGRAPHIC. GRAPHIC |and VARGRAPHIC can now be cast to DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP. Graphic string |support is only available for Unicode databases.

|43.9.3 Assignments and comparisons

|There is now data type compatibility for assignments and comparisons between |graphic strings and DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP values. Graphic string support |is only available for Unicode databases.

|43.9.4 Datetime assignments


|The basic rule for datetime assignments is that a DATE, TIME, |or TIMESTAMP value can only be assigned to a column with a matching data type |(whether DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP) or to a fixed- or varying-length string |variable or string column. The assignment must not be to a LONG VARCHAR, CLOB, |LONG VARGRAPHIC, DBCLOB, or BLOB variable or column. | |

|When a datetime value is assigned to a string variable or |string column, conversion to a string representation is automatic. Leading |zeros are not omitted from any part of the date, time, or timestamp. The required |length of the target will vary, depending on the format of the string representation. |If the length of the target is greater than required, and the target is a |fixed-length string, it is padded on the right with blanks. If the length |of the target is less than required, the result depends on the type of datetime value |involved, and on the type of target.

|When the target is a host variable, the following rules apply: |

|43.9.5 DATE

| | |

|The schema is SYSIBM.

|The DATE function returns a date from a value.

|The argument must be a date, timestamp, a positive number |less than or equal to 3 652 059, a valid string representation |of a date or timestamp, or a string of length 7 that is not a LONG VARCHAR, |CLOB, LONG VARGRAPHIC, DBCLOB, or BLOB.

|Only Unicode databases support an argument that is a graphic |string representation of a date or a timestamp.

|If the argument is a string of length 7, it must represent |a valid date in the form yyyynnn, where yyyy are digits |denoting a year, and nnn are digits between 001 and 366, denoting |a day of that year.

|The result of the function is a date. If the argument can be null, the |result can be null; if the argument is null, the result is the null value.

|The other rules depend on the data type of the argument: |


|Assume that the column RECEIVED (timestamp) has an internal value equivalent |to '1988-12-25-'. |

|43.9.6 GRAPHIC

| | |
|                                   '-,--integer-'

|The schema is SYSIBM.

|The GRAPHIC function returns a GRAPHIC representation of a |graphic string type or a GRAPHIC representation of a datetime type. |

|An expression that returns a value that is a |graphic string.

|An integer value specifying the length attribute of the resulting GRAPHIC |data type. The value must be between 1 and 127. If integer is not |specified, the length of the result is the same as the length of the first |argument. |

|The result of the function is a GRAPHIC. If the argument can be null, the |result can be null; if the argument is null, the result is the null value.

|Datetime to Graphic:

|                                    '-,--+-ISO---+-'
|                                         +-USA---+
|                                         +-EUR---+
|                                         +-JIS---+
|                                         '-LOCAL-'

|Datetime to Graphic

|An expression that is one of the following three data types


|The result is the graphic string representation of the date in the format |specified by the second argument. The length of the result is 10. An error |occurs if the second argument is specified and is not a valid value (SQLSTATE |42703).

|The result is the graphic string representation of the time in the format |specified by the second argument. The length of the result is 8. An error |occurs if the second argument is specified and is not a valid value (SQLSTATE |42703).

|The second argument is not applicable and must not be specified (SQLSTATE |42815). The result is the graphic string representation of the timestamp. |The length of the result is 26. |

|The code page of the string is the code page of the database at the |application server. |


|43.9.7 TIME

| | | | | |

|The schema is SYSIBM.

|The TIME function returns a time from a value.

|The argument must be a time, timestamp, or a valid string |representation of a time or timestamp that is not a LONG VARCHAR, CLOB, LONG |VARGRAPHIC, DBCLOB, or BLOB.

|Only Unicode databases support an argument that is a graphic |string representation of a time or a timestamp.

|The result of the function is a time. If the argument can be null, the |result can be null; if the argument is null, the result is the null value.

|The other rules depend on the data type of the argument: |

|Example: |


| | | | | |
|                             '-,expression-'

|The schema is SYSIBM.

|The TIMESTAMP function returns a timestamp from a value or a pair of values.

|Only Unicode databases support an argument that is a graphic |string representation of a date, a time, or a timestamp.

|The rules for the arguments depend on whether the second argument is specified. |

|The result of the function is a timestamp. If either argument can be null, |the result can be null; if either argument is null, the result is the null |value.

|The other rules depend on whether the second argument is specified: |

|Example: |


| | | | | | | |

|Character to Vargraphic:


|Datetime to Vargraphic:


|Graphic to Vargraphic:

|                                             '-,--integer-'

|The schema is SYSIBM.

|The VARGRAPHIC function returns a graphic string representation of a: |

|The result of the function is a varying length graphic string (VARGRAPHIC |data type). If the first argument can be null, the result can be null; if |the first argument is null, the result is the null value.

|Character to Vargraphic

|An expression whose value must be of a character string data type other |than LONG VARCHAR or CLOB, and whose maximum length must not be greater than |16 336 bytes. |

|The length attribute of the result is equal to the length attribute of |the argument.

|Let S denote the value of the character-string-expression. Each |single-byte character in S is converted to its equivalent double-byte representation |or to the double-byte substitution character in the result; each double-byte |character in S is mapped 'as-is'. If the first byte of a double-byte character |appears as the last byte of S, it is converted into the double-byte substitution |character. The sequential order of the characters in S is preserved.

|The following are additional considerations for the conversion. |

|Datetime to Vargraphic

|An expression whose value must be of the DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP data |type. |

|Graphic to Vargraphic

|An expression that returns a value that is a graphic string.

|The length attribute for the resulting varying length graphic string. |The value must be between 0 and 16 336. If this argument is not |specified, the length of the result is the same as the length of the argument. |

|If the length of the graphic-string-expression is greater than |the length attribute of the result, truncation is performed and a warning |is returned (SQLSTATE 01004), unless the truncated characters were all blanks |and the graphic-string-expression was not a long string (LONG VARGRAPHIC |or DBCLOB).

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