
41.3 Limitations of JDBC/ODBC/CLI Static Profiling

JDBC/ODBC/CLI static profiling currently targets straightforward applications. It is not meant for complex applications with many functional components and complex program logic during execution.

An SQL statement must have successfully executed for it to be captured in a profiling session. In a statement matching session, unmatched dynamic statements will continue to execute as dynamic JDBC/ODBC/CLI calls.

An SQL statement must be identical character-by-character to the one that was captured and bound to be a valid candidate for statement matching. Spaces are significant: for example, "COL = 1" is considered different than "COL=1". Use parameter markers in place of literals to improve match hits.

When executing an application with pre-bound static SQL statements, dynamic registers that control the dynamic statement behavior will have no effect on the statements that are converted to static.

If an application issues DDL statements for objects that are referenced in subsequent DML statements, you will find all of these statements in the capture file. The JDBC/ODBC/CLI Static Profiling Bind Tool will attempt to bind them. The bind attempt will be successful with DBMSs that support the VALIDATE(RUN) bind option, but it fail with ones that do not. In this case, the application should not use Static Profiling.

The Database Administrator may edit the capture file to add, change, or remove SQL statements, based on application-specific requirements.

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