


  • Administration Guide (無中文版)
  • |7.1 Update Available
  • Administration Guide: Planning (無中文版)
  • |8.1 Chapter 8. Physical Database Design
  • |8.1.1 Table Space Design Considerations
  • | Optimizing Table Space Performance when Data is Place on Raid
  • |8.1.2 Partitioning Keys
  • 8.2 Appendix D. Incompatibilities Between Releases
  • |8.2.1 Error SQL30081N Not Returned When Lost Connection Is Detected
  • |8.2.2 Export Utility Requires FixPak 7 or Later to Properly Handle Identity Attributes
  • 8.3 Appendix E. National Language Support (NLS)
  • |8.3.1 Country/Region Code and Code Page Support
  • |8.3.2 Import/Export/Load Considerations -- Restrictions for Code Pages 1394 and 5488
  • |8.3.3 Datetime Values
  • | String Representations of Datetime Values
  • | Date Strings
  • | Time Strings
  • | Time Stamp Strings
  • | Character Set Considerations
  • | Date and Time Formats
  • |Administration Guide: Implementation (無中文版)
  • |9.1 New Method for Specifying DMS containers on Windows 2000 and Later Systems
  • |9.2 Example for Extending Control Center
  • |Administration Guide: Performance (無中文版)
  • |10.1 System Temporary Table Schemas
  • |10.2 Chapter 8. Operational Performance
  • |10.2.1 Block- Based Buffer Pool
  • | Block-based Buffer Pool Examples
  • |10.3 Chapter 10. Scaling Your Configuration Through Adding Processors
  • |10.3.1 Problems When Adding Nodes to a Partitioned Database
  • |10.4 Chapter 13. Configuring DB2
  • |10.4.1 Log Archive Completion Now Checked More Frequently
  • |10.5 DB2 Registry and Environment Variables
  • |10.5.1 Corrections to Performance Variables
  • |10.5.2 New Parameters for Registry Variable DB2BPVARS
  • |10.5.3 Corrections and Additions to Miscellaneous Registry Variables
  • |10.5.4 Corrections and Additions to General Registry Variables
  • |Administering Satellites Guide and Reference (無中文版)
  • |11.1 Setting up Version 7.2 DB2 Personal Edition and DB2 Workgroup Edition as Satellites
  • |11.1.1 Prerequisites
  • | Installation Considerations
  • |11.1.2 Configuring the Version 7.2 System for Synchronization
  • |11.1.3 Installing FixPak 2 or Higher on a Version 6 Enterprise Edition System
  • | Upgrading Version 6 DB2 Enterprise Edition for Use as the DB2 Control Server
  • |11.1.4 Upgrading a Version 6 控制中心 and 衛星管理中心
  • |Command Reference (無中文版)
  • |12.1 Update Available
  • |12.2 db2updv7 - Update Database to Version 7 Current Fix Level
  • |12.3 Additional Context for ARCHIVE LOG Usage Note
  • |12.4 REBIND
  • |Missing value
  • |12.5 db2inidb - Initialize a Mirrored Database
  • |12.5.1 Usage Information
  • |12.6 db2relocatedb (new command)
  • |db2relocatedb - Relocate Database
  • |12.7 db2move
  • |Database Movement Tool
  • |12.8 Additional Option in the GET ROUTINE Command
  • |Data Recovery and High Availability Guide and Reference (無中文版)
  • |13.1 Data Recovery and High Availability Guide and Reference Available Online
  • |13.2 New Archive Logging Behavior
  • |13.3 How to Use Suspended I/O for Database Recovery
  • |13.4 New Backup and Restore Behavior When LOGRETAIN=CAPTURE
  • |13.5 Incremental Backup and Recovery - Additional Information
  • |13.6 NEWLOGPATH2 Now Called DB2_NEWLOGPATH2
  • |13.7 Choosing a Backup Method for DB2 Data Links Manager on AIX or Solaris Operating Environment
  • |13.8 Tivoli Storage Manager -- LAN Free Data Transfer
  • Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference (無中文版)
  • |14.1 Extended Identity Values Now Fully Supported by Export Utility
  • |14.2 Change to LOB File Handling by Export, Import, and Load
  • |14.2.1 IXF Considerations
  • |14.3 Code Page Support for Import, Export and Load Utilities
  • 14.4 Chapter 2. Import
  • 14.4.1 Using Import with Buffered Inserts
  • 14.5 Chapter 3. Load
  • 14.5.1 Pending States After a Load Operation
  • 14.5.2 Load Restrictions and Limitations
  • 14.5.3 totalfreespace File Type Modifier
  • 14.6 Chapter 4. AutoLoader
  • 14.6.1 rexecd Required to Run AutoLoader When Authentication Set to YES
  • 14.7 AutoLoader May Hang During a Fork on AIX Systems Prior to 4.3.3
  • 14.8 Appendix C. Export/Import/Load Utility File Formats
  • Replication 指南與參考手冊
  • 15.1 抄寫及非 IBM 伺服器
  • 15.2 在 Windows 2000 上的抄寫
  • |15.3 儲存 SQL 檔案時的已知錯誤
  • |15.4 DB2 維護
  • |15.5 Web 上的 Data Difference Utility
  • 15.6 第 3 章. 資料抄寫實務範例
  • 15.6.1 抄寫實務
  • 15.7 第 5 章. 抄寫規劃
  • 15.7.1 表格及直欄名稱
  • 15.7.2 DATALINK 抄寫
  • 15.7.3 LOB 限制
  • 15.7.4 規劃抄寫
  • 15.8 第 6 章. 設定抄寫環境
  • 15.8.1 隨處更新 (Update-anywhere) 先決條件
  • 15.8.2 設定抄寫環境
  • 15.9 第 8 章 問題判斷
  • 15.10 第 9 章 AS/400 的擷取程式和引用程式
  • 15.11 第 10 章 OS/390 的擷取程式和引用程式
  • |15.11.1 DB2 DataPropagator for OS/390 的先決條件
  • |15.11.2 OS/390 上的 UNICODE 和 ASCII 編碼方法
  • | 選擇編碼方法
  • | 設定編碼方法
  • 15.12 第 11 章 UNIX 平台的擷取程式和引用程式
  • |15.12.1 在 UNIX 和 Windows 上設定「擷取程式」和「引用程式」的環境變數
  • 15.13 第 14 章 表格結構
  • 15.14 第 15 章 擷取程式和引用程式訊息
  • 15.15 附錄 A. 從應用程式內啟動擷取程式和引用程式
  • System Monitor Guide and Reference (無中文版)
  • 16.1 db2ConvMonStream
  • Troubleshooting Guide (無中文版)
  • 17.1 Starting DB2 on Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows ME When the User Is Not Logged On
  • |17.2 Chapter 1. Good Troubleshooting Practices
  • |17.2.1 Problem Analysis and Environment Collection Tool
  • | Collection Outputs
  • | Viewing detailed_system_info.html
  • | Viewing DB2 Support Tool Syntax One Page at a Time
  • |17.3 Chapter 2. Troubleshooting the DB2 Universal Database Server
  • |17.4 Chapter 8. Troubleshooting DB2 Data Links Manager
  • |17.5 Chapter 15. Logged Information
  • |17.5.1 Gathering Stack Traceback Information on UNIX-Based Systems
  • 在 64 位元的平台上使用 DB2 Universal Database
  • 18.1 第 5 章 架構
  • 18.1.1 LOCKLIST
  • 18.1.2 shmsys:shminfo_shmmax
  • 18.2 第 6 章 限制
  • XML Extender Administration and Programming (無中文版)

  • |MQSeries
  • |20.1 DB2 MQSeries 函數的安裝與架構
  • |20.1.1 安裝 MQSeries
  • |20.1.2 安裝 MQSeries AMI
  • |20.1.3 啟用 DB2 MQSeries Function
  • |20.2 MQSeries 傳訊樣式
  • |20.3 訊息結構
  • |20.4 MQSeries 功能概觀
  • |20.4.1 限制
  • |20.4.2 錯誤碼
  • |20.5 用法實務手冊
  • |20.5.1 基本傳訊
  • |20.5.2 傳送訊息
  • |20.5.3 擷取訊息
  • |20.5.4 應用程式對應用程式連接
  • | Request/Reply 通信
  • | 發佈/訂閱
  • |20.6 enable_MQFunctions
  • |enable_MQFunctions
  • |20.7 disable_MQFunctions
  • |disable_MQFunctions

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