DB2  Version 8 FixPak 5a  Readme


1)  Readme for IBM(R) DB2 Universal Database(TM) Version 8 FixPak 5a for 
    AIX(R), Solaris Operating Environments, HP-UX, and Linux
    1a)  About this readme
    1b)  Who should read this readme file
    1c)  How to get help
         1c.i)  IBM FTP server
    1d)  PTF information
    1e)  Supported products and components by operating system
    1f)  Prerequisites
    1g)  Updated patch levels -- servers
    1h)  Updated patch levels -- clients
    1i)  Prior to installing DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a
         1i.i)  Setting up Version 8 FixPak 5a (Solaris Operating 
                Environments, AIX 4.3.3, and AIX 5L)
         1i.ii)  Data Warehouse functionality (Linux, AIX, and Solaris 
                 Operating Environments)
    1j)  Installing DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a
    1k)  Installation of a FixPak or a modification level from a 
         directory path
    1l)  Applying a FixPak or a modification level for Data Links 
         Manager (AIX)
    1m)  Applying a FixPak or a modification level for Data Links 
         Manager (Solaris Operating Environments)
    1n)  After installation
         1n.i)  Updating instances to use the new level of DB2
         1n.ii)  Restarting the instances
         1n.iii)  Re-binding bind files
         1n.iv)  Uninstalling FixPaks or modification levels on Linux or
    1o)  Known problems and workarounds (Version 8 FixPak 5a)
         1o.i)  Differences between SNA and TCP/IP when using DB2 
         1o.ii)  Failures when reporting a successful login during a 
                 connect (AIX)
         1o.iii)  SQL limits
    1p)  Known problems and workarounds (prior to Version 8 FixPak 5a)
         1p.i)  Recommended application server for deploying DB2 Web 
         1p.ii)  DB2 Setup Wizard appears not to run using Exceed 
         1p.iii)  DB2 Data Links Manager installation when DB2 
                  Enterprise Server Edition already installed
         1p.iv)  Loss of Control Center functionality
2)  Notices

1)  Readme for IBM(R) DB2 Universal Database(TM) Version 8 FixPak 5a for 
          AIX(R), Solaris Operating Environments, HP-UX, and Linux

1a)  About this readme

DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a is a FixPak, not a modification level. APAR fixes
are included in FixPaks. APARs and new functionality are included in
modification levels.

DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a is the sixth ship vehicle for DB2 Version 8.
Previous ship vehicles include: Version 8 FixPak 1, Version 8.1.2,
Version 8 FixPak 3, Version 8.1.4, Version 8.1.5, and now Version 8 FixPak 5a.
All ship vehicles are cumulative in nature.

Set the font to monospace to better view this file.

Note: If you have received special fixes from IBM support, you must
      contact IBM support before you install DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a to
      check if you need an updated version of the special fixes. This
      helps ensure that your system is in a consistent state and that no
      special fixes are lost.

1b)  Who should read this readme file

The information in this readme file should be read by database
administrators who plan to upgrade their earlier level of DB2(R) Version
8 to Version 8 FixPak 5a. This readme file contains operating system
specific information about the latest changes and known problems and
workarounds for DB2 UDB.

This readme file contains DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a information for all
Linux and UNIX(R) operating systems supported by DB2 Version 8. Specific
information for each supported operating system is described in separate
sections of this readme. Unless otherwise specified, the instructions
are applicable to all supported operating systems.

Users of DB2 Information Integrator can access the latest information at
http://www.ibm.com/software/data/integration/db2ii, including product
documentation and product Release Notes.

1c)  How to get help

Web-based support for DB2 products, including documentation, and APAR
information is provided at 
*  http://www.ibm.com/software/data/db2/udb/winos2unix/support

The main Usenet newsgroup for DB2 product-related questions is

To contact DB2 Customer Service by phone:
*  In Canada and the United States, call 1-800-IBM-SERV (426-7378).
*  Worldwide, see the Directory of worldwide contacts for information on
   IBM offices in your country or region, at

For additional information about changes to the product, review the
product Release Notes after you have installed DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a: 

  AIX                   | /usr/opt/db2_08_01/Readme/%L/Release.Notes
  HP-UX, Linux, and     | /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1/Readme/%L/Release.Notes
  Solaris Operating     |
  Environment           |

where %L represents the locale name.

You can also view the latest product Release Notes without installing
DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a by going to the DB2 Support Web site:
*  http://www.ibm.com/software/data/db2/udb/winos2unix/support

      1. You can review the Release Notes directly from the DB2 Version
         8 FixPak 5a CD-ROM without either installing them or going to
         the IBM Web site. The Release Notes can be found at
         /doc/%L/db2ir/index.htm, where %L represents the locale name.
      2. The DB2 Information Integrator Version 8 Release Notes are
         located at http://www.ibm.com/software/data/integration/db2ii.
      3. The DB2 Query Patroller Release Notes are located at

1c.i)  IBM FTP server

DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a can be downloaded from the IBM anonymous FTP
server at ftp.software.ibm.com.  Go to ps/products/db2/fixes/%L/peoplesoft/%P/ 
*  %L represents the appropriate locale; for example, english-us,
   spanish, german.
*  %P represents the supported operating system name and version.

The following table details the supported languages for DB2 FixPaks that
are available from the FTP site.

| Operati | DB2 Administration   | DB2 Application         | DB2     |
| ng      | Client               | Development Client      | Run-Tim |
| System  |                      |                         | e       |
|         |                      |                         | Client  |
| AIX 5L  |  * SBCS (English,    |  * SBCS (English,       | All     |
| (32-    | Brazilian            | Brazilian Portuguese,   | support |
| and     | Portuguese, Danish,  | Danish, Finnish,        | ed      |
| 64-bit) | Finnish, French,     | French, German,         | languag |
|         | German, Italian,     | Italian, Norwegian,     | es are  |
|         | Norwegian, Spanish,  | Spanish, and Swedish)   | in one  |
|         | and Swedish)         |  * DBCS (English,       | tarred  |
|         |  * DBCS (English,    | Japanese, Korean,       | file    |
|         | Japanese, Korean,    | Simplified Chinese, and |         |
|         | Simplified Chinese,  | Traditional Chinese)    |         |
|         | and Traditional      |                         |         |
|         | Chinese)             |                         |         |
| HP-UX   | All supported        | All supported languages | All     |
| PA-RISC | languages are in one | are in one tarred file  | support |
| 11i     | tarred file          |                         | ed      |
| (32-    |                      |                         | languag |
| and     |                      |                         | es are  |
| 64-bit) |                      |                         | in one  |
| and     |                      |                         | tarred  |
| HP-UX   |                      |                         | file    |
| on IA64 |                      |                         |         |
| Linux   | All supported        | All supported languages | All     |
|         | languages are in one | are in one tarred file  | support |
|         | tarred file          |                         | ed      |
|         |                      |                         | languag |
|         |                      |                         | es are  |
|         |                      |                         | in one  |
|         |                      |                         | tarred  |
|         |                      |                         | file    |
| Solaris | All supported        | All supported languages | All     |
| Operati | languages are in one | are in one tarred file  | support |
| ng      | tarred file          |                         | ed      |
| Environ |                      |                         | languag |
| ments   |                      |                         | es are  |
|         |                      |                         | in one  |
|         |                      |                         | tarred  |
|         |                      |                         | file    |
| Windows | All supported        | All supported languages | All     |
| (R)     | languages are in one | are in one              | support |
|         | self-extracting zip  | self-extracting zip     | ed      |
|         | file                 | file                    | languag |
|         |                      |                         | es are  |
|         |                      |                         | in one  |
|         |                      |                         | self-ex |
|         |                      |                         | tractin |
|         |                      |                         | g zip   |
|         |                      |                         | file    |

1d)  PTF information

The following table details the PTF and VRMF information.

| Operating system                 | PTF                              |
| AIX 5                            | U496793_10565                    |
| Solaris Operating Environment    | U496794_10532                    |
| HP-UX 11i                        | U496795_10534                    |
| HP-UX on IA64                    | U496809_10535                    |
| LINUX (x86, 32-bit)              | MI00069_10533                    |

1e)  Supported products and components by operating system

The following lists show the supported products and components for each
Linux and UNIX operating system:

AIX(R) 5L (32-bit and 64-bit)
         Product list:
         *  DB2 Administration Client, Version 8
         *  DB2 Application Development Client, Version 8
         *  DB2 Connect Application Server Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 Connect Enterprise Unlimited Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 Cube Views, Version 8
         *  DB2 Data Links Manager, Version 8
         *  DB2 HTML Documentation, Version 8
         *  DB2 PDF Documentation, Version 8
         *  DB2 Query Patroller, Version 8
         *  DB2 Run-Time Client, Version 8
         *  DB2 Spatial Extender, Version 8
         *  DB2 UDB Enterprise Server Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 UDB Workgroup Server Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 UDB Workgroup Server Unlimited Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 Warehouse Manager, Version 8
         *  DB2 Warehouse Manager Connectors, Version 8

HP-UX(TM) 11i (32-bit and 64-bit) 
         Product list:
         *  DB2 Administration Client, Version 8
         *  DB2 Connect Application Server Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 HTML Documentation, Version 8
         *  DB2 Query Patroller, Version 8
         *  DB2 PDF Documentation, Version 8
         *  DB2 Run-Time Client, Version 8
         *  DB2 Spatial Extender, Version 8
         *  DB2 UDB Enterprise Server Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 UDB Workgroup Server Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 UDB Workgroup Server Unlimited Edition, Version 8

HP-UX(TM) on IA64 
         Product list:
         *  DB2 Administration Client, Version 8
         *  DB2 Application Development Client, Version 8
         *  DB2 Connect Application Server Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 Run-Time Client, Version 8
         *  DB2 UDB Enterprise Server Edition, Version 8

Linux(TM) (x86, 32-bit)
         Product list:
         *  DB2 Administration Client, Version 8
         *  DB2 Application Development Client, Version 8
         *  DB2 Connect Application Server Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 Connect Personal Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 Cube Views, Version 8
         *  DB2 HTML Documentation, Version 8
         *  DB2 PDF Documentation, Version 8
         *  DB2 Query Patroller, Version 8
         *  DB2 Run-Time Client, Version 8
         *  DB2 Spatial Extender, Version 8
         *  DB2 UDB Enterprise Server Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 UDB Express, Version 8
         *  DB2 UDB Personal Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 UDB Workgroup Server Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 UDB Workgroup Server Unlimited Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 Warehouse Manager, Version 8

Solaris(R) Operating Environments (32-bit and 64-bit)
         Product list:
         *  DB2 Administration Client, Version 8
         *  DB2 Application Development Client, Version 8
         *  DB2 Connect Application Server Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 Cube Views, Version 8
         *  DB2 Data Links Manager, Version 8
         *  DB2 HTML Documentation, Version 8
         *  DB2 PDF Documentation, Version 8
         *  DB2 Query Patroller, Version 8
         *  DB2 Run-Time Client, Version 8
         *  DB2 Spatial Extender, Version 8
         *  DB2 UDB Enterprise Server Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 UDB Workgroup Server Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 UDB Workgroup Server Unlimited Edition, Version 8
         *  DB2 Warehouse Manager, Version 8
         *  DB2 Warehouse Manager Connectors, Version 8

If you add new components after you install DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a, you
need to reinstall DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a to ensure that the newly added
components are updated.

1f)  Prerequisites

Ensure you have reviewed the software, hardware, and operating system
requirements. See the Updated patch levels section and the Release Notes
for the latest information.
*  You must have a DB2 product Version 8 installed at a lower VRMF level
   than DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a before installation.
*  Ensure that you have read the entire contents of this readme.

To determine if the required prerequisites are installed, issue the
appropriate command for your operating system to display information
about the currently installed version of DB2.

| Operat | Command                 | Output to look for               |
| ing    |                         |                                  |
| System |                         |                                  |
| AIX    | lslpp -al               | db2_08_01.client or      |
|        | "db2_08_01.client*"     | later (for AIX 4.3.3)            |
|        |                         |                                  |
|        |                         | db2_08_01.client or      |
|        |                         | later (for AIX 5)                |
|        |                         |                                  |
|        |                         | Sample outputs for DB2 for AIX   |
|        |                         | 4.3.3:                           |
|        |                         | db2_08_01.client         |
|        |                         | COMMITTED ...                    |
|        |                         | COMMITTED ...           |
|        |                         | COMMITTED ...           |
|        |                         |                                  |
|        |                         | Check the largest installation   |
|        |                         | signature that is                |
|        |                         | returned (8.1.0.x) to make sure  |
|        |                         | it is smaller                    |
|        |                         | than the VRMF of the current DB2 |
|        |                         | level.                           |
|        |                         | For AIX 5, the signature looks   |
|        |                         | like 8.1.1.y.                    |
| HP-UX  | swlist -l product       | DB2V8CAE 8.1.0.x [product name]  |
|        | "*DB2*"                 |                                  |
|        |                         | or,                              |
|        |                         |                                  |
|        |                         | PDB2... 8.1.0.x Product Patch    |
|        |                         |                                  |
|        |                         | where x must be smaller than the |
|        |                         | current                          |
|        |                         | level (the 4th digit in VRMF).   |
| Linux  | rpm -qa | grep db2      | db2cliv81-8.1.0-x                |
|        |                         |                                  |
|        |                         | db2cliv81-8.1.1-x on             |
|        |                         | Linux/AMD64.                     |
|        |                         | where x must be smaller than the |
|        |                         | current                          |
|        |                         | level (the 4th digit in VRMF).   |
| Solari | pkginfo -l db2cliv81 |  | VERSION: 8.1.0.x                 |
| s      | grep VERSION            |                                  |
| Operat |                         | where x must be smaller than the |
| ing    |                         | current                          |
| Enviro |                         | level (the 4th digit in VRMF).   |
| nment  |                         |                                  |

1g)  Updated patch levels -- servers

The following lists the updated patch level for DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a

AIX Version 5.1.0 (32-bit and 64-bit)
         With maintenance level 2 or later add APAR IY31080

AIX Version 5.2.0
         To run DB2 on Concurrent I/O (CIO) mounted file systems on AIX
         5.2B, apply APAR IY45707.

HP-UX    HP-UX 11i (11.11) for systems with PA-RISC 2.x (PA-8x00)
         processors with:
         *  December 2001 GOLDBASE11i bundle
         *  December 2001 GOLDAPPS11i bundle
         *  Patches PHSS_26560, PHKL_28489 and PHCO_27434
         *  Patches for Java SDK 1.3.1.  See
            http://www.hp.com/products1/unix/java/patches/index.html for
            required patches.

HP-UX on IA64
         HP-UX 11i v2 (B.11.23) for Itanium(R)-based systems requires
         patch PHKL_30065.

Solaris Operating Environment
         For DB2 on 64-bit Fujitsu PRIMEPOWER systems, you also require:
         *  Solaris 8 Kernel Update Patch 108528-16 or later to get the
            fix for patch 912040-01
         *  Solaris 9 Kernel Update Patch 112233-01 or later to get the
            fix for patch 912041-01.

         The Fujitsu PRIMEPOWER patches for the Solaris Operating
         Environment can be downloaded  from FTSI at:

Linux    No additional patches required.

1h)  Updated patch levels -- clients

The following lists the updated patch level for DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a

         *  Version 4.3.3 (32-bit)
            *  With maintenance level 9 and APARs IY22308 and IY32690;
            *  With maintenance level 10 or later and APAR IY32690

         *  Version 5.1.0 (32-bit or 64-bit)
            *  With maintenance level 2 or later and APARs  IY32905, and
               IY29345; or
            *  With maintenance level 3 or later

HP-UX    HP-UX 11i (11.11) for systems with PA-RISC 2.x (PA-8x00)
         processors with:  
         *  December 2001 GOLDBASE11i bundle
         *  December 2001 GOLDAPPS11i bundle
         *  Patches PHSS_26560, PHCO_27434, and PHKL_28489
         *  Patches for Java SDK 1.3.1.  See
            http://www.hp.com/products1/unix/java/patches/index.html for
            required patches.

HP-UX on IA64
         HP-UX 11i v2 (B.11.23) for Itanium(R)-based systems requires
         patch PHKL_30065.

Solaris Operating Environment
         Solaris Version 7 or later. The following patches are required
         for the Solaris Operating Environment Version 7:
         *  Solaris 7 (32-bit) "Recommended & Security Patches" +
            107226-17 + 107153-01 + 106327-10
         *  Solaris 7 (64-bit) "Recommended & Security Patches" +
            107226-17 + 107153-01 + 106300-11 + 106327-10
         *  Solaris 8 (32-bit) "Recommended & Security Patches" +
            108921-12 + 108940-24 + 108434-03 and 108528-12
         *  Solaris 8 (64-bit) "Recommended & Security Patches" +
            108921-12 + 108940-24 + 108435-03 + 108434-03 and 108528-12
         *  Solaris 9 (32-bit)
         *  Solaris 9 (64-bit)

Linux    No additional patches required.

1i)  Prior to installing DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a

Please read the Known problems and workarounds sections before
installing DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a.

Before starting the installation, ensure all DB2 processes are stopped.

1. Switch to root authority by running the su - root command.
2. Run the following commands for each instance:
       su - iname
       . $HOME/sqllib/db2profile
       db2 force applications all
       db2 terminate
       db2licd -end      # run at each physical node

   where iname represents the instance owner name.

   If you are a hacmp user, you must use the ha_db2stop command to stop
   DB2 instead of the db2stop command. Otherwise, the db2stop command
   triggers a failure event.

3. Run the following commands:
       su - aname
       . $HOME/das/dasprofile
       db2admin stop

   where aname represents the DAS owner name.

4. On AIX, you should also run slibclean to unload unused shared
   libraries from memory before installation:      

5. Stop all instances that are using DB2 Version 8, including the Fault
   Monitor if it exists and is using DB2 Version 8.

1i.i)  Setting up Version 8 FixPak 5a (Solaris Operating Environments, 
          AIX 4.3.3, and AIX 5L)

For Solaris Operating Environments, AIX 4.3.3 and AIX 5L, you need to
have a filesystem with 2 GB of free space to contain the tar.Z file and
the uncompressed installation image, in addition to the disk
requirements of Version 8 FixPak 5a in the installation path.

1i.ii)  Data Warehouse functionality (Linux, AIX, and Solaris Operating 

If you are running Data Warehouse functionality on Linux, for example
the Data Warehouse Agent that comes with some server products, you will
need to back up your /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1/bin/IWH.environment. If you have
this file, back it up before applying DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a.

On AIX and Solaris, you should back up the same file (for AIX, this file
is found in /usr/opt/db2_08_01/bin/IWH.environment).

1j)  Installing DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a

Ensure that your system has met all of the installation prerequisites
including operating system patches prior to the installation of DB2
Version 8 FixPak 5a. This action will prevent technical problems that
might occur after the installation and configuration of DB2.
Installation prerequisites are found in either the Installation Notes or
the Information Center.

Please read the Known problems and workarounds sections before
installing DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a.


The following restrictions apply when installing DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a:
*  DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a for AIX 5 can only be applied on AIX 5.
*  On AIX, the installFixPak script provides installation prerequisite
   checking that is not provided when you install DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a
   using SMIT or installp. Using SMIT is still supported, but
   installFixPak is the only method documented in this readme. For
   instructions on using SMIT, see your AIX manuals. It is strongly
   recommended that you use the installFixPak script to install DB2
   Version 8 FixPak 5a.
*  For DB2 Version 8 for HP-UX on IA64,  do not use the SAM utility to
   install the FixPak. The only supported method to apply the FixPak is
   to run the installFixPak command delivered with the current FixPak
*  On Linux, once you have installed DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a, you cannot
   uninstall it and return to the previous DB2 level.


To install DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a:
1. Change to the directory in which the installation image is located.
2. Enter the ./installFixPak command to launch the installation.

Note: By default, the installFixPak command will commit all of the
      updated file sets on AIX.

On AIX, if you do not wish to commit the updates, you should issue the
installFixPak command with the -a option (for "apply" as opposed to
"commit") as follows:

   ./installFixPak -a

1k)  Installation of a FixPak or a modification level from a directory 

When you download and untar a FixPak or a modification level, make sure
that there are no spaces in your directory path where the file was
located. If there are spaces in your directory path the installation
will fail. For example, make sure your directory path resembles the

/home/DB2FixPak/FP5a/ ...

It should not resemble the following:

/home/DB2 FixPak/FP5a/ ...

1l)  Applying a FixPak or a modification level for Data Links Manager 

To apply a fixpak or a modification level for Data Links Manager on AIX:
1. As the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator, bring down the DB2 Data
   Links Manager by running the following commands: 
      dlfm stop
      dlfm stopdbm

   Ensure that there are no DB2 or DLFM processes remaining.
2. As root, unmount each dlfs filesystem (filesystems controlled by the
   DB2 Data Links Manager) by running the following command:
      umount /filesystem_name

   where /filesystem_name represents the name of the dlfs filesystem
   which you want to unmount.
3. As root, unload the DLFS device driver by running the following
      strload -uf /usr/opt/db2_08_01/cfg/dlfs_cfg

4. Install the fixpak or the modification level.
5. After successful installation of the fixpak or the modification
   level, as root, update the Data Links Manager instance by running the
   following command: 
      /usr/opt/db2_08_01/instance/dlfmupdt dlm_instance_name

   where dlm_instance_name represents the name of the DB2 Data Links
   Manager Administrator.
6. As root, load the DLFS device driver by running the following
      strload -f /usr/opt/db2_08_01/cfg/dlfs_cfg

7. As root, mount each of the DLFS filesystems by running the following
      mount -v dlfs /filesystem_name

8. As the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator, run the following
   commands to bring up the DB2 Data Links Manager:
      dlfm bind
      dlfm start

1m)  Applying a FixPak or a modification level for Data Links Manager 
          (Solaris Operating Environments)

To apply a fixpak or a modification level for Data Links Manager on
Solaris Operating Environments:
1. As the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator, bring down the DB2 Data
   Links Manager by running the following commands: 
      dlfm stop
      dlfm stopdbm

   Ensure that there are no DB2 or DLFM processes remaining.
2. As root, unmount each dlfs filesystem (filesystems controlled by the
   DB2 Data Links Manager) by running the following command:
      umount /filesystem_name

   where /filesystem_name represents the name of the dlfs filesystem
   which you want to unmount.
3. As root, unload the DLFS device driver by running the following
      rem_drv dlfsdrv

4. Install the fixpak or the modification level.
5. After successful installation of the fixpak or the modification
   level, as root, update the Data Links Manager instance by running the
   following command: 
      /opt/IBMdb2/V8.1/instance/dlfmupdt dlm_instance_name

   where dlm_instance_name represents the name of the DB2 Data Links
   Manager Administrator.
6. As root, load the DLFS device driver by running the following
      add_drv -m '* 0777 dlfm dlfmgrp' dlfsdrv

7. As root, mount each of the DLFS filesystems by running the following
      mount -v dlfs /filesystem_name

8. As the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator, run the following
   commands to bring up the DB2 Data Links Manager:
      dlfm bind
      dlfm start

1n)  After installation

1n.i)  Updating instances to use the new level of DB2

This is mandatory. All instances must be updated after a new level of
DB2 is installed.

You need to be logged on as root to update the instances.  For each
instance, issue the command:        

   INSTHOME/instance/db2iupdt iname

 where iname represents the instance name and INSTHOME represents the
installation directory appropriate to your operating system.

Run the dasupdt command if the database administration server (DAS)
instance exists and is a DB2 Version 8 DAS instance. To update the DAS
instance, issue the command:   

    INSTHOME/instance/dasupdt dasname 

 where dasname represents the DAS owner name and INSTHOME represents the
installation directory appropriate to your operating system.

For more information on the db2iupdt or dasupdt commands, run these
commands with the -h option.

1n.ii)  Restarting the instances

To restart an instance:
1. Log in as the instance owner and enter the db2start command.
2. Repeat for each instance.

To restart the administration server, log in as the DAS owner and run
the db2admin start command.

1n.iii)  Re-binding bind files

You need to bind your DB2 utilities against all your databases after
installation.  This step is necessary for the fixes to complete the
installation and ensure that the right code level is used.  The
procedure of binding, which follows, needs to be performed only once per

Re-binding to DB2 UDB databases

After applying fixes, you must do one of the following command

At a command prompt, enter:
       db2 terminate
       db2 CONNECT TO <dbname>
       db2 BIND <path>/@db2ubind.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC
       db2 BIND <path>/@db2cli.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC
       db2 terminate

At the DB2 command line, enter:
       CONNECT TO <dbname>
       BIND <path>/@db2ubind.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC
       BIND <path>/@db2cli.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC

Where <dbname> represents the name of a database to which the utilities
should be bound, and where <path> represents the full path name of the
directory where the bind files are located, such as $HOME/sqllib/bnd
where $HOME represents the home directory of the instance for the
database server.  db2ubind.lst and db2cli.lst contain lists of required
bind files used by DB2 UDB.

Re-binding host databases

If you are connecting to host databases, you also need to bind the new
bind files to the host.  Use the DB2 Command Line Processor to connect
to the host database and bind the utilities as follows:

  ======= ===================================================

See "Binding Applications and Utilities" in the DB2 Connect User's Guide
for a list of bind files that are used for your specific client
operating system.  If a bind file changes and your clients do not use
that bind file, you do not need to bind it.

Re-binding specific packages

If you want to bind only a specific .bnd file to the database, issue one
of the following command sequences for each database.

At a command prompt, enter:
       db2 terminate
       db2 CONNECT TO <dbname>
       db2 BIND <path>/<bind_file> BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC sqlerror continue
       db2 terminate

At the DB2 command line, enter:
       CONNECT TO <dbname>
       BIND <path>/<bind_file> BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC sqlerror continue

where <bind_file> represents the name of the bind file, and <dbname>
represents the name of your database.

Binding database utilities using the Run-Time Client

The Run-Time Client cannot be used to bind the database utilities
(import, export, reorg, the Command Line Processor) and DB2 CLI bind
files. You must use the DB2 Administration Client or the DB2 Application
Development Client instead.

You must bind the database utilities (import, export, reorg, the Command
Line Processor) and DB2 CLI bind files to each database before they can
be used with that database. In a network environment, if you are using
multiple clients that run on different operating systems or that are at
different DB2 version or service levels, you must bind the utilities
once for each operating system and DB2 client-version combination.

Bind db2schema.bnd to existing databases

After installation on the server, an additional bind file needs to be
bound to existing databases. This requirement does not apply to clients.


To bind db2schema.bnd on the server, execute one of these command

At a command prompt:
        db2 terminate
        db2 CONNECT TO <dbname>
        db2 BIND <path>/db2schema.bnd BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC sqlerror continue
        db2 terminate
At the DB2 command line:
        CONNECT TO <dbname>
        BIND <path>/db2schema.bnd BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC sqlerror continue

where <dbname> represents the name of a database to which the utilities
should be bound, and where <path> is the full path name of the directory
where the bind files are located.

1n.iv)  Uninstalling FixPaks or modification levels on Linux or UNIX

Note: If you have received special fixes from IBM Support that you have
      applied to the DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a level, you will lose all of
      the special fixes when you uninstall DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a. The
      special fixes you received from IBM Support are only applicable to
      your current version. You should not apply the same special fixes
      on top of any backlevel version. If this applies to you, contact
      IBM Support before uninstalling DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a.

Before uninstalling DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a, ensure that you:
*  Stop all instances and DAS
*  Backup your data

AIX      If DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a was installed and the file sets were
         applied but not committed, DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a can be
         rejected using SMIT. See the SMIT documentation for more

         If the file sets were committed when DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a was
         installed, which is the default, then DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a
         cannot be rejected. The only course of action available is to
         uninstall DB2 from your system, reinstall DB2 Version 8, and
         bring DB2 up to the desired level by applying the corresponding
         level of DB2.

HP-UX    DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a file sets can be uninstalled using the
         sam utility. If you use swlist or sam, you can list all file
         sets for DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a and receive output similar to
         the following:

         The installation signature is combined with the name of the
         file set. You should uninstall the group of PDB2_* file sets
         with the same signature starting with the largest number. You
         can remove DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a, or the latest version plus
         the second last, and so on. You can also select them all.

Linux    You cannot uninstall DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a on Linux. The only
         course of action available is to uninstall DB2 from your
         system, reinstall DB2 Version 8, and bring DB2 up to the
         desired level by applying the corresponding level of DB2. A
         db2_deinstall script is provided with DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a
         which will uninstall DB2 from your system.

Solaris Operating Environment
         The backoutallpatch script is provided with all version images.
         Run this script to uninstall DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a and leave
         the system in the state that it was before installing DB2
         Version 8 FixPak 5a. You can find this script in
         /var/sadm/patch. The script will be named
         backoutallpatch.8.1.x.y where 8.1.x.y corresponds to the VRMF
         of DB2 Version 8 FixPak 5a. The files required to uninstall a
         FixPak or modification level are stored in /var/sadm. Disk
         space requirements for each FixPak or modification level in
         /var/sadm can reach almost the same amount of disk space
         required by DB2 in /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1. 

         You must uninstall from the highest to the lowest level until
         you have uninstalled the version that you want to remove. For
         example if you are at FixPak 3 and installed FixPak 1 and
         modification level 2 before FixPak 3 was installed, you would
         not be able to uninstall FixPak 1 unless you have uninstalled
         modification level 2 and FixPak 3.

Update all instances, including the DAS instance.

1o)  Known problems and workarounds (Version 8 FixPak 5a)

1o.i)  Differences between SNA and TCP/IP when using DB2 Connect

When connecting to an OS/390 system using SNA, the host VTAM layer
automatically  flows a commit when a new connection is made. The
automatic commit allows the  host side thread state to be inactive, and
the thread immediately becomes  inactive.

However, when connecting to an OS/390 system using TCP/IP, there is no
automatic  commit. The application itself must flow an explicit commit
after the connection  to allow the thread to be inactive on the host.
Without the explicit commit, the  thread is subject to an idle thread
time out.

The suggested workaround is to rewrite the application so that it will
perform  an explicit commit if the connection goes idle after the

1o.ii)  Failures when reporting a successful login during a connect 

 When using OS authentication on AIX, DB2 will attempt to report a
successful login to AIX upon successful authentication during a connect.
 Prior to Version 8 FixPak 5a, if DB2 was unable to report a successful
login, the connection would fail despite the user being authenticated. 
Starting with Version 8 FixPak 5a, the connection is allowed to continue
and the failure will be logged in db2diag.log.

1o.iii)  SQL limits

The Maximum NPAGES in a buffer pool for 32-bit releases is 1 048 576. 

Table 1. Database Manager Limits

  Description                                  |                Limit
  Maximum NPAGES in a buffer pool for 32-bit   |            1 048 576
  releases                                     |
  Maximum NPAGES in a buffer pool for 64-bit   |        2 147 483 647
  releases                                     |
  Maximum total size of all buffer pool slots  |        2 147 483 646
  (4K)                                         |
  Maximum number of nested levels for stored   |                   16
  procedures                                   |
  Maximum number of table spaces in a database |               32 768
  Maximum number of attributes in a structured |                 4082
  type                                         |
  Maximum number of simultaneously opened LOB  |               32 100
  locators in a transaction                    |

1p)  Known problems and workarounds (prior to Version 8 FixPak 5a)

1p.i)  Recommended application server for deploying DB2 Web Tools

The recommended application server for deploying DB2 Web Tools is the
embedded application server for DB2. The recommended method is to use
the automated script that is provided.

To deploy DB2 Web Tools on the embedded application server for DB2, the
following order is recommended:
1. Installing the application server for DB2
2. Starting the application server for DB2
3. Deploying automatically on the application server for DB2

For detailed instructions for each step, see the DB2 Information Center.
These additions to the following sections must also be noted.

Installing the application server -- additional prerequisite

The application server for DB2 requires DB2 ESE Version 8.1.2 or higher.

Installing the application server -- additional restriction

The default Red Hat installation creates an association between the
hostname of the machine and the loopback  address, In
addition, the /etc/nsswitch.conf file is set up to use /etc/hosts before
trying to look up the  server using a name server (DNS). This loopback
processing can hang utilities that start and stop a server,  such as
startServer.sh, even though the server might successfully start or stop.

Ensure that the host name is defined properly. The default configuration
has localhost defined in the /etc/hosts file.  The default
/etc/nsswitch.conf looks only at the host file and not the DNS server.

To correct this problem, remove the mapping to localhost in
the /etc/hosts file, or, edit the name service configuration file
/etc/nsswitch.conf to resolve the proper host name by using the name
server. For example, remove the mapping from the /etc/hosts
file, which might look like this example: 

# IP Address	name of machine
n.n.n.n		hostname.domain.com	localhost

Otherwise, change the etc/nsswitch.conf file to search DNS before
searching the hosts file. For example, hosts : dns files

Deploying automatically on the application server for DB2 -- additional 

The application server for DB2 requires DB2 ESE Version 8.1.2 or higher.

The command to automatically deploy DB2 Web Tools requires the DB2
instance name be specified:
1. Change to the <AS_root>/bin directory and run the deploy_db2wa
   <AS_root>/bin/db2wa_deploy -db2path db2path -instance instanceName

   *  <AS_root> is the installation path for the application server for
   *  db2path is the installation path for DB2.
   *  instanceName is the DB2 instance name.

   For example:

        db2wa_deploy.sh -db2path /home/db2v8/sqlib -instance db2v8

2. Invoke the DB2 Web Tools enterprise application from a browser by
   entering the following:

   *  hostname is the name of the DB2 server.
   *  port_number is 20000 by default, unless modified after the
      installation of the application server.

1p.ii)  DB2 Setup Wizard appears not to run using Exceed (Linux)

When using Hummingbird(R) Exceed PC X Server software to connect to a
Linux computer from a computer running Microsoft(R) Windows, the DB2
Setup wizard may not appear to run. This problem arises when Exceed is
configured to use multiple window mode, with the Window Manager set to
"Default to Native" and with the communications mode set to "Passive".

The symptoms you may observe include:
1. The DB2 Setup Launchpad appears quite small, as small as 5 pixels x 5
   pixels, and will need to be resized before it can be used.
2. Even after resizing, the DB2 Setup Launchpad sometimes will not paint
   properly and instead appears as a blank grey panel.

To run the DB2 Setup Wizard on a Linux computer using Exceed, change
either of the following Exceed configuration settings:
*  Change the Window Manager setting to "Native" and ensure the "Use
   Native WM for Embedded Clients" check box is checked, or,
*  Change the Window Mode to "Single" and the communication mode from
   "Passive" to "XDCMP-query".

1p.iii)  DB2 Data Links Manager installation when DB2 Enterprise Server 
          Edition already installed

The DB2 Data Links Manager installation will fail when creating the dlfm
instance if DB2 ESE is already installed on the machine. The workaround
is to modify the response file and continue or to perform a response
file installation to install the DB2 Data Links Manager. For more
information on response files, see the Installation and Configuration
Supplement or search for "response file" in the Information Center.

1p.iv)  Loss of Control Center functionality

Consult the Client/Server Compatibility and Migration Considerations
whitepaper, which is available at: 
*  http://www-3.ibm.com/software/data/pubs/papers/

2)  Notices

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