Welcome to DB2* for Silicon Graphics IRIX** V2.1.2 FixPak U449591 +--- NOTE! ----------------------------------------------------------+ | | Set the font to monospace for better viewing of this README. | | If you have received interim fixes from IBM support after 06/09/97, | then you must contact IBM support instead of installing this FixPak, to | request an updated version of the interim fixes. By doing this, you | are assured that your system is in a consistent state and no interim | fixes are lost. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. Contents for FixPak 2. Installation 3. Rebinding bind files - IMPORTANT 3.1 Rebinding to DB2 common server databases 3.2 Rebinding to DRDA databases 3.3 Rebinding Specific Packages 4. Books 5. Miscellaneous 5.1 DB2 Family Newsletter 5.2 Customer Support 5.3 Corrective Service ====================================================================== 2. Installation Before installing this product, you will have to un-tar the .tar file from the CD-ROM using the "tar -xpf .tar" command. (You will have to uncompress the file first by command "uncompress .tar.Z". The following is a summary of the procedure to install DB2 Client Application Enabler for Silicon Graphics IRIX: 1) Change the directory where you want to restore the files: cd 2) Un-tar the tar file. uncompress /.tar.Z tar -xpf /.tar where is the complete path to the file and is either CAE or SDK. This will restore all the files from the tar file into a subdirectory called "IBMdb2" under the current directory. 3) Install the packages for the product: pkgadd -d /IBMdb2 Note: You must enter the full path for the "IBMdb2" directory in the above command. The base directory for all DB2 for Silicon Graphics IRIX products and packages must be the same. The default base directory is "/opt". 3. Rebinding bind files - IMPORTANT Due to the new bind (.bnd) files that have been shipped with this FixPak, you will need to rebind your DB2 utilities against all your databases after the FixPak installation. This step is necessary for the fixes in this FixPak to become effective. The procedure of rebinding, outlined below, only needs to be performed once per database. 3.1 Rebinding to DB2 common server databases After applying fixes, you must do the following: - At a command prompt: db2 terminate db2 CONNECT TO db2 BIND /@db2ubind.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC db2 BIND /@db2cli.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC db2 terminate or, - At the DB2 command line: TERMINATE CONNECT TO BIND /@db2ubind.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC BIND /@db2cli.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC TERMINATE Where is the name of a database to which the utilities should be bound, and where is the full path name of the directory where the bind files are located, such as /sqllib/bnd. Examine the DB2PATH environment variable to determine the correct path. DB2UBIND.LST and DB2CLI.LST contain lists of commonly required bind files used for DB2. If is a DB2 v1.x database, do not bind db2cli.lst. Instead, use the db2cliv1.lst or specifically bind db2clics.bnd, db2cliur.bnd, db2clirr.bnd, and db2cliv1.bnd individually. 3.2 Rebinding to DRDA databases If you are using DDCS to connect to host databases, you will also need to bind the new bind files to the host. As above, use the DB2 Command Line Processor to connect to the host database, and then bind the utilities as follows: HOST COMMAND ======= =================================================== MVS BIND /@ddcsmvs.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC SQLERROR CONTINUE VM BIND /@ddcsvm.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC SQLERROR CONTINUE VSE BIND /@ddcsvse.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC SQLERROR CONTINUE OS400 BIND /@ddcs400.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC SQLERROR CONTINUE Please refer to Chapter 4 "Binding Applications and Utilities" of the DDCS User's Guide for a list of what bind files are used for your specific client operating system. If a bind file changes but your clients do not use that bind file, you do not need to re-bind it. 3.3 Rebinding Specific Packages If you wish to bind only the specific .bnd files to the database, issue the following command for each database (where is the name of the bind file, and is the name of your database). - At a command prompt: db2 terminate db2 CONNECT TO db2 BIND / BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC db2 terminate or, - At the DB2 command line: TERMINATE CONNECT TO BIND / BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC TERMINATE 4. Books PostScript versions of the "Installing and Using DB2 Clients for Silicon Graphics IRIX Guide" and the "DB2 Messages Reference" are available (in compressed form) on this CD-ROM. The manuals are installed in the /opt/IBMdb2/v2.1/doc/%L directory and the filenames for the manuals end with .psz. The books are in the following locations: /opt/IBMdb2/v2.1/doc/en_US/sqljae02.psz Installing and Using DB2 Clients for Silicon Graphics IRIX /opt/IBMdb2/v2.1/doc/en_US/sqlm0e03.psz DB2 Messages Reference To uncompress and print one of the above manuals on a PostScript printer, enter the command: zcat < filename > | lp -d < PSprinter_queue > where < filename > is the name of the compressed PostScript file < PSprinter_queue> represents the name of the PostScript printer queue for your machine. 5. Miscellaneous 5.1 DB2 Family Newsletter For the latest information about the DB2 family of products, you may subscribe to the "DB2 Family Newsletter" (English only). Simply send your request in a FAX to 1-905-316-4733, and include the following information: Name Company name Full mailing address Telephone number DB2 products you currently use 5.2 Customer Support To speak to an IBM representative regarding assistance with this product, please call 1-800-CALL-AIX (1-800-225-5249). Customer support is also provided via Electronic Question and Answer (Q&A) forums. These forums are accessible through CompuServe, IBMLink, and Usenet Newsgroup. (1) CompuServe - To access the forums on CompuServe, execute GO IBMDB2. - If you don't have access to CompuServe, call 1-800-848-8199 for membership information in Canada or the US. (2) Usenet Newsgroup: comp.databases.ibm-db2 - This Internet Newsgroup is a general forum for discussing questions and/or problems encountered using the DB2 family of products. (3) (IBMLink) Talklink OS/2 BBS - To access the forums on IBMLink, go to the OS2BBS section. - If you don't have access IBMLink, call 1-800-547-1283 for membership information in Canada or the US. 5.3 Corrective Service They can be downloaded electronically from the following location: (1) Internet - FTP to anonymous server ftp.software.ibm.com (previously known as ps.boulder.ibm.com) at - then go to ps/products/db2/fixes// where is (eg. english-us, spanish, german, etc.) is the product name/version (eg. db22v21, db2aixv21, etc.) - Use a World Wide Web (WWW) browser to connect to the DB2 Service and Support Page. (http://www.software.ibm.com/data/db2/db2tech/index.html) If you do not have access to any of the above locations, please call 1-800-CALL-AIX (1-800-225-5249) to request these FixPaks be sent to you in the mail. For countries other than US and Canada, please look at your local IBM OS/2 BBS or call your local DB2 Customer Service number for assistance in obtaining them. --------------------------------------------------------------------- * are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation. ** are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. --------------------------------------------------------------------- *********************************************************************** ** ** (c) COPYRIGHT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 1997. ** ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ** ***********************************************************************