
|11.1 Setting up Version 7.2 DB2 Personal Edition and DB2 Workgroup Edition as Satellites

| | | | | |

|The sections that follow describe how to set up Windows-based Version 7.2 |DB2 Personal Edition and DB2 Workgroup Edition systems so that they can be |used as fully functional satellites in a satellite environment. For information |about the terms and concepts used in the information that follows, refer to |the Administering Satellites Guide and Reference. You can find this book at the following URL: http://www.ibm.com/cgi-bin/db2www/data/db2/udb/winos2unix/support/v6pubs.d2w/en_main

|For Technotes that supplement the information in the Administering Satellites Guide and Reference, |refer to the following URL: http://www.ibm.com/cgi-bin/db2www/data/db2/udb/winos2unix/support/index.d2w/report

|11.1.1 Prerequisites

| | | |

|To set up either DB2 Personal Edition or DB2 Workgroup Edition as satellites, |you require the following: |

  1. |A DB2 control server

    |The DB2 control server is a DB2 Enterprise Edition |system that runs on Windows NT or AIX, and has the Control Server component installed. |The DB2 Enterprise Edition system that you use must be at Version 6 with FixPak |2 or higher, or Version 7 at any FixPak level. |

    | |


    If you are installing a Version 7.2 Enterprise Edition system on Windows NT for |use as the DB2 control server, and you want to perform a response file installation, |see the Technote entitled DB2 Control Server Response |File Keywords for information about the keywords to specify in the response |file. |
  2. |The DB2 control server instance and the satellite control database

    |The DB2 control server instance is typically called DB2CTLSV, and the satellite |control database is called SATCTLDB. The DB2 control server instance and the |satellite control database are on the Enterprise Edition system, and, on Windows NT, |are automatically created when you install DB2 with the Control Server component. |If you install DB2 on AIX, see the Administering Satellites Guide and Reference for information |about creating the DB2 control server instance and the satellite control database.

  3. |The Satellite Administration Center

    |The Satellite Administration Center is the set of GUI tools that you use to |set up and administer the satellite environment. You access this set of tools |from the Control Center. For more information about the Satellite Administration Center and the satellite |environment, see the Administering Satellites Guide and Reference, and the online help that is available |from the Satellite Administration Center. If you are running a Version 6 Control Center, see 11.1.4, Upgrading a Version 6 Control Center and Satellite Administration Center.

    |If you have not already used the Satellite Administration Center to set up the satellite |environment and to create the object that represents the new satellite in |the Satellite Administration Center, you should do so before installing the satellite. For more |information, see the description of how to set up and test a satellite environment |in the Administering Satellites Guide and Reference.

  4. |A Version 7.2 Personal Edition or Workgroup Edition system that you want |to use as a satellite. |

| Installation Considerations

| |

|When you install either DB2 Personal Edition or DB2 Workgroup Edition, |you do not have to select any special component to enable either system to |synchronize. If you intend to perform a response file installation, see Performing a Response File Installation for the keywords that you should specify when installing |the Version 7.2 system. If you are performing an interactive installation |of your Version 7.2 system, see 11.1.2, Configuring the Version 7.2 System for Synchronization after you finish installing |DB2 for values that you must set at the Version 7.2 system to enable it to |synchronize.

|Performing a Response File Installation
| | |

|If you are performing a response file installation of Version 7.2 DB2 Personal |Edition or DB2 Workgroup Edition, you can set the following keywords in the |response file.

|If you decide to not specify one or more of these keywords during the response |file installation, see 11.1.2, Configuring the Version 7.2 System for Synchronization for additional steps that you |must perform after installing DB2 to enable the Version 7.2 system to synchronize. |You can also use the instructions in this section if you want to change any |values that were specified during the response file installation.


|Sets the satellite ID on the system.
If you do not specify |this keyword, the satellite ID is automatically set to the user ID that was |used to install DB2. If you want to use this user ID as the satellite ID, |you do not have to specify a value for this keyword. |

|Sets the application version on the system.
If you do |not specify this keyword, the application version on the satellite is automatically |set to V1R0M00. If you want to use this value as the application version, |you do not have to specify a value for this keyword. |

|Sets the user name to be used for the system to connect to the satellite |control database.

|Sets the password that the user name passes to the DB2 control server |when the user name connects to the satellite control database. |

|After you complete the response file installation, the Version 7.2 system |is ready to synchronize. You should issue the db2sync -t command on the satellite to verify that the values specified on the |satellite are correct, and that the satellite can connect to the satellite |control database.

|For additional information about performing a response file installation, |refer to the Administering Satellites Guide and Reference.


  1. |In Version 7, user IDs and passwords are required for the creation of |all services on Windows NT and Windows 2000. These user IDs and passwords are |specified in the response file by keyword pairs. The first keyword pair found |in the response file becomes the default user ID and password for all services, |unless you provide an override for a service by specifying the specific keyword |pair for that service.

    |In Version 6, the admin.userid and |the admin.password keywords could be specified during |a response file installation of DB2 Satellite Edition to specify the user |ID and password that would be used by the Remote Command Service. For Version |7.2 Personal Edition and Workgroup Edition, if you specify these keywords, |they are used for the DB2DAS00 instance on the Version 7.2 system. For a DB2 |Version 7.2 system, the Remote Command Service will use the user ID and password |that is used by the DB2 instance on the system. If you do not specify values |for db2.userid and db2.password, |the defaulting rule described above applies.

  2. |In Version 6, you could create a database when installing DB2 Satellite |Edition using a response file installation. You cannot create a database during |a response file installation on the Version 7.2 Personal Edition or Workgroup |Edition system that you intend to use as a satellite. The following keywords |(which are described in the Administering Satellites Guide and Reference), are not supported: | |

|11.1.2 Configuring the Version 7.2 System for Synchronization

| |

|If you install the Version 7.2 system interactively, several values must |be set on the DB2 Personal Edition or DB2 Workgroup Edition system after installing |DB2 before the system can synchronize.

You can execute an operating |system script on the system to set all values at the satellite except for |the user ID and password that the satellite uses to connect to the satellite |control database (see step 4). |


  1. |Set the satellite ID by using the db2set command.

    |If you install DB2 Personal Edition or DB2 Workgroup Edition interactively, |the satellite ID is automatically set to the user ID that was used to install |DB2. If you want to use this user ID as the satellite ID, you do not have |to perform this step. For information about setting the satellite ID, see |the Administering Satellites Guide and Reference.

  2. |Set the application version on the satellite by using the db2sync -s command.

    |If you install DB2 Personal Edition or DB2 Workgroup |Edition interactively, the application version on the satellite is automatically |set to V1R0M00. If you want to use this value as the application version, |you do not have to perform this step.

    |You can use the db2sync -g command on the satellite to view the current setting of the |application version. If you want to change this value, issue the db2sync -s command. You are prompted to provide a new value for the application |version. For more information about setting the application version, see the Administering Satellites Guide and Reference.

  3. |Issue the catalog node and catalog database commands on the satellite to catalog the DB2 control |server instance and the satellite control database, SATCTLDB, at the satellite.

    |You can also use the db2sync -t command on the |satellite to open the DB2 Synchronizer application in test mode. If the SATCTLDB |database is not cataloged at the satellite when you issue the command, the |Catalog Control Database window opens. You can either use the DB2 discovery |feature that is available from the Catalog Control Database window to catalog |the DB2 control server and the SATCTLDB database, or you can type the hostname |and server name in this window. You will also be prompted to specify the user |ID and password that the satellite will use to connect to the satellite control |database, as described in step 4.

    After |you install Version 7.2 DB2 Personal Edition or DB2 Workgroup Edition interactively, |the DB2 Synchronizer does not start automatically in test mode (as was the |case for Version 6 DB2 Satellite Edition). |
  4. |Issue the db2sync -t command on |the satellite to: | |

|After you complete these configuration tasks, the Version 7.2 system is |ready to synchronize.

|11.1.3 Installing FixPak 2 or Higher on a Version 6 Enterprise Edition System

|For a Version 6 Enterprise Edition system to be used as a |DB2 control server, the system must be at FixPak 2 or higher.

|The sections that follow describe the tasks that you must perform to upgrade |a Version 6 Enterprise Edition system on Windows NT or AIX for use as a DB2 control |server. If you are using a Version 6 Control Center, also perform the steps in 11.1.4, Upgrading a Version 6 Control Center and Satellite Administration Center to verify that you have the correct level of the Control Center and |the Satellite Administration Center to administer the satellite environment.

| Upgrading Version 6 DB2 Enterprise Edition for Use as the DB2 Control Server

| |

|For a Version 6 DB2 Enterprise Edition system to be used as the DB2 control |server, it must be installed with the Control Server component, and DB2 Enterprise |Edition should be at the FixPak 2 service level, or higher. Depending on whether |the DB2 control server component is installed, and the service level of DB2 |Enterprise Edition, you will have to perform one of the following tasks: |

|Use the information that follows to identify which of the two preceding |tasks you need to perform, and the steps that apply to your situation. The |following is a summary of the steps that you will perform. |

  1. |First, assess the current state of your DB2 Enterprise Edition installation. |You will determine whether the Control Server component is installed, and |the service level of DB2.
  2. |Second, based on the state information that you obtain, you will determine |what needs to be done.
  3. |Third, you will perform the necessary steps to upgrade DB2 Enterprise |Edition. |

|The DB2 control server can only run on DB2 Enterprise Edition for Windows NT and |AIX. Continue with the instructions that are appropriate for your platform: |

|Upgrading DB2 Enterprise Edition on Windows NT

|Use the information in the sections that follow to determine the current |service level of your Version 6 DB2 Enterprise Edition system, and the steps |that you need to perform to update the system to the FixPak 2 service level |or higher. You will need to perform the steps of one or more of the following |sections: |

|Assessing DB2 Enterprise Edition on Windows NT

|If you have DB2 Enterprise Edition installed on Windows NT, perform the following |steps: |

  1. |Check whether the Control Server component is installed. Use the Registry |Editor to display the list of installed components: |
    1. |Enter regedit at a command prompt.
    2. |Under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\DB2\Components registry key, |check whether the Control Server is listed. If it is not listed, the control |server is not installed. |
  2. |Determine the service level of DB2 Enterprise Edition. Issue the db2level command from a command prompt. Use the table that follows to |interpret the output:


    Values of Key Fields in the db2level output Your DB2 system is at:
    Release Level Informational Tokens
    SQL06010 01010104 db2_v6, n990616 Version 6.1 base
    SQL06010 01020104 DB2 V6.1.0.1, n990824, WR21136 Version 6.1 plus FixPak 1
    SQL06010 01030104 DB2 V6.1.0.6, s991030, WR21163 or DB2 V6.1.0.9, s000101, WR21173 Version 6.1 plus FixPak 2


    If the level is greater than 01030104, your system |is at a higher FixPak than FixPak 2. |
  3. |Record the information that you find, and continue at Determining What Needs to Be Done. |

|Determining What Needs to Be Done

|Using the information that you have gathered, find the row in the following |table that applies to your situation, and follow the steps that are required |to prepare your DB2 Enterprise Edition system to support the DB2 control server |at the FixPak 2 level or higher.

|Sections that follow the table provide instructions for performing the |required steps. Consider checking off each step as you perform it. Only perform |the steps that apply to your situation.


Control Server Component Installed Service Level of DB2 Enterprise Edition System Steps required to prepare your DB2 Enterprise Edition system
No Version 6.1 base, or Version 6.1 plus FixPak 1, or Version 6.1 plus FixPak 2 or higher Perform the following steps:
  1. Installing the Control Server Component on Windows NT
  2. Installing FixPak 2 or Higher on Windows NT
  3. Upgrading the SATCTLDB on Windows NT
Yes Version 6.1 base, or Version 6.1 plus FixPak 1 Perform the following steps:
  1. Installing FixPak 2 or Higher on Windows NT
  2. Upgrading the SATCTLDB on Windows NT
Yes Version 6.1, plus FixPak 2 or higher Perform the following step:
  1. Upgrading the SATCTLDB on Windows NT

|Installing the Control Server Component on Windows NT

|To install the Control Server component on Windows NT: |

  1. |Ensure that all database activity on the system is complete before proceeding.
  2. |Insert the DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Edition Version 6.1 CD in |the CD drive.

    |If the installation program does not start automatically, |run the setup command in the root of the CD to start the installation |process.

  3. |When prompted, shut down all the processes that are using DB2.
  4. |On the Welcome window, select Next.
  5. |On the Select Products window, ensure that DB2 Enterprise Edition is selected.
  6. |On the Select Installation Type panel, click Custom.
  7. |On the Select Components panel, ensure that the Control Server component |is selected, and click Next.
    If you select other components that are not already installed on your system, |these components will be installed too. You cannot alter the drive or directory |in which DB2 is installed. |
  8. |On the Configure DB2 Services panels, you can modify the protocol values |and the start-up options for the Control Server instance, or take the default |values. Either modify the defaults and click Next, or click Next to use the defaults.
  9. |Click Next on the Start Copy files window |to begin the installation process.
  10. |When the file copying process is complete, you have the option of rebooting |your system. You should reboot now. The changes made to the system for the |Control Server do not take effect until the system is rebooted. |

|When the installation process is complete and you have rebooted the system, |the satellite control database (SATCTLDB) that was created as part of the |Control Server installation must be cataloged in the DB2 instance if you want |to use the Control Center and Satellite Administration Center locally on the system. To catalog the SATCTLDB |database: |

  1. |Open a DB2 Command Window by selecting Start>Programs>DB2 |for Windows NT>Command Window
  2. |Ensure that you are in the db2 instance.

    |Issue the set command |and check the value of db2instance. If the value is not db2, issue |the following command:

    |   set db2instance=db2
  3. |Catalog the db2ctlsv instance by entering the following command:
    |   db2 catalog local node db2ctlsv instance db2ctlsv 
  4. |Catalog the SATCTLDB database by entering the following command
    |   db2 catalog database satctldb at node db2ctlsv
  5. |Commit the cataloging actions by entering the following command:
    |   db2 terminate
  6. |Close the DB2 Command Window. |

|Installing FixPak 2 or Higher on Windows NT

|To upgrade an existing Version 6 DB2 Enterprise Edition system on Windows NT to |FixPak 2 or higher, either: |

|Upgrading the SATCTLDB on Windows NT

|To upgrade the SATCTLDB database on Windows NT |

  1. |Determine the level of the SATCTLDB database: |
    1. |Log on with a user ID that has local administrative authority on the Windows NT system.
    2. |Open a DB2 Command Window by selecting Start>Programs>DB2 |for Windows NT>Command Window.
    3. |Connect to the SATCTLDB by entering the following command
      |   db2 connect to satctldb
    4. |Determine if the trigger I_BATCHSTEP_TRGSCR exists in the |database by issuing the following query:
      |   db2 select name from sysibm.systriggers
      |                       where name='I_BATCHSTEP_TRGSCR' 

      |Record the number |of rows that are returned.

    5. |Enter the following command to close the connection to the database:
      |   db2 connect reset

      |If step 1d returned one row, |the database is at the correct level. In this situation, skip step 2, and continue at step 3. If zero (0) rows |are returned, the database is not at the correct level, and must be upgraded, |as described in step 2, before you can perform step 3. |

  2. |To upgrade the SATCTLDB database, perform the following steps. |Enter all commands in the DB2 Command Window: |
    1. |Switch to the directory <db2path>\misc, where <db2path> is |the install drive and path, for example c:\sqllib.
    2. |Ensure that you are in the db2ctlsv instance.

      |Issue the set command |and check the value of db2instance. If the value is not db2ctlsv, |issue the following command:

      |   set db2instance=db2ctlsv
    3. |Drop the SATCTLDB database by entering the following command:
      |   db2 drop database satctldb 
    4. |Create the new SATCTLDB database by entering the following command:
      |   db2 -tf satctldb.ddl  -z satctldb.log 
    5. |Issue the following command:
      |   db2 terminate
  3. |Bind the db2satcs.dll stored procedure to the SATCTLDB database. |Perform the following steps: |
    1. |Connect to the SATCTLDB database by entering the following command
      |   db2 connect to satctldb
    2. |Switch to the directory <db2path>\bnd, where <db2path> is |the install drive and path, for example c:\sqllib.
    3. |Issue the bind command, as follows:
      |   db2 bind db2satcs.bnd 
  4. |Enter the following command to close the connection to the database:
    |   db2 connect reset
  5. |Close the DB2 Command Window. |

|Upgrading DB2 Enterprise Edition on AIX

|Use the information in the sections that follow to determine the current |service level of your Version 6 DB2 Enterprise Edition system, and the steps |that you need to perform to update the system to the FixPak 2 service level, |or higher. You will need to perform the steps of one or more of the following |sections: |

|Assessing DB2 Enterprise Edition on AIX

|If you have Version 6 DB2 Enterprise Edition installed on AIX, perform |the following steps: |

  1. |Check whether the Control Server component is installed. Enter the following |command:
    |   lslpp -l | grep db2_06_01.ctsr

    |If no data is returned, |the Control Server component is not installed.

  2. |Determine the service level of the DB2 Enterprise Edition. Log on as a |DB2 instance owner, and issue the db2level command. Use the table |that follows to interpret the output:


    Values of Key Fields in the db2level output Your DB2 system is at:
    Release Level Informational Tokens
    SQL06010 01010104 db2_v6, n990616 Version 6.1 base
    SQL06010 01020104 DB2 V6.1.0.1, n990824, U465423 Version 6.1 plus FixPak 1
    SQL06010 01030104 DB2 V6.1.0.6, s991030, U468276 or DB2 V6.1.0.9, s000101, U469453 Version 6.1 plus FixPak 2


    If the level is greater than 01030104, your system |is at a higher FixPak than FixPak 2. |
  3. |Record the information that you find, and continue at Determining What Needs to Be Done. |

|Determining What Needs to Be Done

|Using the information that you have gathered, find the row in the following |table that applies to your situation, and follow the steps that are required |to prepare your Version 6 DB2 Enterprise Edition system to support the DB2 |control server at the FixPak 2 level.

|Sections that follow the table provide instructions for performing the |required steps. Consider checking off each step as you perform it. Only perform |the steps that apply to your situation.


Control Server Component Installed Service Level of DB2 Enterprise Edition System Steps required to prepare your DB2 Enterprise Edition system
No Version 6.1 base, or Version 6.1 plus FixPak 1, or Version 6.1 plus FixPak 2 or higher Perform the following steps:
  1. Installing the Control Server Component on AIX
  2. Installing FixPak 2 or Higher on AIX
  3. Upgrading the SATCTLDB Database on AIX
Yes Version 6.1 base, or Version 6.1 plus FixPak 1 Perform the following steps:
  1. Installing FixPak 2 or Higher on AIX
  2. Upgrading the SATCTLDB Database on AIX
Yes Version 6.1, plus FixPak 2 or higher Perform the following step:
  1. Upgrading the SATCTLDB Database on AIX

|Installing the Control Server Component on AIX

|To install the Control Server component on AIX |

  1. |Log on as a user with root authority.
  2. |Insert the DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Edition Version 6.1 CD in |the CD drive.
  3. |Change to the directory where the CD is mounted, for example, cd |/cdrom.
  4. |Type the following command to start the DB2 installer:
    |   ./db2setup 
  5. |When the DB2 Installer window opens, use the tab key to select the Install option, and press Enter.
  6. |Locate the Enterprise Edition line and use the tab key to select the Customize option beside it. Press Enter.
  7. |Select the DB2 Control Server component, tab to OK, and press Enter.
  8. |Follow the instructions on the remaining windows to complete the installation |of the DB2 Control Server component. |

|When the installation process is complete, create the DB2CTLSV instance |and the SATCTLDB database. To perform these tasks, follow the detailed instructions |in "Setting up the DB2 Control Server on AIX" in Chapter 13 of the Administering Satellites Guide and Reference.

|Installing FixPak 2 or Higher on AIX

|To upgrade an existing DB2 Enterprise Edition system AIX to FixPak 2 or |higher, either: |

|Ensure that you have updated the DB2CTLSV instance by running the db2iupdt command as instructed in the FixPak readme file.

|Upgrading the SATCTLDB Database on AIX

|To upgrade the SATCTLDB database on AIX: |

  1. |Determine the level of the SATCTLDB database: |
    1. |Log in as db2ctlsv.
    2. |Ensure that the database server has been started. If the server is not |started, issue the db2start command.
    3. |Connect to the SATCTLDB database by entering the following command:
      |   db2 connect to satctldb
    4. |Determine if the trigger I_BATCHSTEP_TRGSCR exists in the |database by issuing the following query:
      |   db2 "select name from sysibm.systriggers
      |                        where name='I_BATCHSTEP_TRGSCR'"

      |Record the number |of rows that are returned.

    5. |Enter the following command to close the connection to the database:
      |   db2 connect reset

      |If step 1d returned one row, |the database is at the correct level. In this situation, skip step 2, and continue at step 3. If zero (0) rows |are returned, the database is not at the correct level, and must be upgraded, |as described in step 2, before you can perform step 3. |

  2. |To upgrade the SATCTLDB database to the FixPak 2 level, |perform the following steps. Enter all commands in the DB2 Command Window: |
    1. |Switch to the $HOME/sqllib/misc directory.
    2. |Drop the SATCTLDB database by entering the following command:
      |   db2 drop database satctldb 
    3. |Create the new SATCTLDB database by entering the following command:
      |   db2 -tf satctldb.ddl  -z $HOME/satctldb.log
    4. |Issue the following command:
      |   db2 terminate
  3. |Bind the db2satcs.dll stored procedure to the SATCTLDB database. |Perform the following steps: |
    1. |Connect to the SATCTLDB database by entering the following command
      |   db2 connect to satctldb
    2. |Switch to the directory $HOME/sqllib/bnd.
    3. |Issue the bind command, as follows:
      |   db2 bind db2satcs.bnd 
  4. |Enter the following command to close the connection to the database:
    |   db2 connect reset

|11.1.4 Upgrading a Version 6 Control Center and Satellite Administration Center

| | |

|To use a Version 6 Control Center and Satellite Administration Center with a Version 6 DB2 control |server and satellite control database (SATCTLDB) that have been upgraded to |FixPak 2 or higher, the tools must also be upgraded to FixPak 2 or higher.

|If the Control Center and the Satellite Administration Center are running on the same system as the |DB2 control server, they were upgraded when the DB2 Enterprise Edition system |was upgraded to FixPak 2. However, if you run these tools on another system, |you must upgrade this system to the FixPak 2 level or higher.

|To upgrade this system to FixPak 2 or higher: |

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