Release Notes

4.32 Trial Products on DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition UNIX CD-ROMs

The DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition (EE) CD-ROMs for UNIX platforms Version 6 and Version 7 contain a 90-day trial version of DB2 Universal Database (UDB) Enterprise Edition (EE). The DB2 UDB EE 90-day trial version is provided for evaluation, but is not required for DB2 Connect to work.

If you install the 90-day trial version of DB2 UDB EE and decide to upgrade to a licensed version, you must purchase the DB2 UDB EE product and install the DB2 UDB EE license key. You do not have to reinstall the product. The instructions for installing the license key are provided in the DB2 EE or DB2 CEE for UNIX Quick Beginnings book. If you installed the trial UDB EE product along with your Connect EE installation, and you do not want to install UDB EE permanently, you can remove the EE 90-day trial version by following these instructions. If you remove the trial version of DB2 UDB EE, it will not impact the functionality of DB2 Connect EE.

To remove DB2 UDB EE Version 7, uninstall the following filesets from the respective platforms:

To remove DB2 UDB EE Version 6, uninstall the following filesets from the respective platforms:

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