
|9.2 Beispiel für "Erweitern der Steuerzentrale"

|Das im Anhang "Erweitern der Steuerzentrale" aufgeführte Beispiel ist nicht |korrekt und funktioniert daher nicht. Verwenden Sie statt dessen die |folgenden Informationen für das Java-Beispiel:

|Das Beispielprogramm befindet sich im |Unterverzeichnis samples/java. | wird zusammen mit DB2 Application Development |Client installiert. Zur Kompilierung von | müssen folgende Anweisungen in |classpath enthalten sein: |

|Erstellen Sie die Datei mit allen Klassen, |die durch die Kompilierung von generiert |wurden. Diese Datei sollte nicht komprimiert sein. Setzen Sie |z. B. folgenden Befehl ab:

|   zip -r0 PluginEx*.class

|Dieser Befehl nimmt alle CLASS-Dateien in die Datei | auf und behält den relativen Pfad bei.

|Folgen Sie den Anweisungen in der Datei, um |das Beispiel zu kompilieren und auszuführen.

|Die Schnittstelle CCObject enthält statischere Konstanten als die im Anhang |zur Erweiterung der Steuerzentrale im Handbuch "Systemverwaltung" |aufgeführten. Im Folgenden sind die Java-Schnittstellen zur Erweiterung |der Steuerzentrale aufgeführt (CCExtension, CCObject, CCM enuAction, |CCToolBarAction). Diese Schnittstellen dienen hier nur zur |Referenz.


|//  Licensed Materials -- Property of IBM
|//  (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1999.
|//      All Rights Reserved.
|//  US Government Users Restricted Rights -
|//  Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by
|//  GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
| * The CCExtension interface allows users to extend the Control Center user
| * interface by adding new toolbar buttons, new menu items and
| * remove some predefined set of existing menu actions.
| * 
| * To do so, create a java file which imports the 
| * package and implements this interface.
| * The new file provides the implementation of the getObjects() and
| * getToolbarActions() function.
| *    
| * The getObjects() function returns an array of CCObjects which defines
| * the existing
| * objects which the user would like to add new menu actions or remove
| * the alter or configure menu actions.
| *    
| * The getToolbarActions() function returns an array of CCToolbarActions
| * which is added to the Control Center main toolbar.
| *    
| * A single CCExtension subclass file or multiple CCExtension subclass
| * files can be used to define the Control Center extensions.  In order
| * for the Control Center to make use of these extensions, use the
| * following setup procedures:
| * (1) Create a "" file which contains all the CCExtension
| *     subclass files.  The files should not be compressed. For example,
| *     if the CCExtension files are in the plugin package and they are 
| *     located in the plugin directory, issue
| *        zip -r0 plugin\*.class
| *     This command will put all the plugin package class files into the 
| * file and preserve their relative path information.
| * (2) To run WEBCC as an applet, put the file in where the 
| *     <codebase> tag points to in the WEBCC html file. 
| *     To run the Control Center as an application, put
| *     the in a directory pointed to by the CLASSPATH 
| *     envirnoment variable and where the Control Center is run.
| *    
| * For browsers that support multiple archives, just add "" 
| * to the archive list of the WEBCC html page. Otherwise, all the 
| * CCExtension, CCObject, CCToolbarAction, CCMenuAction subclass files 
| * will have to be in their relative path depending on which package
| * they belong to.
| */
|public interface CCExtension
|   /**
|    * Get an array of CCObject subclass objects which define
|    * a list of objects to be overrided in the
|    * Control Center
|    * @return CCObject[] CCObject subclass objects array
|    */
|   public CCObject[] getObjects();
|   /**
|    * Get an array of CCToolbarAction subclass objects which represent
|    * a list of buttons to be added to the Control Center
|    * main toolbar.
|    * @return CCToolbarAction[] CCToolbarAction subclass objects array
|    */
|   public CCToolbarAction[] getToolbarActions();


|//  Licensed Materials -- Property of IBM
|//  (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1999.
|//      All Rights Reserved.
|//  US Government Users Restricted Rights -
|//  Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by
|//  GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
| * The CCObject interface allows users to define a new object to be 
| * inserted into the Control Center tree or changing the behavior of the 
| * menu actions of an existing object.
| */
|public interface CCObject
|   /**
|    * The following static constants defines a list of object type 
|    * available to be added to the Control Center tree.
|    */
|   public static final int UDB_SYSTEMS_FOLDER                          = 0;
|   public static final int UDB_SYSTEM                                  = 1;
|   public static final int UDB_INSTANCES_FOLDER                        = 2;
|   public static final int UDB_INSTANCE                                = 3;
|   public static final int UDB_DATABASES_FOLDER                        = 4;
|   public static final int UDB_DATABASE                                = 5;
|   public static final int UDB_TABLES_FOLDER                           = 6;
|   public static final int UDB_TABLE                                   = 7;
|   public static final int UDB_TABLESPACES_FOLDER                      = 8;
|   public static final int UDB_TABLESPACE                              = 9;
|   public static final int UDB_VIEWS_FOLDER                            = 10;
|   public static final int UDB_VIEW                                    = 11;
|   public static final int UDB_ALIASES_FOLDER                          = 12;
|   public static final int UDB_ALIAS                                   = 13;
|   public static final int UDB_TRIGGERS_FOLDER                         = 14;
|   public static final int UDB_TRIGGER                                 = 15;
|   public static final int UDB_SCHEMAS_FOLDER                          = 16;
|   public static final int UDB_SCHEMA                                  = 17;
|   public static final int UDB_INDEXES_FOLDER                          = 18;
|   public static final int UDB_INDEX                                   = 19;
|   public static final int UDB_CONNECTIONS_FOLDER                      = 20;
|   public static final int UDB_CONNECTION                              = 21;
|   public static final int UDB_REPLICATION_SOURCES_FOLDER              = 22;
|   public static final int UDB_REPLICATION_SOURCE                      = 23;
|   public static final int UDB_REPLICATION_SUBSCRIPTIONS_FOLDER        = 24;
|   public static final int UDB_REPLICATION_SUBSCRIPTION                = 25;
|   public static final int UDB_BUFFERPOOLS_FOLDER                      = 26;
|   public static final int UDB_BUFFERPOOL                              = 27;
|   public static final int UDB_APPLICATION_OBJECTS_FOLDER              = 28;
|   public static final int UDB_USER_DEFINED_DISTINCT_DATATYPES_FOLDER  = 29;
|   public static final int UDB_USER_DEFINED_DISTINCT_DATATYPE          = 30;
|   public static final int UDB_USER_DEFINED_DISTINCT_FUNCTIONS_FOLDER  = 31;
|   public static final int UDB_USER_DEFINED_DISTINCT_FUNCTION          = 32;
|   public static final int UDB_PACKAGES_FOLDER                         = 33;
|   public static final int UDB_PACKAGE                                 = 34;
|   public static final int UDB_STORE_PROCEDURES_FOLDER                 = 35;
|   public static final int UDB_STORE_PROCEDURE                         = 36;
|   public static final int UDB_USER_AND_GROUP_OBJECTS_FOLDER           = 37;
|   public static final int UDB_DB_USERS_FOLDER                         = 38;
|   public static final int UDB_DB_USER                                 = 39;
|   public static final int UDB_DB_GROUPS_FOLDER                        = 40;
|   public static final int UDB_DB_GROUP                                = 41;
|   public static final int UDB_DRDA_TABLES_FOLDER                      = 42;
|   public static final int UDB_DRDA_TABLE                              = 43;
|   public static final int UDB_NODEGROUPS_FOLDER                       = 44;
|   public static final int UDB_NODEGROUP                               = 45;
|   public static final int S390_SUBSYSTEMS_FOLDER                      = 46;
|   public static final int S390_SUBSYSTEM                              = 47;
|   public static final int S390_BUFFERPOOLS_FOLDER                     = 48;
|   public static final int S390_BUFFERPOOL                             = 49;
|   public static final int S390_VIEWS_FOLDER                           = 50;
|   public static final int S390_VIEW                                   = 51;
|   public static final int S390_DATABASES_FOLDER                       = 52;
|   public static final int S390_DATABASE                               = 53;
|   public static final int S390_TABLESPACES_FOLDER                     = 54;
|   public static final int S390_TABLESPACE                             = 55;
|   public static final int S390_TABLES_FOLDER                          = 56;
|   public static final int S390_TABLE                                  = 57;
|   public static final int S390_INDEXS_FOLDER                          = 58;
|   public static final int S390_INDEX                                  = 59;
|   public static final int S390_STORAGE_GROUPS_FOLDER                  = 60;
|   public static final int S390_STORAGE_GROUP                          = 61;
|   public static final int S390_ALIASES_FOLDER                         = 62;
|   public static final int S390_ALIAS                                  = 63;
|   public static final int S390_SYNONYMS_FOLDER                        = 64;
|   public static final int S390_SYNONYM                                = 65;
|   public static final int S390_APPLICATION_OBJECTS_FOLDER             = 66;
|   public static final int S390_COLLECTIONS_FOLDER                     = 67;
|   public static final int S390_COLLECTION                             = 68;
|   public static final int S390_PACKAGES_FOLDER                        = 69;
|   public static final int S390_PACKAGE                                = 70;
|   public static final int S390_PLANS_FOLDER                           = 71;
|   public static final int S390_PLAN                                   = 72;
|   public static final int S390_PROCEDURES_FOLDER                      = 73;
|   public static final int S390_PROCEDURE                              = 74;
|   public static final int S390_DB_USERS_FOLDER                        = 75;
|   public static final int S390_DB_USER                                = 76;
|   public static final int S390_LOCATIONS_FOLDER                       = 77;
|   public static final int S390_LOCATION                               = 78;
|   public static final int S390_DISTINCT_TYPES_FOLDER                  = 79;
|   public static final int S390_DISTINCT_TYPE                          = 80;
|   public static final int S390_USER_DEFINED_FUNCTIONS_FOLDER          = 81;
|   public static final int S390_USER_DEFINED_FUNCTION                  = 82;
|   public static final int S390_TRIGGERS_FOLDER                        = 83;
|   public static final int S390_TRIGGER                                = 84;
|   public static final int S390_SCHEMAS_FOLDER                         = 85;
|   public static final int S390_SCHEMA                                 = 86;
|   public static final int S390_CATALOG_TABLES_FOLDER                  = 87;
|   public static final int S390_CATALOG_TABLE                          = 88;
|   public static final int DCS_GATEWAY_CONNECTIONS_FOLDER              = 89;
|   public static final int DCS_GATEWAY_CONNECTION                      = 90;
|   public static final int S390_UTILITY_OBJECTS_FOLDER                 = 91;
|   public static final int S390_DATASET_TEMPLATES_FOLDER               = 92;
|   public static final int S390_DATASET_TEMPLATE                       = 93;
|   public static final int S390_UTILITY_LISTS_FOLDER                   = 94;
|   public static final int S390_UTILITY_LIST                           = 95;
|   public static final int S390_UTILITY_PROCEDURES_FOLDER              = 96;
|   public static final int S390_UTILITY_PROCEDURE                      = 97;
|   /**
|    * Total number of object types
|    */
|   public static final int NUM_OBJECT_TYPES                            = 98;
|   /**
|    * Get the name of these object
|    *    
|    * The function returns the name of this object. This name
|    * can be of three types:
|    * (1) Fully qualified name
|    *     Syntax: xxxxx-yyyyy-zzzzz
|    *             where xxxxx-yyyyy is the fully quality name of the parent
|    *             object and zzzzz is the name of the new object.
|    *     Note: Parent and child object name is separated by '-' character.
|    *     If a schema name is required to identify object, the fully
|    *     qualified name is represented by xxxxx-yyyyy-wwwww.zzzzz 
|    *     where wwwww is the schema name.
|    *     Only the behavior of the object that match this fully
|    *     quality name will be affected.
|    * (2) Parent fully qualified name
|    *     Syntax: xxxxx-yyyyy
|    *             where xxxxx-yyyyy is the fully qualified name of the
|    *             parent object.
|    *     When the object type is folder (ie. DATABASES_FOLDER), the 
|    *     getName() should only return the fully qualified name of the 
|    *     folder's parent.
|    *     Only the behavior of the object that match this name
|    *     and the specific type return by the getType() function will be 
|    *     affected.
|    * (3) null
|    *     Syntax: null
|    *     If null is return, the CCMenuActions returns by the 
|    *     getMenuActions() call will be applied to all objects of type 
|    *     returns by the getType() call.
|    * @return String object name
|    */
|   public String getName();
|   /**
|    * Get the type of this object
|    * @return int return one of the static type constants defined in this 
|    * interface
|    */
|   public int getType();
|   /**
|    * Get the CCMenu Action array which defines the list of menu actions
|    *  to be created for object
|    * return CCMenuAction[] CCMenuAction array
|    */
|   public CCMenuAction[] getMenuActions();
|   /**
|    * Check if this object is editable.  If not, the Alter related menu 
|    * items will be removed from the object's popup menu
|    * return boolean If false, the Alter menu item will be remove from the 
|    * object's popup menu.
|    * Return true if you do not wish to modify current Alter menu item 
|    * behaviour.
|    */
|   public boolean isEditable();
|   /**
|    * Check if this object is configurable.  If not, the configuration 
|    * related menu items will be removed from the object's popup menu
|    * return boolean If false, the Configuration related menu item will be
|    *  removed from the object's popup menu.
|    * Return true if you do not wish to modify current Configuration 
|    * behaviour.
|    */
|   public boolean isConfigurable();


|//  Licensed Materials -- Property of IBM
|//  (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1999.
|//      All Rights Reserved.
|//  US Government Users Restricted Rights -
|//  Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by
|//  GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
|import java.awt.event.*;
|import javax.swing.*;
| * The CCMenuAction class allows users to define a new menu item to be added
| * to a Control Center object.  The new menu item will be added at the end of
| * an object's popup menu. 
| *
| * Note: If the object has a Control Center Refresh and/or 
| * Filter menu item, the new menu item will be inserted before the Refresh 
| * and Filter menu. The Control Center Refresh and Filter menu items are
| * always  at the end of the popup menu.
| */
|public interface CCMenuAction
|   /**
|    * Get the name of this action
|    * @return String Name text on the menu item
|    */
|   public String getMenuText();
|   /**
|    * Invoked when an action occurs.
|    * @param e Action event
|    */
|   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e);


|//  Licensed Materials -- Property of IBM
|//  (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1999.
|//      All Rights Reserved.
|//  US Government Users Restricted Rights -
|//  Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by
|//  GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
|import java.awt.event.*;
|import javax.swing.*;
| * The CCToolbarAction interface class allows users to define a new action
| *  to be added to the Control Center toolbar.
| */
|public interface CCToolbarAction
|   /**
|    * Get the name of this action
|    * @return String Name text on the menu item, or toolbar button hover help
|    */
|   public String getHoverHelpText();
|   /**
|    * Get the icon for the toolbar button
|    * Any toolbar CCAction should override this function and return
|    * a valid ImageIcon object. Otherwise, the button will have no icon.
|    * @return ImageIcon Icon to be displayed
|    */
|   public ImageIcon getIcon();
|   /**
|    * Invoked when an action occurs.
|    * @param e Action event
|    */
|   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e);

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