          SPECIAL eFIX (JR17690) for DB2* UDB V7 FixPak 8
               Build Level        : s021110
               DB2 Level Signature: 7.1.x.75


The special_$PTF.tar or special_$PTF.zip here is for the APAR fix of 
JR17690 for the specific platform in the current directory. The files 
inside the tar or zip file was built on top of the original DB2 V7 FixPak 8
(build level was also s021110).  The $PTF represents the PTF number for 
the specific platform used in original DB2 UDB V7 FixPak 8.

Please note, the FixPak and client images for DB2 V7 FixPak 8 on the ftp
site do not have the special fix. The orderable CDs for FixPak 8 don't 
have the special fix, either. If you have the symptoms described in the APAR
based on FixPak 8, you need to apply this special fix.

You need to get the correct special_$PTF.tar or special_$PTF.zip from the 
corresponding FixPak directory on the ftp site. However, this ReadMe file
covers information for all the platforms.

The signature from db2level:

Original FixPak 8: 7.1.x.72
The eFIX:          7.1.x.75

where x is 0 for non-64 DB2 instances, 1 for 64-bit DB2 instances (non
AIX5), and 2 for 64-bit instances on AIX 5

This eFIX can be applied only on the top of the original level of code

If you have received special fixes from IBM support since 11/10/2002
on top of the original FixPak 8, then you must contact IBM support for

IBM recommends that you put this change through your standard quality 
and assurance testing procedures.

Please check the DB2 HIPER APAR web page for details about the APAR:

              Instructions for installing the fix:

A. DB2 for AIX*

  Stop all database instances.
   (eg. db2stop force, ).
  Shut down the administration server instance
   (eg. db2admin stop force)
  Stop all applications accessing DB2.

  Stop DB2 License Daemon.
  (db2licd -end      # run at each physical node)

  On each node where db2 is installed, perform the following as root:

  1. issue "slibclean"

  2. backup the original files under /usr/lpp/db2_07_01/<directory>
     where <directory> is what is shown in the list of files at the bottom 
     of this ReadMe.  For example, if replacing bin/db2level, the file to 
     be backed up and replaced is /usr/lpp/db2_07_01/bin/db2level
     NOTE: on some platforms, you may have selected a different install path.
           If this is the case, replace the files under that path.    

  3. untar the special_$PTF.tar and copy the new files into place and use the 
     chmod/chown commands to ensure the same permission and ownership are 
     maintained.  Permission and ownership for files in this eFIX will be 
     given at end of the ReadMe file. 

     NOTE: if a file provided does not exist on your system, it does not need to
           be copied / installed.

 4. issue db2iupdt on each instance (use dasiupdt for the DAS Administrative
    instance if it exists.)

To switch back to the original level, simply follow the same procedure replacing 
the new files with the originals.
B. DB2 for Solaris**, HP-UX-v11**, Linux**, Linux390** and DYNIX** (a.k.a NUMA-Q**)

 Stop all database instances.
   (eg. db2stop force, ).
 Shut down the administration server instance
   (eg. db2admin stop force)
 Stop all applications accessing DB2.

 Stop DB2 License Daemon.
  (db2licd -end      # run at each physical node)

 On each node where db2 is installed, perform the following as root:

 1. backup the original files under /opt/IBMdb2/V7.1/<directory> for SUN Solaris,
    HP-UX, and DYNIX,  /usr/IBMdb2/V7.1/<directory> for LINUX and LINUX390
    where <directory> is what is shown in the list of files at the bottom of 
    this ReadMe from the special_$PTF.tar.  For example, if replacing bin/db2level on
    SUN Solaris, the file to be backed up and replaced is /opt/IBMdb2/V7.1/bin/db2level
    NOTE: on some platforms, you may have selected a different install path.
          If this is the case, replace the files under that path.    

 2. copy the new files into place and use the chmod/chown commands to ensure the
    same permission and ownership are maintained.  Permission and 
    ownership for files will be given at bottom of the ReadMe file.

   NOTE: if a file provided does not exist on your system, it does not need to
         be copied / installed.

 3. issue db2iupdt on each instance (use dasiupdt for the DAS Administrative
    instance if it exists.)

To switch back to the original level, simply follow the same procedure replacing 
the new files with the originals.
C. DB2 for SGI**

 Stop all applications accessing DB2.

 On each node where db2 is installed, perform the following as root:

 1. backup the original files under /opt/IBMdb2/V7.1/<directory> 
    where <directory> is what is shown in the list of files at the bottom of 
    this ReadMe from the special_$PTF.tar.  For example, if replacing bin/db2level on
    SUN Solaris, the file to be backed up and replaced is /opt/IBMdb2/V7.1/bin/db2level
    NOTE: on some platforms, you may have selected a different install path.
          If this is the case, replace the files under that path.    

 2. copy the new files into place and use the chmod/chown commands to ensure the
    same permission and ownership are maintained.  Permission and 
    ownership for files will be given at bottom of the ReadMe file.

   NOTE: if a file provided does not exist on your system, it does not need to
         be copied / installed.

 3. issue db2iupdt on each instance (use dasiupdt for the DAS Administrative
    instance if it exists.)

To switch back to the original level, simply follow the same procedure replacing 
the new files with the originals.

D. DB2 for Windows** and OS/2

Stop all database instances.
   (eg. db2stop force, ).
Shut down the administration server instance
   (eg. db2admin stop force)
Shut down all other DB2 and warehouse services from control panel -> services
Terminate all db2 clp sessions and all db2 applications
Stop the HTML server :
  Programs -> IBM DB2 -> Information -> Stop HTML search server

1. backup the files which are being replaced (see files and locations below)
2. copy the new files from special_$PTF.zip into place
3. reboot the system

To switch back to the original level, simply follow the same procedure replacing
the new files with the originals.

                   CHECK SUM and LIST of FILES

NOTE: The checksum for all were obtained by running "cksum" command in any UNIX system.
      The file_path column below is relative to the DB2 installation directory. 

All the files below should have -r-xr-xr-x as the file permission and bin as both
the group and user IDs for all except WR21312 and WR21314.
PTF     checksum   size   file_name  file_path 
------- --------   ------ ---------  ---------
U484610 20921361   529961 db2bp      bin/
U484610 2504177536 19981  db2level   bin/
U484611 20921361   529961 db2bp      bin/
U484611 2504177536 19981  db2level   bin/
U484611 1989068952 596172 db2bp      bin64/
U484611 3029082286 19876  db2level   bin64/
U484612 20921361   529961 db2bp      bin/
U484612 2504177536 19981  db2level   bin/
U484612 553302123  581891 db2bp      bin64/
U484612 1390208669 28125  db2level   bin64/
U484613 2692412779 433944 db2bp      bin/
U484613 4002886542 10708  db2level   bin/
U484614 2692412779 433944 db2bp      bin/
U484614 4002886542 10708  db2level   bin/
U484614 3608958803 524832 db2bp      bin64/
U484614 508929370  14992  db2level   bin64/
U484615 3534577563 491520 db2bp      bin/
U484615 3055564752 24576  db2level   bin/
U484616 3534577563 491520 db2bp      bin/
U484616 3055564752 24576  db2level   bin/
U484616 3173838628 524032 db2bp      bin64/
U484616 62261728   25616  db2level   bin64/
U484617 3652064551 434754 db2bp      bin/
U484617 2985400670 15192  db2level   bin/
U484618 4010647532 559192 db2bp      bin/
U484618 717468107  121692 db2level   bin/
U484619 4160359677 655460 db2bp      bin/
U484619 2362958731 20396  db2level   bin/
WR21312 3116730420 311290 db2bp.exe  bin\
WR21312 795091923 2692    db2level.exe  bin\
WR21314 1717594218 300032 db2bp.exe  bin\
WR21314 2826580568 5632   db2level.exe bin\

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** are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.


**                    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.