Release Notes

5.6 Installing and Configuring DB2 Data Links Manager for AIX: Additional Installation Considerations in DCE-DFS Environments

In the section called "Installation prerequisites", there is new information that should be added:

   You must also install either an e-fix for DFS 3.1,
   or PTF set 1 (when it becomes available). The e-fix is available from:


   The dfs client must be running before you install the Data Links Manager.
   Use db2setup or smitty.

In the section called "Keytab file", there is an error that should be corrected as:

   The keytab file, which contains the principal and password information,
   should be called datalink.ktb and ....

The correct name: datalink.ktb is used in the example below. The "Keytab file" section should be moved under "DCE-DFS Post-Installation Task", because the creation of this file cannot occur until after the DLMADMIN instance has been created.

In the section called "Data Links File Manager servers and clients", it should be noted that the Data Links Manager server must be installed before any of the Data Links Manager clients.

A new section, "Backup directory", should be added:

   If the backup method is to a local file system,
   this must be a directory in the DFS file system.
   Ensure that this DFS file set has been created by a
   DFS administrator. This should not be a DMLFS file set.

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