CAE for NT v2.1 APAR List for FixPak WR08126 ============================================ APAR # Defect Abstract ------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------- IX57283 53442 Concurrent writes to a 4K region causes corruption IX58313 54433 DO NOT allow a BACKUP of an ACTIVATED database. IX60015 48635 sqlurlog_api (asyns log read api) returns with an SQL2657N inc IX60737 48904 Dump OSS return code when load fails openning the remote file. IX60794 48966 Backup leaves 2 IPCs after completing, 1 semaphore and 1 queue. IX61036 49339 cobol application which contains $SET directive IX61101 49477 backup to ADSM should call update filespace API IX61129 49595 Memory leak in long running CLP with UDF references IX61923 50201 Export does not recognize multiple lobpaths IX61923 51135 export lob files from a table exceeds 1000 without lobs to PATH IX62424 52285 SQL0902 rc=110 when appending to BLOB column. IX62464 52399 Segmentation fault when binding a file to the content blob IX62759 53089 db2look problem with unique indexes and primary keys. IX62813 52773 restore from tape traps IX62910 52578 CICS region crashes on DB2 lost connection IX64284 45590 Underflow due to too many preds should NOT max out TotalCost IX64297 54779 SAP's SQL_C_BINARY to DECIMAL gets Invalid Numeric Converision JR09106 45761 unable to update LOGFILSIZ for db2/6000 using db2dd/2 JR09200 47511 SQL0444N (-444) from AS/400 executing stored procedure JR09226 50485 Modify the patch1=65536 workaround to only map single byte JR09268 49253 Local named pipe syntax on NT not accepted by event monitor. JR09291 49872 SQLTABLE ODBC call uses table scan on DB2/MVS and is slow JR09293 49913 Hang of DB2/2 export JR09307 49761 get recovery history file entry failed to return the tablespace JR09314 50368 Don't use the UR isolation level under MVS since index scans JR09319 50856 Incorrect clob length returned on 0 length string JR09339 51206 logic error in db2ra_as_hopdriver_free JR09350 48382 Win9r-SUN/HP: restore db online with rollforward to end of log JR09376 51856 sqlconnect call causes page fault in db2cli using 16bit apps. JR09399 52168 History file is not updated after database backup to tape JR09412 52334 Install fails to pick up AGENTPRI correctly from response file. JR09425 52615 SQL/DS returns -515 on COMMIT JR09426 52620 converting from ASCII to Double(float) is dependant on locale JR09435 52776 SQL30073 rc 0010 from AR if app uses fixchar with lenth >254 JR09436 52779 DDCS/2 gateway sys3175 NETAPI.DLL with security SAME JR09442 52984 SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO from SQLFetch. JR09443 52899 CLI/ODBC driver truncates digits after decimal point JR09454 53142 Improve migrate diagnostics. JR09467 54115 SQLDescribeCol returns 07006 if the length of the VARCHAR is JR09477 53612 export of wsf on v2.1.1 differs from v1.2 JR09518 54572 Incorrect connect string returned JR09537 55161 DB2/NT 2.12 build (refresh and fixpak) has wr