Release Notes

6.5 Avoiding problems when working with remote LOBs

When working with remote LOB columns, you may encounter an out of memory problem. For example, suppose you run a query that selects LONG data from an Oracle column, and inserts the data into a DB2 table as a CLOB. If you have not increased the database application heap size, you will receive a SQL error indicating "not enough memory". To resolve this error:

  1. Disconnect all the applications from the DB2 instance.
  2. Update the application heap size using this command:
    db2 udpate db cfg for dbname using APPLHEAPSZ 1024 
    where dbname is the name of the federated database and 1024 is the recommended heap size.
  3. Re-initialize the database.

To prevent this problem from occurring, increase your database application heap size. For this change to take effect, reinitialize the database. For example:

  1. Update the application heap size using this command:
    db2 udpate db cfg for dbname using APPLHEAPSZ 1024 

    where dbname is the name of the federated database and 1024 is the recommended heap size.

  2. Disconnect all the applications from the DB2 instance.
  3. Re-initialize the database.

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