
36.16 Improving Query Patroller Performance

The following text should appear at the end of Chapter 6, Performance Tuning:

Using the BIND Option, INSERT BUF to Improve DB2 Query Patroller Performance

By default, DB2 Query Patroller creates result tables to store the results of the queries it manages. To increase the performance of inserts to these result tables, include the INSERT BUF option when binding one of the DB2 Query Patroller bind files.

Bind the DB2 Query Patroller bind files to the database as follows:

From the DB2_RUNTIME\bnd directory on Windows, or the DB2_RUNTIME/bnd path on UNIX, enter the following commands:

db2 connect to database user iwm using password
db2 bind @db2qp.lst blocking all grant public
db2 bind iwmsx001.bnd insert buf 
db2 bind @db2qp_sp.lst
db2 commit

where database is the database the replacement database that will be managed by DB2 Query Patroller, and password is the password for the administrative user account, iwm.

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