Release Notes

15.10 Chapter 8. Problem Determination

The Replication Analyzer runs on Windows 32-bit systems and AIX. To run the Analyzer on AIX, ensure that the sqllib/bin directory appears before /usr/local/bin in your PATH environment variable to avoid conflicts with /usr/local/bin/analyze.

The Replication Analyzer has two additional optional keywords: CT and AT.

Show only those entries from the Capture trace table that are newer than n days old. This keyword is optional. If you do not specify this keyword, the default is 7 days.

Show only those entries from the Apply trail table that are newer than n days old. This keyword is optional. If you do not specify this keyword, the default is 7 days.


analyze mydb1 mydb2 f=mydirectory ct=4 at=2 deepcheck q=applyqual1

For the Replication Analyzer, the following keyword information is updated:

Specifies that the Analyzer perform a more complete analysis, including the following information: CD and UOW table pruning information, DB2 for OS/390 tablespace-partitioning and compression detail, analysis of target indexes with respect to subscription keys, subscription timelines, and subscription-set SQL-statement errors. The analysis includes all servers. This keyword is optional.

Specifies that the following information be excluded from the report: all column detail from the ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_COLS table, subscription errors or anomalies or omissions, and incorrect or inefficient indexes. This reduction in information saves resources and produces a smaller HTML output file. This keyword is optional and is mutually exclusive with the deepcheck keyword.

Analyzer tools are available in PTFs for replication on AS/400 platforms. These tools collect information about your replication environment and produce an HTML file that can be sent to your IBM Service Representative to aid in problem determination. To get the AS/400 tools, download the appropriate PTF (for example, for product 5769DP2, you must download PTF SF61798 or its latest replacement).

Add the following problem and solution to the "Troubleshooting" section:

Problem: The Apply program loops without replicating changes; the Apply trail table shows STATUS=2.

The subscription set includes multiple source tables. To improve the handling of hotspots for one source table in the set, an internal CCD table is defined for that source table, but in a different subscription set. Updates are made to the source table but the Apply process that populates the internal CCD table runs asynchronously (for example, the Apply program might not be started or an event not triggered, and so on). The Apply program that replicates updates from the source table to the target table loops because it is waiting for the internal CCD table to be updated.

To stop the looping, start the Apply program (or trigger the event that causes replication) for the internal CCD table. The Apply program will populate the internal CCD table and allow the looping Apply program to process changes from all source tables.

A similar situation could occur for a subscription set that contains source tables with internal CCD tables that are populated by multiple Apply programs.


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