Release Notes

5.15 Minimize Logging for Data Links File System Filter (DLFF) Installation

You can minimize logging for the Data Links File System Filter (DLFF) Installation by changing the dlfs_cfg file. The dlfs_cfg file is passed to strload routine to load the driver and configuration parameters. The file is located in the /usr/lpp/db2_07_01/cfg/ directory. Through a symbolic link, the file can also be found in the /etc directory. The dlfs_cfg file has the following format:

    d <driver-name> <vfs number> <dlfm id> <global message priority> 
      <global module priority> - 0 1


The d parameter specifies that the driver is to be loaded.

The driver-name is the full path of the driver to be loaded. For instance, the full path for DB2 Version 7 is /usr/lpp/db2_07_01/bin/dlfsdrv. The name of the driver is dlfsdrv.

vfs number
This is the vfs entry for DLFS in /etc/vfs.

dlfm id
This is the user id of the DataLinks Manager administrator.

global message priority
|This is a configurable parameter in the DLFS driver. It |defines the list of the message categories that will be logged to the system |log file.

global module priority
|This is a configurable parameter in the DLFS driver. It |defines the list of driver routines, VFS operations and Vnode operations that |will be logged to the system log file.

0 1
0 1 are the minor numbers for creating non clone nodes for this driver. The node names are created by appending the minor number to the cloned driver node name. No more than five minor numbers can be given (0-4).

A real-world example might look as follows:

    d /usr/lpp/db2_07_01/bin/dlfsdrv 14,208,255,-1 - 0 1

The messages that are logged depend on the settings for the global message priority and global module priority. To minimize logging, you can change the value for the global message priority.

There are four message priority values you can use:

     #define LOG_EMERGENCY      0x01
     #define LOG_TRACING        0x02
     #define LOG_ERROR          0x04
     #define LOG_TROUBLESHOOT   0x08

Most of the messages in DLFF have LOG_TROUBLESHOOT as the message priority. Here are a few alternative configuration examples:

If you do require emergency messages and error messages, set the global message priority to 5 (1+4) in the dlfs_cfg configuration file:

       d /usr/lpp/db2_07_01/bin/dlfsdrv 14,208,5,-1 - 0 1

If only error messages are required, set the global message priority to 4:

       d /usr/lpp/db2_07_01/bin/dlfsdrv 14,208,4,-1 - 0 1

If you do not require logging for DLFS, then set global message priority to 0:

       d /usr/lpp/db2_07_01/bin/dlfsdrv 14,208,0,-1 - 0 1

5.15.1 Logging Messages after Installation

If you need to log emergency, error, and troubleshooting messages after installation, you must modify the dlfs_cfg file. The dlfs_cfg file is located in the /usr/lpp/db2_07_01/cfg directory. The global message priority must be set to 255 (maximum priority) or to 13 (8+4+1). Setting the priority to 13 (8+4+1) will log emergency, error, and troubleshooting information.

After setting the global message priority, unmount the DLFS filter file system and reload the dlfsdrv driver to have the new priority values set at load time. After reloading the dlfsdrv driver, the DLFS filter file system must be re-mounted.

The settings for dlfs_cfg will remain for any subsequent loading of dlfsdrv driver until the dlfs_cfg file is changed again.

|5.15.2 Minimizing Logging on Sun Solaris Systems

|The file dlfs_cfg does not exist on Sun(TM) Solaris(TM) systems. |Instead, the system file /etc/syslog.conf contains the |information used by the system log daemon (syslogd) to forward a system |message to the appropriate log files. You can minimize logging for the |DLFF Installation by commenting out the entries for kern.notice and |kern.debug in /etc/syslog.conf. You must then |stop and start syslogd to make your changes take effect.

|To reactivate the logging of all the kernel notices and errors, you must |uncomment the entries for kern.notice and kern.debug in |/etc/syslog.conf, and then stop and start syslogd |again.

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