Release Notes

4.29 Accessing Warehouse Control Databases

In a typical installation of DB2 Version 7 on Windows NT, a DB2 Version 7 warehouse control database is created along with the warehouse server. If you have a Visual Warehouse warehouse control database, you must upgrade the DB2 server containing the warehouse control database to DB2 Version 7 before the metadata in the warehouse control database can be migrated for use by the DB2 Version 7 Data Warehouse Center. You must migrate any warehouse control databases that you want to continue to use to Version 7. The metadata in your active warehouse control database is migrated to Version 7 during the DB2 Version 7 install process. To migrate the metadata in any additional warehouse control databases, use the Warehouse Control Database Migration utility, which you start by selecting Start --> Programs --> IBM DB2 --> Warehouse Control Database Management on Windows NT. For information about migrating your warehouse control databases, see DB2 Universal Database for Windows Quick Beginnings.

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