Release Notes

|25.2 MQSeries Assist Wizard

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|DB2 Version 7.2 provides a new MQSeries Assist wizard. This |wizard creates a table function that reads from an MQSeries queue using the |DB2 MQSeries Functions, which are also new in Version 7.2. The |wizard can treat each MQSeries message as a delimited string or a fixed length |column string depending on your specification. The created table |function parses the string according to your specifications, and returns each |MQSeries message as a row of the table function. The wizard also allows |you to create a view on top of the table function and to preview an MQSeries |message and the table function result. This wizard can be launched from |Stored Procedure Builder or Data Warehouse Center.

|Requirements for this wizard are: |

|For details on these requirements, see MQSeries.

|For samples and MQSeries Assist wizard tutorials, go to the tutorials |section at

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