
39.3 JDBC Driver Support for Additional Methods

CallableStatement.getBlob() and CallableStatement.getClob()

The JDBC driver now supports the methods CallableStatement.getBlob() and CallableStatement.getClob(). Since DB2 does not support LOB locators in stored procedure parameters, you must allocate enough system memory to hold the maximum possible size of your LOB data, the value specified in CREATE PROCEDURE. An out of memory exception will result if there is not sufficient memory.

This support is unavailable for uncataloged stored procedures.

Statement.setFetchSize(int rows) and ResultSet.setFetchSize(int rows)

The JDBC driver now supports Statement.setFetchSize(int rows) and ResultSet.setFetchSize(int rows). These methods can now be used to improve ResultSet performance with the Type-3 (or "net") driver.

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