Release Notes

4.32 IBM(R) DB2(R) Connect License Activation

The installation programs for DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition, DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition, and DB2 Connect Web Starter Kit do not install the product licenses. After installation, these products will operate in the Try-and-Buy mode for a period of 90 days since they do not have the license files. After the 90-day period, the product that you installed will stop functioning unless you activate the proper license.

To activate a license for your product you can use either the DB2 License Center or the db2licm command.

4.32.1 Installing Your License Key and Setting the License Type Using the License Center

  1. Start the DB2 Control Center and select License Center from the Tools menu.
  2. Select the system for which you are installing a license. The Installed Products field will display the name of the product that you have installed.
  3. Select Add from the License menu.
  4. In the Add License window, select the From a file radio button and select a license file: where license_filename for DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition and DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition is db2conee.lic, and for DB2 Connect Web Starter Kit is db2consk.lic.
  5. Click Apply to add the license key.
  6. Setting the license type.

4.32.2 Installing your License Key and Setting License Type Using the db2licm Command

You can use the db2licm command to add the license key instead of using the License Center. To add your license key using the db2licm command:

  1. On Windows servers, enter the following command:
       db2licm -a x:\db2\license\connect\license_filename
    where x: represents the CD-ROM drive that contains the DB2 Connect product CD.

    On UNIX servers, enter the following command:

       db2licm -a db2/license/connect/license_filename

    where license_filename for DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition and DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition is db2conee.lic, and for DB2 Connect Web Starter Kit is db2consk.lic.

    For the DB2 Connect Web Starter Kit, ensure that the expiry date is set to 270 days from the day you installed the product.
  2. Setting the license type:

4.32.3 License Considerations for Distributed Installations

If you are creating an image for a distributed installation, you need to make special arrangements to install the license after installation. Add the db2licm commands described above to your distributed installation scripts.

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