Release Notes

6.4 Chapter 26. Accessing Oracle Data Sources

In addition to supporting wrappers on AIX and Windows NT, DB2 Universal Database now supports the Oracle wrapper on Linux, the Solaris Operating Environment, and HP-UX. This support is limited to Oracle Version 8. To access the wrappers for these platforms, you need to insert the V7.2 DB2 Relational Connect CD and select Distributed Join for Oracle data sources.

Once you have installed DB2 Relational Connect, you can add an Oracle data source to a federated server:

  1. Install and configure the Oracle client software on the DB2 federated server.
  2. For DB2 federated servers on UNIX, run the djxlink script to link-edit Oracle SQL*Net or Net8 libraries to your DB2 federated server and create the DB2 federated wrapper library for use with Oracle.
  3. Create (or update) the db2dj.ini file to add environment variables for Oracle. This file must contain a definition for the ORACLE_HOME environment variable.
  4. (Optional) Set the DB2_DJ_INI and the DB2_DJ_COMM profile registry variables.
  5. Check the location and contents of the Oracle tnsnames.ora file on the DB2 federated server, and test the connections to the Oracle server using Oracle sqlplus.
  6. Recycle the DB2 instance.
  7. Create the wrapper.
  8. Create a server definition.
  9. Create a user mapping.
  10. Test the configuration using Set Passthru.
  11. Create nicknames for the tables and views.

Detailed instructions for these steps, including setting the environment variables, are in Chapter 26. Setting Up a Federated System to Access Oracle Data Sources in the DB2 Installation and Configuration Supplement. This information is also available online at

6.4.1 Documentation Errors

The section, "Adding Oracle Data Sources to a Federated System" has the following errors:

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