Release Notes (FixPak 3)

Specifying build options for a Java stored procedure in the Development Center

Use the Stored Procedure Properties notebook to specify the compile options that will be used when building a Java stored procedure.

These steps are part of the larger task of changing stored procedure properties.

To specify the build options of a stored procedure:

  1. On the Build page of the Stored Procedure Properties notebook, specify the compile options for building the stored procedure. See your compiler documentation for information about available options.
    1. In the Precompile options field, type the DB2 Universal Database(TM) precompiler options that you want to use when building stored procedures. The package name must not exceed 7 characters.
    2. In the Compile options field, type the compiler options that you want to use when building stored procedures.
  2. Click OK to close the notebook and save your changes. If you click Apply, the changes are saved and you can continue changing the properties.

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