Release Notes (FixPak 3)

3Call Level Interface Guide and Reference, Volume 1


3DB2 Universal Database as transaction manager in CLI applications

3Location in the DB2 Information Center accessed from a browser
3Concepts -> Application development -> APIs (application 3programming interfaces) -> Call level interface (CLI) -> 3Application programming in CLI -> Multisite updates (two-phase 3commit). This topic was last updated at DB2 Version 8.1.

3Location in PDF and printed manuals
3Book Title: Call Level Interface Guide and 3Reference, Volume 1
3Chapter Title: Multisite Updates (Two Phase Commit)

3The following two corrections apply to this topic: 3
  • 3In the configuration section, the current documentation incorrectly lists 3three CLI keywords that need to be set. Only the DISABLEMULTITHREAD CLI 3keyword needs to be set as follows:
  • 3The SQL_ONEPHASE setting of the SQL_ATTR_SYNC_POINT attribute is no longer 3supported. Setting SQL_ONEPHASE will yield the two-phase behavior of 3the SQL_TWOPHASE setting. 3

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