Release Notes (FixPak 3)

3Application Development Guide: Building and Running Applications


3Setting up the Windows(R) SQL procedures environment

3Location in the DB2 Information Center accessed from a browser
3Tasks -> Developing applications -> Setting up the 3application development environment -> Windows -> SQL 3procedures

3This topic was last updated at DB2 Version 8.1.2.

3Location in PDF and printed manuals
3Book Title: Application Development Guide: 3Building and Running Applications
3Chapter Title: Setup
3Chapter Section: Windows -> SQL Procedures

3Setup for the Microsoft(R) .NET Framework SDK
3If the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK is installed on the C: 3drive, set the DB2_SQLROUTINE_COMPILER_PATH DB2 registry variable as 3follows:
3   "c:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\v1.1\Bin\sdkvars.bat"

3Change the drive or the path, if necessary, to reflect the location of 3the .NET Framework SDK on your system. The 3DB2_SQLROUTINE_COMPILE_COMMAND should be set the same way it is for Microsoft 3Visual C++ DB2 Version 6.0 and Microsoft Visual C++ 3.NET.. 3

3Windows Java(TM) environment settings

3Location in the DB2 Information Center accessed from a browser
3Concepts -> Application development -> Setup -> 3Windows Java environment settings

3This topic was last updated at DB2 Version 8.1.

3Location in PDF and printed manuals
3Book Title: Application Development Guide: 3Building and Running Applications
3Chapter Title: Setup
3Chapter section: Windows -> Java

3Setup for data source programs
3To build Data Source programs, you must obtain and install the 3following: 3
  • 3JNDI 1.2.1 class Libraries (jndi.jar and 3providerutil.jar) 3
  • 3File System Service Provider 1.2 (fscontext.jar) 3

3For Java Developer Kit 1.3, you must additionally obtain and 3install the following: 3

  • 3JDBC 2.0 Optional Package 3


  1. 3The JDBC 2.0 Optional Package is not required to build Data Source 3programs with Java Developer Kit 1.4. 3

3For Data Source programs, you must also update your CLASSPATH to include 3the following files: 3

  • 3jndi.jar
  • 3fscontext.jar
  • 3providerutil.jar 3

3For Java Developer Kit 1.3, you must also update your CLASSPATH to 3include one of the following: 3

  • 3jdbc2_0-stdext.jar
  • 3j2ee.jar 3


  1. 3For Java Developer Kit 1.3, If you have already updated your 3CLASSPATH with j2ee.jar, you do not need 3jdbc2_0-stdext.jar.

  2. 3jdbc2_0-stdext.jar or j2ee.jar are not required in your 3CLASSPATH when using Java Developer Kit 1.4. 3

3Data Source sample programs are included in the 3sqllib\samples\java\sqlj directory. For details, see the 3samples README file in sqllib\samples\java. 3

3Setting up the UNIX(R) Java environment

3Location in the DB2 Information Center accessed from a browser
3Tasks -> Developing applications -> Setting up the 3application development environment -> UNIX -> Java

3This topic was last updated at DB2 Version 8.1..

3Location in PDF and printed manuals
3Book Title: Application Development Guide: 3Building and Running Applications
3Chapter Title: Setup
3Chapter section: UNIX -> Java

3Setup for Data Source programs
3To build Data Source programs, you must obtain and install the 3following: 3
  • 3JNDI 1.2.1 class Libraries (jndi.jar and 3providerutil.jar) 3
  • 3File System Service Provider 1.2 (fscontext.jar) 3

3For Java Developer Kit 1.3, you must additionally obtain and 3install the following: 3

  • 3JDBC 2.0 Optional Package 3


  1. 3The JDBC 2.0 Optional Package is not required to build Data Source 3programs with Java Developer Kit 1.4. 3

3For Data Source programs, you must also update your CLASSPATH to include 3the following files: 3

  • 3jndi.jar
  • 3fscontext.jar
  • 3providerutil.jar 3

3For Java Developer Kit 1.3, you must also update your CLASSPATH to 3include one of the following: 3

  • 3jdbc2_0-stdext.jar
  • 3j2ee.jar 3


  1. 3For Java Developer Kit 1.3, If you have already updated your 3CLASSPATH with j2ee.jar, you do not need 3jdbc2_0-stdext.jar.

  2. 3jdbc2_0-stdext.jar or j2ee.jar are not required in your 3CLASSPATH when using Java Developer Kit 1.4. 3

3Data Source sample programs are included in the 3sqllib/samples/java/sqlj directory. For details, see the 3samples README file in sqllib/samples/java. 3

3Setting up the Java environment

3Location in the DB2 Information Center accessed from a browser
3Tasks -> Developing applications -> Setting up the 3application development environment -> Java. This topic was 3last updated at DB2 Version 8.1.

3Location in PDF and printed manuals
3Book Title: Application Development Guide: 3Building and Running Applications
3Chapter Title: Setup
3Chapter section: General Setup Information

3TCP/IP listener required for Universal JDBC drivers
3To build applications with the JDBC Universal Type 2 or JDBC Universal 3Type 4 Driver, and to build applets with the JDBC Universal Type 4 Driver, the 3TCP/IP listener must be running. To ensure this, do the 3following: 3
  1. 3Set the environment variable DB2COMM to TCPIP as follows:
    3   db2set DB2COMM=TCPIP
  2. 3Update the database manager configuration file with the TCP/IP service 3name as specified in the services file:
    3   db2 update dbm cfg using SVCENAME <TCP/IP service name>

    3You must do a "db2stop" and "db2start" for this setting to take 3effect. 3


The port number used for applets and SQLJ programs needs to be the same as 3the TCP/IP SVCENAME number used in the database manager configuration 3file. 3

3Java applet considerations

3Location in the DB2 Information Center accessed from a browser
3Reference -> APIs -> Java -> Java applet 3considerations. This topic was last updated at DB2 Version 38.1.

3Location in PDF and printed manuals
3Book Title: Application Development Guide: 3Building and Running Applications
3Chapter Title: Java

3db2JDBC Version Program is for DB2 Universal Database(TM) Version 7 Only
3The sample file in 3sqllib\samples\java (Windows), or in sqllib/samples/java 3(UNIX) should not be used with DB2 Universal Database Version 8. This 3program can be used with DB2 Universal Database Version 7 to check which 3version of the DB2 JDBC driver is currently in use, and whether the JDBC 3environment is correctly set up for it. 3

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