Release Notes (FixPak 3)

Linux enhancements


3DB2 Universal Database for Linux on AMD64-bit
3DB2 Universal Database now supports Linux on AMD64-bit. The 3following operating system environment is supported: 3


  1. 3IBM Developer Kit 1.3.1 Service Release 4 (32-bit) is 3shipped with FixPak3. However, if you have a previous IBM Developer Kit 31.3.1 Service Release installed on your computer then Service 3Release 4 will not be installed. If you have installed the IBM 3Developer Kit 1.3.1 Service Release supplied by SuSE SLES 8, you 3must uninstall it before installing DB2; otherwise, DB2 Universal 3Database will not be able to install the recommended IBM Developer Kit. 3To uninstall previous IBM Developer Kit 1.3.1 Service Releases 3supplied by SuSE SLES 8: 3
    1. 3Enter the following command to query the system for previous IBM SDK for 3Java 1.3.1 Service Releases installed on your computer:
      3  rpm -qa | grep IBMJava2

      3You should see output similar to the following:

      3  IBMJava2-JAAS-1.3.1-5
      3  IBMJava2-JAVACOMM-1.3.1-5
      3  IBMJava2-JRE-1.3.1-5
      3  IBMJava2-SDK-1.3.1-5
    2. 3Enter the following command to uninstall the rpm filesets returned from 3the query command:
      3  rpm -e --nopdeps <list of rpm filesets>
  2. 3If you have a 64-bit operating system installed on an AMD64-bit computer, 3then only the Hybrid 64-bit/32-bit DB2 Universal Database for LinuxAMD64-bit 3product is supported. The installation of DB2 Universal Database for 3LinuxIA32-bit on an AMD64-bit computer with a 64-bit operating system 3installed is not supported.
  3. 3You must install the libstdc++-33-3.3 package (optionally 3installable from the SuSE SLES 8 CD) due to a DB2 Universal Database 3dependency upon the following gcc Version 3.3 library: 3/opt/gcc33/lib64/ 3

3See the Application development enhancements section for 3information on building and running applications. 3

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