IBM DB2 Universal Database* Version 5.2 for Windows 95** and Windows NT** FixPak WR21288 (NLV:WR21291) ID: +-- Note: ----------------------------------------------------------------+ | | To read this file more easily, set your font to monospace. | | Before installing this FixPak you must have DB2 UDB v5.2 installed. | This FixPak cannot be installed directly on a DB2 UDB v5.0 system. | If you currently have DB2 UDB v5.0, you must apply FixPak 6 before | installing this FixPak. | | If you have received interim fixes from IBM support after 01/09/29, | then you must contact IBM support instead of installing this FixPak, to | request an updated version of the interim fixes. By doing this, you are | assured that your system is in a consistent state and no interim fixes | are lost. | | Throughout this document X: is used to refer to the cdrom drive into | which the FixPak CD is placed and C:\SQLLIB is where the DB2 products | are installed. | WARNING: Control Center replication with LONG VARCHAR datatype | | There is a known problem in the Control Center replication administration | that occurs under the following conditions: | | o Defining a replica subscription. | o Replica includes a column with the LONG VARCHAR datatype. | | Control Center replication incorrectly generates an SQL script without the | necessary ALTER TABLE statement. Please modify and add in the following | statement after each replica CREATE TABLE statement in the SQL script: | | ALTER TABLE INCLUDE LONGVAR COLUMNS; | | The problem does not occur in a replica subscription without a LONG VARCHAR | column. In addition, the problem does not occur when defining a source table | as a replication source. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This README file contains information for the following products and components: NT/95 Specific -------------- DB2 Connect Personal Edition, V5 DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition, V5 DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Edition, V5 DB2 Universal Database Workgroup Edition, V5 DB2 Universal Database Personal Edition, V5 DB2 Universal Database Extended Enterprise Edition, V5 DB2 Software Developer's Kit, V5 DB2 Client Application Enabler, V5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Contents of FixPak 2. Installation Notes 2.1 Pre-requisites 2.1.1 Prerequisites for APAR IX73249 2.2 Prior to Installation 2.3 Installation Instructions 2.4 Unattended Install Instructions 2.5 After Installation 2.5.1 Rebinding to non-DRDA DB2 databases 2.5.2 Rebinding to DRDA databases 2.5.3 Rebinding Specific Packages 2.5.4 DataJoiner Replication Administration Tool 2.5.5 Building 32-bit Microfocus Cobol applications for UDB on OS/2 2.5.6 DB2 Support for ADSM Version 3 Clients 2.5.7 DB2MEMDISCLAIM 2.5.8 DB2MEMMAXFREE 2.6 Uninstallation Notes 2.7 DB2/NT UDB EEE Support with Multiple Communication Adapters and TCP/IP Addresses 2.8 Maximum log file size for NT 2.9 Bufferpool configuration parameters 3. Miscellaneous 3.0.1 Automatic Summary Tables 3.1 Product and Service Technical Library 3.2 Customer Support 3.3 Corrective Service For additional information please see the following files: C:\SQLLIB\RELEASE.TXT X:\APARLIST.TXT =========================================================================== 2. Installation Notes 2.1 Pre-requisites This Fixpak requires that at least one Version 5.2.0 DB2 for NT/95 product already be installed on your system. To determine the version and level of the currently installed DB2 product, type regedit from an MS-DOS prompt and check the following values under the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\DB2\\Current Version. The values should be the following: Version "0x00000005" (5) Release "0x00000002" (2) Modification "0x00000000" (0) Service Level "" 2.1.1 Prerequisites for APAR IX73249 Incorrect Output for DB2 LIST DCS APPLICATIONS SHOW DETAIL The DB2 for MVS APAR PQ11645 must be applied in conjunction with DB2 Connect APAR IX73249 in order to provide the meaningful correlation token display on both the LIST DCS APPLICATIONS and the DB2 MVS DSP THD commands. 2.2 Prior to Installation You must stop all database activity before applying this FixPak. Stop all applications and issue the commands: db2stop db2admin stop 2.3 Installation Instructions To start the FixPak, run X:\DB2\IT\INSTALL\DB2INST.EXE . 2.4 Unattended Install Instructions The version of SETUP.EXE shipped with this FixPak is capable of running via an "unattended install" option. The syntax for this feature is documented in the Quick Beginnings book. A sample response file (DB2FIXPK.RSP) is included in this FixPak: 2.5 After Installation Due to the new bind (.bnd) files that have been shipped with this FixPak, you will need to rebind your utilities against all your databases after the FixPak installation. This step is necessary for the fixes in this FixPak to become effective. The procedure of rebinding, outlined below, only needs to be performed once per database. 2.5.1 Rebinding to non-DRDA DB2 databases After applying fixes, you must do the following: db2 terminate db2 CONNECT TO db2 BIND C:\SQLLIB\BND\@db2ubind.lst GRANT PUBLIC db2 BIND C:\SQLLIB\BND\@db2cli.lst GRANT PUBLIC db2 terminate Where is the name of a database to which the utilities should be bound. Examine the DB2PATH environment variable to determine the correct path. DB2UBIND.LST and DB2CLI.LST contain lists of commonly required bind files used for DB2. If is a DB2 v1.x database, do not bind db2cli.lst. Instead, use the db2cliv1.lst or specifically bind db2clics.bnd, db2cliur.bnd, db2clirr.bnd, and db2cliv1.bnd individually. 2.5.2 Rebinding to DRDA databases If you are using DB2 Connect to access host databases, you will also need to bind the new bind files. As above, connect to the host database, and then bind the utilities as follows: HOST COMMAND ===== =================================================================== MVS BIND C:\SQLLIB\BND\@ddcsmvs.lst BLOCKING ALL SQLERROR CONTINUE GRANT PUBLIC VM BIND C:\SQLLIB\BND\@ddcsvm.lst BLOCKING ALL SQLERROR CONTINUE GRANT PUBLIC VSE BIND C:\SQLLIB\BND\@ddcsvse.lst BLOCKING ALL SQLERROR CONTINUE GRANT PUBLIC OS400 BIND C:\SQLLIB\BND\@ddcs400.lst BLOCKING ALL SQLERROR CONTINUE GRANT PUBLIC 2.5.3 Rebinding Specific Packages If you wish to bind only the specific .bnd files to the database, issue the following command for each database (where is the name of the bind file, and is the name of your database). db2 terminate db2 CONNECT TO db2 BIND C:\SQLLIB\BND\ BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC db2 terminate 2.5.4 DataJoiner Replication Administration Tool The location of the DataJoiner Replication Administration (DJRA) tool (djra.exe) is now installed in the directory SQLLIB\DJRA. 2.5.5 Building 32-bit Microfocus Cobol applications for UDB on OS/2 When building 32-bit Microfocus Cobol applications for UDB on OS/2, you may encounter the following error when linking to db2gmf32.lib: "link386: fatal error 1104 x:\sqllib\lib\db2gmf32.lib: not a valid library" This is because the db2gmf32.lib library is not compatible with the link386 linker. Ilink must be used to link the library. Microfocus Cobol 4.0.20 and later will look first for the ilink executable in PATH. If it isn't found, Microfocus will call link386. The ilink linker is available at under /ps/products/db2/tools. The file is called It contains a readme with instructions for installing ilink. Note that the prerequisite for Microfocus Cobol is still 4.0.20 (or later). 2.5.6 DB2 Support for ADSM Version 3 Clients (Last updated: Nov 11, 1998) ============================================================================== DB2 | DB2 Server | Planned | DB2 Service | ADSM Service Level Release | Platform | Availability* | Level | =========+============+===============+=============+========================= DB2 UDB | All | Sept 26, 1998 |NA | ADSM Client V2.1.5+ or V5.2 | | | | ADSM Client V313+ ---------+------------+---------------+-------------+------------------------- DB2 UDB | AIX 4.1.X | June 30, 1998 | PTF: | ADSM Client V313 V5.0 | | | U457227 | (U454538) | | | | (with AIX41313G patch) | | | | OR | | | | ADSM Client V 3.1.5/6 | | | | with IC21925E ---------+------------+---------------+-------------+------------------------- DB2 UDB | AIX 4.2.x | June 30, 1998 | PTF: | ADSM Client V313 V5.0 | | | U457227 | (U454539) | | | | (with AIX42313G patch)** | | | | OR | | | | ADSM Client V 3.1.5/6 | | | | with IC21925E (42) ---------+------------+---------------+-------------+------------------------- DB2 UDB | AIX 4.3.x | June 30, 1998 | PTF: | ADSM Client v313 V5.0 | | | U457227 | (U454539) | | | | (with AIX42313G pathc)** | | | | OR | | | | ADSM Client V 3.1.5/6 | | | | with IC21925E (41) ---------+------------+---------------+-------------+------------------------- DB2 UDB | All other | Sept 30, 1998 | To Be | To Be Determined V5.0 | | | Determined | ---------+------------+---------------+-------------+------------------------- DB2 | AIX 4.1.x | July 31, 1998 | PTF: | ADSM Client V313 Common | | | U456961 | (U454538) Server | | | | (with AIX41313G patch) V2.1.2 | | | | OR | | | | ADSM Client V 3.1.5/6 | | | | with IC21925E (42) ---------+------------+---------------+-------------+------------------------- DB2 | AIX 4.2.x | July 31, 1998 | PTF: | ADSM Client V313 Common | AIX 4.3.x | | U456961 | (U454539) Server | | | | (with AIX42313G patch) V2.1.2 | | | | OR | | | | ADSM Client V 3.1.5/6 | | | | with IC21925E (42) | | | | | | | | ---------+------------+---------------+-------------+------------------------- DB2 | OS/2 | Oct 30, 1998 | To Be | To Be Determined Common | | | Determined | Server | | | | V2.1.2 | | | | ---------+------------+---------------+-------------+------------------------- DB2 | All Other | None | N/A | N/A Common | | | | Server | | | | V2.1.2 | | | | ---------+------------+---------------+-------------+------------------------- DB2 PE | AIX | None | N/A | N/A V1.2 | | | | ============================================================================== * Note: The planned availability dates for the required DB2 fix packs are subject to change. ** Note2: There does not appear to be a copy of APARIC21925 for AIX 4.3. Please check with ADSM support to determine if this will be released soon. 2.5.7 DB2MEMDISCLAIM Platform: AIX Default: (not set) Values: YES or NO Description: Depending on the workload being executed and the pool agents configuration you may run into a situation where the committed memory for each DB2 agent will stay above 32MB even when the agent is idle. This behaviour is expected and usually results in good performance as the memory is kept for fast re-use, however, on a memory constrained system, this may not be a desirable side effect. To avoid this condition issue the following: db2set DB2MEMDISCLAIM=yes Disclaiming memory tells the AIX operating system to stop paging the area so that it no longer occupies any real storage. Setting DB2MEMDISCLAIM to YES tells DB2 UDB to disclaim some or all memory once freed, depending on DB2MEMMAXFREE. This will ensure that the memory is made readily available for other processes as soon as it is freed. See also DB2MEMMAXFREE. 2.5.8 DB2MEMMAXFREE Platform: AIX Default: (not set) Values: 4000000 to 256000000 Description: DB2MEMMAXFREE specifies the amount of free memory that is retained by each DB2 agent. The default is 256Mb. You may set this variable to a value between 4 to 256 Mb. We recommend that if you use this feature, you specify a value of 8Mb. See also DB2MEMDISCLAIM. db2set DB2MEMMAXFREE=8000000 2.6 Uninstallation Notes When upgrading or uninstalling the DB2 product(s) on a Windows NT system, you may have to manually shut down all DB2 services and processes on your machine. If the file psapi.dll exists on your system in one of the directories stored in the PATH environment variable, the services and processes should shut down automatically. If psapi.dll does not exist on your system, you will have to manually shut down all DB2 services before being able to upgrade or uninstall. 2.7 DB2/NT UDB EEE Support with Multiple Communication Adapters and TCP/IP Addresses A Windows NT server can support: o A single communication adapter configured with one or more TCP/IP addresses o Multiple communication adapters each configured with one or more TCP/IP addresses However each Windows NT server can only be configured with a single hostname. When resolving the hostname to a TCP/IP address, the resulting TCP/IP address will not necessarily correspond to the hostname/address pair at the Domain Name server. (On the local system it may have multiple TCP/IP addresses to choose from.) The DB2 Fast Communications Manager (FCM) listens on a TCP/IP port that is bound to a specific TCP/IP address. To ensure that all systems in a DB2 EEE environment use the correct TCP/IP address, the Network Name field in the node configuration must be specified using a TCP/IP address. To update the Network Name use the db2nchg command as follows: db2nchg /n: /g: [ /i: ] where: /n: : the node number to modify /g: : the hostname or tcp/ip address for the FCM With multiple TCP/IP addresses and/or multiple TCP/IP adapters you should use TCP/IP addressing to specify the net_name parameter. For example: db2nchg /n:1 /g: /i:DB2MPP You can verify the current settings for the nodes by using the db2nlist command. If DB2 EEE is used in conjunction with Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) to provide high availablity, then a MSCS IP address resource must be used by the FCM. That is, a IP address resource must be created in the failover group and the TCP/IP address associated with the IP address resource must be used as the Network Name for the DB2 node. Alternatively a pre-online script may be used to modify the node configuration during failover. For example: @echo off echo Pre-online script for node "%DB2NODE%" running on machine "%COMPUTERNAME%" if "%COMPUTERNAME%" == "WOLF_NODE_0" goto wolf_node_0 if "%COMPUTERNAME%" == "WOLF_NODE_1" goto wolf_node_1 echo Error ! No script for this computer goto end :wolf_node_0 echo db2nchg /n:%DB2NODE% /g: db2nchg /n:%DB2NODE% /g: goto end :wolf_node_1 echo db2nchg /n:%DB2NODE% /g: db2nchg /n:%DB2NODE% /g: goto end :end echo End of pre-online script 2.8 Maximum log file size for NT In the Configure Database notebook of the Version 5.2 Control Center, on the Logs page, the hint for the Log File Size (logfilsiz) parameter says the range for NT is [4 - 4095] Pages(4KB). For NT, the range is actually [4 - 65535] Pages(4KB), as stated in the Administration Guide. 2.9 Bufferpool configuration parameters There are a new set of bufferpool configuation parameters that exist to tune bufferpools and bufferpool related functions. Below is a list of the parameters and instructions for using them. 1) create a file 2) set the parameters (see details below) in the file as desired 3) db2set DB2BPVARS= 4) db2stop;db2start;db2 connect to Note: When first using these parameters it's strongly recommended to temporarily set the dbm config parm diaglevel set to 4 so that you see all (if any) the error messages for invalid or incorrect parameters. The currently supported parameters are (please note that parameters may be added or removed in future releases): Per bufferpool: (set with =VALUE,BPID for a single bufferpool or =VALUE,* for all bufferpools) NUMHATESTACKS= Valid values are 1 to 254. Default is 1. Specifies the number of stacks of victim pages that are kept. Recommended value is 1. CHNGPGS_THRESH= Valid values are 0 to 99.99. Default is CHNGPGS_THRESH db cfg value. Allows you to have different CHNGPGS_THRESH per bufferpool. Recommendation: do not set this value (ie rely on the db cfg value). Instance and database wide: (set with =VALUE) NT_SCATTER_SMS NT only: Valid values 0=OFF or 1=ON. Default is OFF (0) Can be used to turn scatter read on for SMS tablespaces. This can only be enabled (turned ON) if DB2NTNOCACHE is set on the registry. A warning message will be written to the db2diag.log if DB2NTNOCACHE is OFF (or not set), and scatter read will remain disabled. Recommendation: do not set this parameter (ie rely on the default). Caching is typically more important. NT_SCATTER_DMSFILE NT Only: Valid values 0=OFF or 1=ON. Default is OFF (0). Can be used to turn scatter read on for DMS file containers. This can only be enabled (turned ON) if DB2NTNOCACHE is set on the registry. A warning message will be written to the db2diag.log if DB2NTNOCACHE is OFF (or not set), and scatter read will remain disabled. Recommendation: do not set this parameter (ie rely on the default). Caching is typically more important. NT_SCATTER_DMSDEVICE NT Only: Valid values 0=OFF or 1=ON. Default is OFF (0) can be used to turn scatter read on for DMS device containers. This can only be enabled (turned ON) if DB2NTNOCACHE is set on the registry. A warning message will be written to the db2diag.log if DB2NTNOCACHE is OFF (or not set), and scatter read will remain disabled. Recommendation: Consider a value of 1 for systems with a large amount of sequential prefetching against DMS tablespaces with device containers. LOG_CFG=4 Level at which the variables set in this file will be logged to db2diag.log Here's an example file: # Number of prefetch queues NUMPREFETCHQUEUES=2 # Number of hate stacks NUMHATESTACKS=5,* # Turn on scatter read for DMS device containers NT_SCATTER_DMSDEVICE=1 # Diaglevel at which configuration written LOG_CFG=4 # Override the changed pages threshold for buffer pool 1 (eg IBMDEFAULTBP). CHNGPGS_THRESH=0.99,1 3. Miscellaneous 3.0.1 Automatic Summary Tables 'Refresh Immediate' Automatic Summary Tables (ASTs) can be created by joining two or more tables. (In the past, each AST could reference only one table.) 3.1 Product and Service Technical Library For a complete and up-to-date source of DB2 information, including information on issues discovered after this readme was published, use the Product and Service Technical Library on the World Wide Web at: 3.2 Customer Support To speak to an IBM representative regarding assistance with this product, please call 1-800-992-4777. Customer support is also provided via Electronic Question and Answer (Q&A) forums. These forums are accessible through CompuServe, IBMLink, and Usenet Newsgroup. (1) CompuServe - To access the forums on CompuServe, execute GO IBMDB2. - If you don't have access to CompuServe, call 1-800-848-8199 for membership information in Canada or the US. (2) Usenet Newsgroup: - This Internet Newsgroup is a general forum for discussing questions and/or problems encountered using the DB2 family of products. (3) (IBMLink) Talklink OS/2 BBS - To access the forums on IBMLink, go to the OS2BBS section. - If you don't have access IBMLink, call 1-800-547-1283 for membership information in Canada or the US. 3.3 Corrective Service Corrective service can be downloaded electronically from by either: (1) FTP to anonymous server (previously known as at Go to ps/products/db2/fixes/%L/%P/ where %L is the appropriate locale (e.g. english-us, spanish, german, etc.), and %P is the product name/version (eg. db22v5, db2aixv5, etc.). (2) Use a World Wide Web (WWW) browser to connect to the DB2 Service and Support Page at: (3) On CompuServe, execute GO IBMDB2. Then go to the appropriate library to find the FixPak. (4) On IBM PCC BBS (in US), call (919) 517-0001 (in Raleigh, North Carolina) and then type "db2" on the main menu to find the FixPaks. If you do not have access to any of the above locations, please call 1-800-992-4777 to request these FixPaks be sent to you in the mail. For countries other than US and Canada, please contact your local DB2 Customer Service number for assistance in obtaining them. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation. ** are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *************************************************************************** ** ** (c) COPYRIGHT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 2001. ** ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ** ***************************************************************************