Release Notes (version 8.1.2)

Full message text is not returned when using SQLException.getMessage()

By default, the DB2BaseDataSource.retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage property is disabled. If you enable this property, all calls to the standard JDBC SQLException.getMessage() invoke a server-side stored procedure, which retrieves the readable message text for the error. By default, the full message text is not returned to the client when a server-side error occurs.

You can use the proprietary method DB2Sqlca.getMessage() to retrieve the fully formatted message text. A call to the SQLException.getMessage() method will start a unit of work only if retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage is enabled. A call to the DB2Sqlca.getMessage() method results in a stored procedure call, which starts a unit of work. Prior to FixPak 1, the DB2Sqlca.getMessage() method may throw an exception.

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