
|37.19 改进 Query Patroller 性能

|在“Chapter 6. Performance Tuning”的末尾应该出现下列文本:

|Using the BIND Option, INSERT BUF to Improve DB2 Query Patroller Performance

|By default, DB2 Query Patroller creates result tables to store the results |of the queries it manages. To increase the performance of inserts to these |result tables, include the INSERT BUF option when binding one of the DB2 Query |Patroller bind files.

|Bind the DB2 Query Patroller bind files to the database as follows:

|From the DB2_RUNTIME\bnd directory on Windows, or the DB2_RUNTIME/bnd path |on UNIX, enter the following commands:

|db2 connect to database user iwm using password
|db2 bind @db2qp.lst blocking all grant public
|db2 bind iwmsx001.bnd insert buf 
|db2 bind @db2qp_sp.lst
|db2 commit

|where database is the database the replacement |database that will be managed by DB2 Query Patroller, and password |is the password for the administrative user account, iwm.

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