
|37.6 dqpstart 命令的新参数

|在 Chapter 2 Getting Started 的 Starting and Stopping DB2 Query Patroller 中,在最后一段后面将添加下列文本:

|New Parameters for the dqpstart command: |

|RESTART parameter:
|Allows the user to replace the host name and/or the node type of the |specified node in the dqpnodes.cfg file. DB2 Query Patroller will |be started on this node.
Before running the DQPSTART command |with the RESTART parameter, ensure the following: |
  1. |DB2 Query Patroller is already stopped on the host that is going to be |replaced.
  2. |DB2 Query Patroller is not already running on the new host. |
The syntax is as follows:
|dqpstart nodenum node_num restart hostname server | agent | none

|ADDNODE parameter:
|Allows the user to add a new node to the dqpnodes.cfg file. |DB2 Query Patroller will be started on this node after the new node entry |is added to the dqpnodes.cfg file. The syntax is as follows:
|dqpstart nodenum node_num addnode hostname server | agent | none

|DROPNODE parameter:
|Allows the user to drop a node from the dqnodes.cfg file. |DB2 Query Patroller will be stopped on this node before the node entry is |dropped from the dqpnodes.cfg file. The syntax is as follows:
|dqpstop nodenum node_num dropnode

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