REVISED 19940620 STATUS Announced TYPE Software TITLE IBM DATAPROPAGATOR PRODUCTS ABSTRACT IBM has announcing significant advances in its Data Replication products. Most importantly, data on the mainframe, in IMS/ESA* or DB2* (MVS, VM) or VSAM flat files, can now be replicated to DB2/2*, DB2/6000* and DB2/400*, so that workstation users can access local replicates of mainframe data. The administration of the powerful new facilities can be performed directly from a workstation anywhere in the enterprise. IBM's Data Replication products will provide: o Support for open Client/Server solutions, involving data which may be replicated across all IBM platforms. o End-to-end data replication from legacy data stores to the workstation relational environments o Capability for sophisticated enhancement of data as it is being replicated. o Automation of the replication process o Interoperability between the data replication products. o Intuitive graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for ease of administration from a workstation control point. DATAPROPAGATOR RELATIONAL VERSION 1 DataPropagator Relational Version 1 provides a powerful new automated asynchronous replication capability from DB2 and from DB2/400 to DB2, DB2/2, DB2/400 and DB2/6000. Via a workstation-based graphical user interface, it provides customers the ability to easily specify replication intervals, enhance the data for improved data analysis, maintain historical change information and control the impact of replication on system resources. It cooperates with DataPropagator NonRelational Version 2 to replicate IMS data to DB2/2, DB2/400 and DB2/6000. DataPropagator Relational is a set of six products that provides the flexibility of chosing the source(s) and target(s) databases for replication. PRODUCT POSITIONING IBM's data replication products address refresh, update, enhancement and administration requirements. Each product is characterized by the primary function it provides and this may be qualified by the type of DBMS it supports. DataHub/2 provides the administrative point of control for an integrated data replication solution spanning central and distributed environments. Administrative function that is unique to products such as DataRefresher and DataPropagator Relational Version 1, is visually integrated into the DataHub/2 user interface when present on the same workstation. Data Replication can be positioned as: o Building information warehouse(s) for decision support and executive information systems. o Offloading query processing from productions systems for the purposes of either reducing production table contention and/or reducing production CPU utilization. o Downsizing applications or building Client/Server applications, yet requiring shared data with legacy systems. DataPropagator Relational Version 1 is the product for a comprehensive data replication solution based on DRDA within a relational environment, providing refresh, update and enhancement capabilities between DB2, DB2/2, DB2/400 and DB2/6000 data bases. DataPropagator Relational Version 1 is particularly suitable for providing refresh/update for data on a repetitive basis because it provides an automated replication initiation facility which enables a user to specify how often and how many times a replication operation is to be performed. HIGHLIGHTS DATAPROPAGATOR RELATIONAL VERSION 1: o Automatic data copy between IBM's DB2 family of products (on MVS, OS/2, OS/400 and AIX/6000) o Easy-to-use GUI, integrated with DataHub/2 o Data enhancement using full support of SQL on copy requests, i.e., Subsetting, and Aggregations o Support for either full refresh replication (entire contents) or updated changes. DESCRIPTION DATA REPLICATION: IBM's Data Replication products provide a flexible, enterprise-wide solution to a company's replication requirements. Product configurations are flexible to accommodate multiple data source(s) and target(s) and the frequency of replication executions with easy to use administrative functions. These products working together provide a unique set of functions for leveraging legacy data across an enterprise, whether it is mainframe or Client/Server oriented. Data Replication products provide robust data enhancement capabilities with underlying cost effective technology. GROWTH ENABLEMENT Companies are increasing the scope of end user access to corporate data to accelerate decision making and improve business effectiveness. IBM's data replication products support the evolution of sharing data between departments, workgroups, and/or across the entire enterprise. Data Replication makes data available when and where it is needed. Whether copy tables reside on the host or the workstation, local to or remote from the original table, data replication will automatically copy needed data to the target. INVESTMENT PROTECTION Client/Server and decision support applications can now share an important asset, the legacy data, throughout the enterprise. Data Replication allows data base migration in an orderly fashion. For those customers who wish to migrate some of their applications from mainframes to the workstation environment, data replication provides a structured, low-risk way to achieve this over time. Customers can migrate application components or programs one at a time, while the reliability of the data is protected. SYSTEM MANAGEMENT As corporate network traffic increases, the impact on network systems to refresh multiple copies of gigabyte sized relational tables may not be acceptable. Data Replication products can optionally refresh all of the desired data from the source or transfer, just the changes (update) since the last copy. Copying captured changed data minimizes access to the user table and reduces impact to production application performance. END-USER PRODUCTIVITY IBM's data replication products provide an intuitive Graphical User Interface, which significantly reduces the skill level requirements of the administrator who shall perform the replications. The administrator's productivity increases through capabilities such as saving the defined data sources for reuse, default targets, and simple drag and drop techniques. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION DATAPROPAGATOR RELATIONAL VERSION 1: DataPropagator Relational automatically copies data within and between DB2, DB2/2, DB2/400 and DB2/6000 databases. (DB2/2 and DB2/6000 databases are only supported as sources for other DB2/2 and DB2/6000 targets, respectively.) DataPropagator Relational copying may involve transferring the entire contents of a user table (refresh) or transferring only the changes that have occurred since the last copy (update). (Only refresh capability is supported from DB2/2 and DB2/6000 sources.) DataPropagator Relational automatically chooses the appropriate algorithm for better efficiency and performance, while also allowing an override option. DataPropagator Relational captures the changes and then propagates them to the target tables at user-defined intervals. With DataPropagator Relational, users can significantly enhance the copy requests to subset, derive, or aggregate copied data. DataPropagator Relational supports the unrestricted use of SQL predicates and column functions in the definition of copy requests. Users can enhance the copy requests to subset, derive, or aggregate copied data. DataPropagator Relational provides an intuitive, graphical user interface that is integrated with DataHub/2 (platform base feature). Users can easily easy define what data is to be copied, where it is to be copied, how often it is to be copied, and what processing is to be performed on the copy. DataPropagator Relational leverages DataHub's ability to display database objects for identifying source tables, registering copy sources, defining replication requests, and granting authorizations. DataPropagator Relational maintains data security of source data, through registration of replication sources, while granting end-users the ability to define their replication requests. PROGRAMMING REQUIREMENTS DATAPROPAGATOR RELATIONAL VERSION 1: DataPropagator Relational is a set of the following six products that require the following: DATAPROPAGATOR RELATIONAL/2 runs on any hardware that supports OS/2 Version 2, with the following requirements: o At least 12MB of RAM, but 16MB is recommended o At least 1.5MB of disk storage for its program and support files DATAPROPAGATOR RELATIONAL CAPTURE/MVS for DB2 runs on any hardware that supports MVS/ESA. (MVS/ESA SP Version 4 Release 2 or higher). DATAPROPAGATOR RELATIONAL APPLY/MVS for DB2 runs on any hardware that supports MVS/ESA (MVS/ESA SP Version 4 Release 2 or higher). DATAPROPAGATOR RELATIONAL APPLY/2 runs on any hardware that supports OS/2 Version 2 with the following requirements: o At least 12MB of RAM, but 16MB is recommended o At least 500K bytes of disk storage and additional storage equivalent to the largest refresh copy DATAPROPAGATOR RELATIONAL APPLY/6000 runs on a RISC System that supports AIX Version 3 Release 2. DATAPROPAGATOR RELATIONAL CAPTURE AND APPLY/400 runs on a AS/400 that supports OS/400 Version 3 Release 1. DATAPROPAGATOR RELATIONAL VERSION 1 DataPropagator Relational is a set of the following six products. In all configurations a workstation with DataPropagator Relational/2 (5622-224) is required for every DataPropagator Relational Capture and DataPropagator Relational Apply product except DataPropagator Relational Capture and Apply/400, where it is optional. The following are the requirements per product: DATAPROPAGATOR RELATIONAL/2 software requirements: o DataHub/2 Version 1 (5667-134) Only the DataHub/2 platform base feature is required. o OS/2 Version 2.0 (with Service PAK XR06055) or OS/2 Version 2 Release 1 o DB2/2 Version 1 (5622-044) or higher DB2/2 must be available in either a single-user or multi-user version. o DDCS/2 Version 2 (5622-057) or higher, local or LAN attached, when copying from DB2 or DB2/400. DATAPROPAGATOR RELATIONAL CAPTURE/MVS software requirements: o MVS/ESA SP-JES2 Version 4 Release 2 (5695-047) or MVS/ESA SP-JES3 Version 4 Release 2 (5695-048) or MVS/ESA SP-JES2 Version 5 Release 1 (5655-068) with Open Edition AD/CYCLE C/370 Language Support feature or MVS/ESA SP-JES3 Version 5 Release 1 (5655-069) with Open Edition AD/CYCLE C/370 Language Support feature o C/370 Library Version 2 Release 2 (5688-188) (if used with MVS Version 4 Release 2 products noted above) o MVS/DFP Version 3 Release 2 (5665-XA3) or higher o DB2 Version 2 Release 3 (5665-DB2) or DB2 Version 3 (5685-DB2) o System Modification Program/Extended (SMP/E) Version 1 Release 5 (5668-949) or higher OPTIONAL AND RELATED PROGRAMS: - RACF Version 1 Release 9 (5740-XXH) or higher - NetView Version 2 Release 1 (5685-111) or higher - IBM Database 2 Performance Monitor (DB2PM) Version 3 Release 1 (5655-047) DATAPROPAGATOR RELATIONAL APPLY/MVS software requirements: o MVS/ESA SP-JES2 Version 4 Release 2 (5695-047) or MVS/ESA SP-JES3 Version 4 Release 2 (5695-048) or MVS/ESA SP-JES2 Version 5 Release 1 (5655-068) with Open Edition AD/CYCLE C/370 Language Support feature or MVS/ESA SP-JES3 Version 5 Release 1 (5655-069) with Open Edition AD/CYCLE C/370 Language Support feature o C/370 Library Version 2 Release 2 (5688-188) (if used with MVS Version 4 Release 2 products noted above) o MVS/DFP Version 3 Release 2 (5665-XA3) or higher o DB2 Version 2 Release 3 (5665-DB2) or DB2 Version 3 (5685-DB2) o System Modification Program/Extended (SMP/E) Version 1 Release 5 (5665-949) or higher OPTIONAL AND RELATED PROGRAMS: - RACF Version 1 Release 9 (5740-XXH) or higher DATAPROPAGATOR RELATIONAL APPLY/2 software requirements: o OS/2 Version 2.0 (with Service PAK XR06055) or OS/2 Version 2 Release 1 o DB2/2 Version 1 (5622-044) or higher DB2/2 must be available in either a single-user or multi-user version. o DDCS/2 Version 2 (5622-057) or higher, local or LAN attached, when copying from DB2 or DB2/400. DATAPROPAGATOR RELATIONAL APPLY/6000 software requirements: o AIX 3.2 (plus PTF U403173, U412397, U412815), or AIX 3.2 modification level 4 (5760-030) o AIX 3.2 XL C Compiler Version 1 Release 3 (5765-035) o DB2/6000 Version 1 Release 1 (5765-172) o DB2 Client Support/6000 with SNA Support Feature (5765-205) o SNA Services/6000 Version 1.2 (plus PTF U417688, U417689) with DB2/MVS support,(5601-287) needs in addition: - PTF UN54600 for DB2 Version 2 Release 3 - DDCS/6000 Version 1 (5765-197) SECURITY, AUDITABILITY, AND CONTROL These programs work with the security and auditability features provided by the IMS/ESA Database Manager and DB2 on MVS and DB2/2 database managers, and RACF in an MVS environment PUBLICATIONS DATAPROPAGATOR RELATIONAL VERSION 1: A program directory is supplied with: o DataPropagator Relational Capture/MVS (5655-076) o DataPropagator Relational Apply/MVS (5622-267) One copy of the following publications are supplied automatically with the basic machine-readable material: o GC26-3398 An Introduction to DataPropagator Relational o SC26-3399 DataPropagator Relational Guide o GC26-8087 Licensed Program Specifications For a current list of publications, refer to the appropriate publications option on your respective HONE system, or contact your local IBM representitive. *Signifies a trademark or registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. PRODUCT NUMBER o DataPropagator Relational Version 1: - 5622-244 DataPropagator Relational/2 V1 - 5622-267 DataPropagator Relational Apply/MVS V1 - 5622-268 DataPropagator Relational Apply/2 V1 - 5655-076 DataPropagator Relational Capture/MVS V1 - 5765-363 DataPropagator Relational Apply/6000 V1 Related Products: o 5696-705 DataPropagator NonRelational Version 2 o 5696-703 DataRefresher Version 1