DataPropagator Relational 7/28/94 562224400, 562226700, 562226800, 565507600 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem : Apply/2 startup fails with error message: ************************************************************ * ASN1001 The Apply program encountered an SQL error. * * Error code = 6801012. Sqlstate = 52004. Sqlcode = -204.* * Sqlerrm = xxxxxxxx.ibmsnap_routing. Sqlerrp = sqlrsmt2. * * Server name = . * * Table name = ibmsnap_routing. * ************************************************************ Solution: The OS/2 environment variable SQLDBDFT must be set to the name of the copy server (target database) before Apply/2 is started. The command is: SET SQLDBDFT=targetdb ------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem : Apply/2 starts and runs in the background, but does not process any subscriptions. Solution: Subscriptions are created by subscriber userids which must be defined in UPM on the copy server workstation (target database) Each subscriber requires a distinct instance of Apply/2. Prior to starting Apply/2 for a subscriber, that subscriber UPM userid must be logged on locally at the copy server workstation. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem : Apply/2 starts and runs in the background, but does not process any subscriptions. The ASN.IBMSNAP_TRAIL audit table shows: ************************************************************ * ASN1001 The Apply program encountered an SQL error. * * Error code = 240101. Sqlstate = 42501. Sqlcode = -551.* * Sqlerrm = xxxxxxxx execute package error. * * Server name = . * ************************************************************ OR ************************************************************ * ASN1001 The Apply program encountered an SQL error. * * Error code = 240101. Sqlstate = 42501. Sqlcode = -551.* * Sqlerrm = xxx.ASNyymmddhhmmssPC Sqlerrp = sqlrsmt2. * * Server name = . * * Table name = xxx.ASNyymmddhhmmssPC * ************************************************************ Solution: These problems occur when the subscriber userid does not have the correct level of database authority on the data server (source database). In particular, the subscriber must have EXECUTE privilege on the KOCHAR.ASNAPPLY package and access to the DB2 default database. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem: The Apply/MVS plan, ASNAPLAN, must be rebound whenever new Data Servers are associated with a Copy Server. Solution Instructions on adding locations to the Package List are in the Apply/MVS Program Directory, Section 7.12 - Step 11-- Update and Execute the Bind Job. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem: SECTION OF PROG. DIRECTORY REFERENCED: 7.1.3 Step 12-- The JCL provided in Step 12 (ASNLDB23 and ASNLDB31) has: //SYSTSIN DD * DSN S(DBnn) <== VERIFY DB2 SUBSYSTEM NAME Solution: Change DBnn to the name of your DB2 subsystem and DELETE the comment before submitting the JCL for execution. The comment will cause JCL errors, since the IKJEFT01 program will attempt to process it as an input statement. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem: SECTION OF PROG. DIRECTORY REFERENCED: 7.10 Step 9-VSAM Message File You will get errors running job ASNLVSAM unless you watch for the following... - If you do a global change for HLQUAL, also check ASNL.V1R1M0.MSGS. The DELETE step refers to the default dataset name instead of HLQUAL.MSGS - In the SYSIN input to program IDCAMS (steps DELETE, ALLOC, KSDSLD), there are several comments starting with "<==". These are not valid comment statements to IDCAMS. Solution: Either delete the rest of the line starting with "<==", or encase them using valid IDCAMS syntax (that is, encase with /* */, and move the continuation character "-" after the comment instead of before). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem: SECTION OF PROG. DIRECTORY REFERENCED: 7.12 Step 11 Create Req.Tables The JCL provided in Step 11 (ASNLCT23 and ASNLCT31) has: //DSNCT EXEC PROC=TEPxPROC Solution: The PROC TEPxPROC should be replaced with a local PROC which executes the DB2 PL/I sample program DSNSTEP2 or DSNSTEP3. If the PL/I sample program is not available, you can create and load the required Capture/MVS tables by copying the SQL statements from ASNLCT23 or ASNLCT31, and executing them with any tool that processes dynamic SQL, such as SPUFI and QMF. DO NOT CHANGE ANY VALUE OR NAME IN THE SQL STATEMENTS. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem: MVS Console Commands are required to Stop, REINIT, SUSPEND, and RESUME Capture/MVS. This can cause operational problems and it may result in cancelling Capture/MVS instead of stopping it. (Cancelling Capture/MVS requires a COLD start to restart.) Solution: The following can be used to allow MVS Console Commands to be issued through JCL. Setup a special jobclass to JES2 with subparameter COMMAND=DISPLAY. Then any MVS console commands in JCL submitted with this jobclass will be verified and executed. . Sample JCL could be... MVS/ESA-3.1.3 JES2-3.1.3 // EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 // F jobname,SHUTDOWN MVS/ESA-4.3 JES2-4.3 // EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //CMD1 COMMAND 'F jobname,SHUTDOWN' (Capture/MVS would run in its normal jobclass. Only the JCL required to execute console commands would use the special jobclass.) Using the special jobclass does not prevent the user from submitting any other MVS console commands. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem: When started COLD, Capture/MVS starts reading the log at the most recent entry. Because updates may have been lost, existing copies are changed to Full Refresh. Solution: Usually start Capture/MVS WARM. The default is COLD. Use the PARM to specify WARM or COLD, as documented in the DPropR Guide (SC26-3399-00) Chapter 6. When started WARM, Capture/MVS starts reading the log where it was when Capture/MVS was stopped. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem: INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCTS: Capture/MVS and DB2 Capture/MVS comes down immediately after being started with message ASN0004E - The trace for Capture/MVS could not start. Routine name is START_TRACE, Return Code is 8, Reason Code is 00E60834 or 00E60835 or 00E60854. Solution: Apply the following DB2 PTF's as recommended in the Capture/MVS Program Directory DB2 2.3 - UN44994, UN57285 DB2 3.1 - UN44995, UN57286