************************* *** IBM DataRefresher *** ************************* Data on the go for businesses on the move WHAT IS IBM DATAREFRESHER? A key component of IBM's Data Replication solution, IBM DataRefresher* supports the mapping and moving of your legacy data to relational platforms. It directly supports a wide variety of data sources, including all IBM MVS databases and file types, and supports other sources through the use of exits written in any common high-level language. DataRefresher operates by creating load-ready files for DB2* utilities to fully refresh target databases. The target database is reloaded or replaced with a new copy of the source each time you run DataRefresher. WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH DATAREFRESHER DataRefresher gives you an effective, generic, "quickstart" method to build data warehouses based on the DB2 family of databases using data from diverse legacy sources. DataRefresher can join data from up to sixteen different sources of various database and file types. For example, DataRefresher can join IMS*, VSAM, and flat file data in building a DB2 for MVS database. DataRefresher directly supports all DB2 family databases as targets. With DataRefresher's Generic Output Interface, you can format output for other relational databases as well. Supporting a standard set of enhancement functions, DataRefresher can also add value to your data while building target databases. For example, if the data in operational systems contains numeric codes instead of descriptive text, DataRefresher can translate the raw numeric data into more meaningful descriptive information. A set of exits built into DataRefresher enables you to build specific data translation rules into the refresh process. BALANCE THE WORKLOAD ACROSS APPROPRIATE SKILL GROUPS DataRefresher's graphical user interface (GUI) is structured to match the skill levels of various users with the tasks they perform. With the product's intuitive drag-and-drop interface, defining data sources and creating and running extracts -- tasks that used to be complicated -- are now quite simple. By shielding users from the underlying complexities of data being extracted, DataRefresher's GUI expands the traditional DBA user set to include application programmers, LAN administrators, and other end users. Typically, legacy data sources are not defined in centralized catalog structures as they are in relational data stores. DataRefresher simplifies the source definition process by automatically generating those source definitions from COBOL or PL/I copy libraries. And with DataRefresher, users with limited programming skills can easily build an extract based on any of your registered sources. So your organization will no longer have to depend on programmers to develop extracts. ELIMINATE NEED FOR EXTRACT APPLICATION MAINTENANCE DataRefresher acts as a generic extraction application, eliminating the need to develop and maintain sets of application programs. Typically, large organizations require multiple extract requests, each of which requires a separate application program. But with DataRefresher, you simply specify the request using the GUI. Once you've registered a data source, you can modify the extract quickly and easily with the GUI, or you can copy an existing extract, redefining the data you want extracted. No programming or program maintenance is required. ENSURE THAT YOUR DATA IS AVAILABLE ACROSS SYSTEMS DataRefresher can be used to refresh your targets daily. Once an extract has been built, it's saved on your workstation and can be sent to the host for processing at any time -- or it can be automated with existing MVS-based automation tools in your environment. DATAREFRESHER AND IBM'S DATA REPLICATION SOLUTION As part of IBM's Data Replication solution, DataRefresher makes legacy data available in relational environments. It provides full refresh copying from any data source on MVS and directs it to any DB2 family database. DataRefresher gives you a facility for writing data to the IBM DataPropagator* Relational data staging area, allowing for data distribution across large distributed networks. Once data has been staged, DataPropagator Relational can further enhance it to meet varying needs across an enterprise. You can initiate administrative tasks for DataRefresher from IBM's DataHub* -- when you want to copy from a non-relational source, for example, you'll be passed seamlessly from your DataHub workstation to the DataRefresher GUI. Data definitions and extract requests defined to DataRefresher via the GUI can be shared with DataPropagator NonRelational to further propagate changes from source to target databases. By using these products together, you'll appreciate the convenience and efficiency of a coordinated refresh and update process between IMS and DB2 databases. NEW FEATURES IN DATAREFRESHER AND SUPPORT FOR DXT USERS Built on the proven strengths of IBM Data Extract (DXT*), DataRefresher offers DXT users the following enhancements: * Significantly improved usability through the OS/2*-based GUI. * Increased target and enhancement possibilities through the use of a Generic Output Interface (GOI). * An easy-to-use Configuration, Installation, and Distribution, or CID-enabled, installation mechanism for the OS/2 component of DataRefresher. * Improved, task-oriented documentation. * Automatic generation of error-free JCL for all host extract jobs. * Definition of data and extracts for multiple MVS/ESA* hosts from a single OS/2 control point. * Full upward compatibility from DXT Version 2, Release 5. For more information about DataRefresher, contact your authorized IBM software reseller or your local IBM marketing representative. (C) International Business Machines Corporation 1995 IBM United States Santa Teresa Laboratory P.O. Box 49023 San Jose, CA 95161-9023 5-95 All Rights Reserved References in this publication to IBM products or services do not imply that IBM intends to make them available outside the United States. * IBM, DataRefresher, DB2, DataPropagator, DataHub, DXT, IMS, OS/2, and MVS/ESA are trademarks or registered trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation. All other products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. GC26-8461-00