"Data Replication Solution" -- Demonstration Diskette Version 1.1 94/12/23 Hardware - 386-Class Machine or Higher Operating system - DOS ftp: ps.boulder.ibm.com Location: ps/products/datapropagator/demos/drs_demo.exebin Notes: Get with type binary Type: Self extracting ZIP file To unzip: DRS_DEMO To unzip to diskette: DRS_DEMO A: Type INSTALL to install the Demo. This package consists of one file containing the "Data Replication Solution" demonstration. Products covered in the demo are DataHub, DataPropagator Relational, DataPropagator NonRelational, DataRefresher and DataJoiner. (The demo file is a self-extracting zipped file.) *********************************************************************** The DRS_DEMO EXEBIN file contains three files that comprise the Data Replication Solution demonstration. The DRS_DEMO file plus the three files contained inside require approximately 2.7 megabytes of disk storage prior to installation. Following the installation, the demo requires approximately 4.3 megabytes of of disk storage. 1. Get the file DRS_DEMO.EXE as a binary file to a directory you choose on your workstation hard disk. 2. Position yourself in the directory where you downloaded the file. Type DRS_DEMO and press Enter. This will cause the file to be unzipped into three additional files in the same directory. 3. Type INSTALL then press Enter to begin the installation of the demo. The installation program will present a menu showing where it will install the demo (the default directory is C:\IBM_DRS). You can change from the default disk and directory if you choose. Follow the instructions on the screen. When the installation is complete, you can erase the original downloaded file and its three unzipped parts: DRS_DEMO.EXE, INSTALL.EXE, UNZIP.EXE and DISK.ID Do -not- erase DEMO.EXE. (It is the actual demo program.) 4. For best performance, run the demonstration from a fullscreen DOS session (if you have OS/2) or from native DOS. To start the demo, position yourself in the directory where you installed the demo, type DEMO and press Enter. NOTE: On screens where navigation buttons and animation are both present, it may require several clicks to activate the navigation buttons. DRS_DEMO EXEBIN * "Data Replication Solution" demonstration Sections of the demo are: - Replication Overview -- Understanding Replication -- Benefiting from Replication -- Evaluating Replication - Solution Overview -- Features -- Architecture -- Products -- Demo - Why IBM? -- Technology -- Services -- Support - More Information