TITLE DataHub LIVE! Installation and Connectivity COURSE# CU39500C LOCAL# U3950 STATUS Active DURATION 4 Days DESCRIPT This course teaches you how to install, configure, and use DataHub to manage an enterprise's distributed relational database systems. You will install the OS/2 and MVS components of DataHub and configure DataHub to implement its data management functions with DB2/MVS, OS/400 DB, DB2/VM, and DB2/2. The course includes lectures and several intensive hands-on machine exercises on PS/2 workstations connected to MVS, VM, and OS/2 host systems. OBJECTIVE After completing this course, you should be able to: - State how DataHub relates to distributed relational database and copy management - Specify the communications/networking parameters required for DataHub connections to MVS, VM, OS/400, VM, and OS/2 systems - Install DataHub/2 - Install DataHub Support/2 - Configure DataHub Support/MVS - Configure CM/2 on the DataHub/2 control point workstation and on the DataHub Support/2 workstation for communication with MVS, OS/400, VM, and OS/2 host systems - Configure DataHub for use with host databases - Verify the installation by performing DataHub functions to access and manipulate host databases - Describe various facilities available to assist in problem determination activities associated with the operation of DataHub CONTENTS - Overview and positioning of DataHub - Overview of packaging and connectivity - Install DataHub/2, platform and tools - Install DataHub Support/2, platform and tools - Configure DataHub control point workstation to use remote DataHub Support/2 - Install and configure DataHub Support/MVS, platform and tools - Add an OS/400 host to DataHub - Install the DataHub control point workstation as a LAN requester - Problem determination facilities - Add a VM-managed host to DataHub - Beyond DataHub release 1 PREREQ Before taking this course, you should have a working knowledge of database administration responsibilities, relational database, distributed database, and VTAM/SNA connectivity. This knowledge can be obtained by attending the following two courses: - Distributed Relational Database Fundamentals and Planning (U4100) - Distributed Relational Database Implementation (U4110) Performing the lab exercises will be easier if you have usage skills with workstation hardware, OS/2, Communication Manager/2, and DB2/2 Directories. AUDIENCE People responsible for DataHub planning and installation, including systems programmers, data administrators, database administrators, and IBM professionals who are performing or supporting DataHub evaluation and implementation activities. FORMAT Classroom (Traditional stand-up class) Public, Private COST Tuition: 1,600 Private Class Price: 1-14 Students: 24,500 Each additional student: 400 FOR CLASS SCHEDULES/ENROLLMENT - CALL 1-800-IBM-TEAC