********************************* * DataHub Questions and Answers * October 4, 1994 ********************************* Q: CAN YOU GIVE ME A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF TODAY'S DATAHUB ANNOUNCEMENT? A: Today IBM announced the availability of the second release of the DataHub product set with a general availability of September 30, 1994 (October 28, 1994 in World Trade). In addition to the four previously supported IBM database management systems DataHub now supports DB2/6000. In addition, DataHub supports IBM FlowMark for OS/2 to enable a user to automate his database administration tasks. Q: CAN YOU GIVE ME A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF DATAHUB? A: IBM DataHub is a family of products that provides a workstation-based control point and a set of integrated database management functions to enable more effective management of relational databases. DataHub supports these IBM relational database management systems: o DB2/2 (DB2 for OS/2) o DB2/400 (DB2 for OS/400) o DB2/MVS (DB2 for MVS/ESA and MVS/XA) o DB2/VM (DB2 for VM) o DB2/6000 (DB2 for AIX) DataHub can simplify the tasks of database administrators, systems administrators, help desk personnel, systems programmers, and application programmers. From a workstation control point, customers can manage multiple databases across database management systems on different platforms and in single or multiple locations. DataHub provides tools with a consistent, object-based, graphical user interface that can reduce the amount of training needed by users. The interface conforms to SystemView Integration Level 1. DataHub extends the advantages of systems management to the Information Warehouse framework by enabling an enterprise to efficiently copy database objects, such as data and their associated authorizations. DataHub also promotes the efficient integration of new IBM relational databases, data and tools into the existing information systems environment. DataHub is designed to promote the integration of database systems management tools developed by IBM, Independent Software Vendors (ISV), vendors and customers. It provides tool developers with a set of common services on the workstation and host to reduce development effort and promote consistency among tools. Q: WHAT IS THE VALUE TO CUSTOMERS OF DATAHUB? A: DataHub can help your customers' Information Systems personnel manage complex database environments, both distributed or non-distributed, which can help increase productivity. DataHub provides a single control point across all managed databases providing easy to use catalog browsing, data copy between databases, quick utilities invocation for multiple databases, and an integration platform that will allow all your customers' favorite tools to have a consistent invocation mechanism. These features combine to increase the productivity of systems management staffs. DataHub masks the differences between database managers, thereby helping to increase productivity and reduce training requirements. It provides the ability to centralize database management tasks potentially increasing data reliability and reducing personnel requirements. Management of distributed, client-server environments can be costly, but DataHub speeds problem determination making the operations staff more productive. The ability to perform basic task scheduling with DataHub or workflow models for automatic execution (via the integration with FlowMark) frees the operations staff to concentrate fully on the global needs of administration. Q: WHAT VALUE CAN DATAHUB ADD TO ENTERPRISES THAT DO NOT HAVE DISTRIBUTED ENVIRONMENTS? A: For customers managing similar database environments, e.g. multiple DB2, DB2/2, DB2/6000 databases, DataHub provides a single control point to manage the local or remote databases. For these customers with enterprise data in multiple locations, even though not connected through distributed applications, DataHub provides the ability to centralize database management tasks potentially increasing data reliability and reducing staffing requirements. Q: WHAT BENEFIT DOES A CUSTOMER RECEIVE FROM THE INTEGRATION OF DATAHUB AND FLOWMARK FOR OS/2? A: A user will now be able to define and automate execution of database administrative tasks. For example, an installation may wish to always reorganize some data, update the statistics maintained for this data and, finally, create a backup copy of this data. This set of tasks needs to run unattended on a weekly basis. With these two products, a user would define this process in DataHub and "drag and drop" it on FlowMark. FlowMark will then execute the process as part of the weekly workflow model without further user interaction. Q: HOW DOES THE SCHEDULING CAPABILITY OF DATAHUB COMPARE TO THE WORKFLOW MANAGEMENT AVAILABLE WITH IBM FLOWMARK? A: The DataHub Scheduler is used for basic scheduling of DataHub tasks. A DataHub command can be saved to a command file, and the command file can be scheduled to run at a specific time (e.g. at midnight) or on a specific time interval (e.g. daily). Integration with IBM FlowMark provides complex workflow management. This includes the automation of complex system management tasks. DataHub commands can be dragged and dropped onto the FlowMark workflow model. Note that FlowMark executes a workflow model, so a task is executed when its predecessor finishes; one schedules a set of events to occur, but cannot specify that a task is to occur at a specific time. Q: HOW DOES DATAHUB SUPPORT NON-IBM DATABASES? WILL DATAHUB CONTROL NON-RELATIONAL DATA SOURCES AS WELL? A: DataHub Version 1 Release 2 supports the IBM DB2 family of relational databases. On October 4, 1994, IBM announced DataHub for UNIX Version 1. It will support the management of DB2/6000, DB2 for HP-UX, DB2 for Solaris System, Oracle, Sybase and Ingres from control points on AIX, HP-UX and Solaris System. Q: HOW DOES DATAHUB FIT INTO THE SYSTEMVIEW FRAMEWORK? A: DataHub is consistent with the SystemView framework in that it brings greater automation and integration with systems management products. DataHub is a SystemView-conforming product in its user interface design. DataHub supports the following SystemView disciplines: business management, problem management, operations management, and change management. Q: EXPLAIN DATAHUB'S RELATIONSHIP WITH THE DISTRIBUTED RELATIONAL DATABASE ARCHITECTURE (DRDA). A: Currently, DataHub uses DRDA for access to remote databases. Q: IS DATAHUB OBJECT ORIENTED? A: No. DataHub is object-action oriented. This means that database objects (tables, views, authorizations, etc.) are manipulated by first selecting an object or objects in the DataHub window, and then selecting the action to take on those objects. Q: DOES DATAHUB MANAGE DATA DIMENSION STORES? A: DataHub manages relational data stores. As one of its key requirements, Data Dimension needs to support existing systems management applications and heterogeneous data stores, and relational data stores are among these. Q: WHAT IBM TOOLS ENABLE TO DATAHUB? A: DB2 Estimator, DataPropagator Relational, and DataRefresher are invocable from DataHub. On October 4, 1994, two new tools were announced: DB2 Performance Monitor for OS/2 and AIX, DB2 Visual Explain for OS/2 and AIX. These new tools will be invocable from DataHub also. Q: WHAT DOES DATAHUB OFFER TO THE INFORMATION WAREHOUSE FRAMEWORK? A: DataHub extends the advantages of its database management functions to IBM's Information Warehouse framework. Administrators can use DataHub to create and manage an environment which implements the Information Warehouse framework in the following ways: o Consistently manage operational database systems and database information stores throughout the enterprise from a workstation control point. DataHub provides a window on all the database objects and users in the enterprise-wide information system. o Determine what relational database objects are available anywhere in the enterprise. DataHub displays these objects as well as related objects and information about them. o Copy data to an information store. DataHub's Copy Data function provides enhanced ability to copy database objects, such as data and their associated authorizations, from one relational database management system to another. o Manage authorities and privileges on relational data. With DataHub, administrators can effectively display the authorizations for all objects and users of any of the relational database management systems in the system, then copy, add, or delete those authorizations. Additionally, DataHub is the strategic control point for replication administration, a central element within IBM's Data Replication solution. Q: WHAT IS THE POSITIONING OF DATAHUB WITHIN THE INFORMATION WAREHOUSE FRAMEWORK? A: DataHub plays two key roles in the Information Warehouse framework. First, it provides a single control point for the management of operational databases and information stores across the entire enterprise. Second, it provides a platform for delivery of enterprise data to knowledge workers and decision makers. Q: DOES DATAHUB HAVE DATA REPLICATION CONTROL OR TRACKING? A: DataHub provides control with respect to allowing the user to decide whether or not to execute the copy request based on the implications provided by DataHub. DataHub also provides a report file which logs the copy activities of each copy data execution. If the same report file is used for consecutive copy operations, tracking of the copy operations is possible. Also, DataHub works in concert with the administrative portion of DataPropagator Relational to manage registrations and subscriptions to sources and targets of replication. Q: HOW DOES DATAHUB REPLICATE COPIES? A: DataHub allows data from any IBM relational database to be copied to any other IBM relational database. Copied data can consist of a column and/or row subset or the whole table. In order to copy data to multiple databases, the user can edit the DataHub files which contain the copy operation statements, change the target RDBMS and run the copy operation again. This can be repeated as many times as there are targets. Q: DOES DATAHUB INTERFACE WITH DATAREFRESHER, DATAPROPAGATOR RELATIONAL AND DATAPROPAGATOR NONRELATIONAL? A: Working together, DataRefresher, DataPropagator NonRelational and DataPropagator Relational allow you to bring not only DB2 but also IMS data, and changes to that data, to the desktop. DataHub/2 provides a single control point from where the replication processes can be administered in a consistent manner. Q: WHAT IS THE POSITIONING OF THE DATAHUB COPY FUNCTION WITH DATAREFRESHER, DATAPROPAGATOR RELATIONAL AND DATAPROPAGATOR NONRELATIONAL? A: DataHub provides the administrative point of control for an integrated data replication solution spanning centralized and distributed environments. The DataHub Copy Data function focuses on initial setup of a new database, especially to a dissimilar platform. Copy Data not only copies database tables, menus and indexes, and user authorizations, but it is significant in its report/copy implications such as column specification translations, referential constraint violations, function loss, and others. This is extremely useful in migrating databases to new systems, and for ad hoc copies. Data Refresher focuses on full refresh of data, replacing the entire contents of the target table with the new data from the source. DPropR and DPropNR focus on incremental update, with only the changes to the source table copied to the target. Q: TO WHAT DEGREE IS DATAHUB AN OPEN SYSTEM? A: The DataHub integration platform is architected to support any RDBMS which fully implements DRDA. A number of software vendors have announced their intent to support DRDA in their products. These vendors include database vendors with RDBMSes on non-IBM platforms. Q: WILL IBM'S DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM PRODUCTS USE THE PLATFORM? A: DataHub is intended primarily as an integration platform for database management tools. There is, however, no reason why Decision Support System applications could not use it. Q: WHY DOESN'T DATAHUB SUPPORT 3270 TERMINALS? A: During the early phases of DataHub design, a decision was made to provide an SAA CUA conforming, graphical end user interface. DataHub's graphic user interface is much easier to use than a 3270 interface and is designed to allow the DataHub end user to be more productive. DataHub's use of OS/2's multitasking capabilities allows the DataHub user to perform multiple tasks concurrently, which again, can improve the end user's productivity. The primary objective of the DataHub product is to make the systems management staff more productive. The DataHub designers felt that the productivity objectives of DataHub simply could not be achieved through a 3270 user interface, thus the decision was made to base the product on OS/2. Q: DOES DATAHUB USE EDA/SQL TO ACCESS OTHER DATA STORES? A: This release of DataHub supports IBM's relational database management systems which can be accessed directly via SQL. EDA/SQL is useful when accessing non-relational data stores via the SQL API. Q: WHAT VENDORS HAVE ANNOUNCED THEIR INTENT TO ENABLE PRODUCTS TO DATAHUB? A: The following vendors have announced their intent to enable products to DataHub: Allen Systems Group, BMC Software, Boole & Babbage, Inc., Bridge Technology, Inc., Candle Corporation, Compuware Corporation, InfoTel Corporation, Landmark Systems Corporation, LEGENT Corporation, PLATINUM technology, inc., Programart Corporation, Relay Technology, Tone Software Corporation, and XDB Systems. Q: WHAT SHOULD CUSTOMERS DO TODAY TO PREPARE FOR DATAHUB? A: Customers should review their environments for current and future database management requirements. Requirements for database management tools and data replication should be part of such a review. Account teams can assist their customers in applying DataHub's and other IBM database products' functions to help meet current requirements. Q: IS THERE A CONSULTING AND SERVICE OFFERING FOR DATAHUB? A: Consulting and services can be used to plan for a DataHub solution. Current consulting and services capabilities and offerings are available now to support all aspects of the Information Warehouse framework from strategy, to planning, design, implementation, operations and evaluation. IBM (c) International Business Machines Corporation 1994 All Rights Reserved References in this publication to IBM products or services do not imply that IBM intends to make them available outside the United States. DataHub, IBM, DB2/6000, FlowMark, OS/2, DB2/2, DB2, DB2/400, OS/400, MVS/ESA, MVS/XA, AIX, SystemView, Information Warehouse, Distributed Relational Database Architecture, DRDA, DataPropagator, DataRefresher, SAA and CUA are trademarks or registered trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation. All other products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.