************************************************* *** IBM DataHub for UNIX(R) Operating Systems *** ************************************************* EXECUTIVE SUMMARY IBM's DataHub for UNIX Operating Systems provides administrators powerful functions to manage a variety of databases on a variety of UNIX operating system platforms -- all from a single point of control. As your business expands and diversifies, your administrators are faced with the challenge of managing multiple vendor databases, remote as well as local, on different hardware and software platforms. DataHub for UNIX OS answers these challenges by administering your database systems efficiently and effectively. HIGHLIGHTS AND BENEFITS o Management of multi-vendor, multi-platform database environments DataHub for UNIX OS fully exploits the facilities of the RDBMSs it manages. DataHub for UNIX OS supports the following relational databases: -- Oracle -- Sybase -- DB2/6000 (AIX only) on the following UNIX operating system platforms: -- AIX -- HP-UX -- Solaris System o Remote database and systems management Database and operating systems management tasks can be performed on local as well as remote systems and databases. DataHub for UNIX OS is a cost-effective solution that scales from single server LANs, to large, multiple server networks, to entire distributed operations. o Comprehensive database management functions DataHub for UNIX OS offers a robust set of database management functions for novice and experienced administrators. From an intuitive graphical user interface, you can perform a wide variety of tasks, including: -- Display, create, change, copy and delete database objects -- Perform backup and recovery -- Display resource utilization -- Run startup and shutdown procedures -- Perform security management -- Display objects from heterogeneous databases on a single screen and perform actions on the set -- Define new database objects and actions to be performed -- Manage database configurations o Automated operations DataHub for UNIX OS has a sophisticated rule-based system that allows you to automate your database and system operations based on your business policies. Intelligent watchdogs send notification of system and database events. Network traffic is minimized through filtering of events, so only important information is reported. You can take corrective actions based upon a combination of events across multiple platforms and database systems. By correlating events from different systems, you can react intelligently to complex problems. o Single workstation control point with easy-to-use graphical user interface A single workstation can be used to manage all your database systems on any platform. Your database management tools can be integrated seamlessly into the user interface, thus making it easier for your administrators to manage a complex database management system productively. The intuitive graphical user interface -- where operations are point-and-click and drag-and- drop -- enables administrators to perform tasks easily, without having to know the details of the different database management systems. For more information, please contact your local IBM office or your local authorized IBM reseller. IBM (c) International Business Machines Corporation 1995 All Rights Reserved References in this publication to IBM products or services do not imply that IBM intends to make them available outside the United States. IBM, DB2/6000, AIX and DataHub are trademarks of the IBM Corporation. All other products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited.