DataGuide for Lotus Notes DataGuide provides client/server information catalogs on a LAN for users to share and reuse business information in an organization. DataGuide for Lotus Notes User provides search and browse capability and can launch applications to view information quickly. DataGuide Administrator provides extractors to gather information descriptions from many sources, including DBMSs and desktop tools, to populate DataGuide information catalogs. DataGuide for Lotus Notes User enables you to: O Find information in the DataGuide information catalog using standard Lotus Notes functions (views, search, and navigation) O Launch applications based on the capabilities of the underlying Lotus Notes environment O Build and update the Lotus Notes information catalog. O Handle database authorizations and replications the same way as you handle other Lotus Notes databases O Search for information based on all the text of each object (full-text search) O Provide a workgroup solution for information sharing. An information catalog for your business DataGuide: O Provides a client/server information catalog O Helps you share and reuse company information O Stores information catalogs on DB2/2 on a LAN, DB2 on MVS, or a Lotus Notes database O Runs on OS/2, Windows, and Lotus Notes Start your DataGuide journey with a DataGuide Starter Package, which includes one DataGuide Administrator and four Users of the same type: OS/2, Windows, or Lotus Notes. Later, you can add different types of Users to your starter package. You can purchase User licenses for each of the three platforms in quantities of 10 or 50. DataGuide for OS/2 is also known as DataGuide/2, and DataGuide Administrator also known as DataGuide/2 Administrator DataGuide for Lotus Notes Technical Information DataGuide for Lotus Notes User is a client of a Lotus Notes database. The database contains an information catalog imported from a DB2/2 or DB2 on MVS database. Refer to Lotus Notes documentation for minimum configuration for Lotus Notes clients. For installing/updating an information catalog in a Lotus Notes database: Hardware requirements O 1.5 MB Software requirements O Lotus Notes 3.0 (or higher) O OS/2 2.0 (or higher) with REXX DataGuide for Lotus Notes Starter Package includes: O 1 DataGuide Administrator O 4 DataGuide for Lotus Notes Users See the back of the DataGuide brochure (DGBROCH) for DataGuide Administrator technical information. DataGuide Administrator runs on OS/2.