Installing DataGuide for Windows in a WIN/OS2 environment A) In a DOS window or DOS full screen session, install DB2 CAE/DOS 1.2 configure its machine name, and catalog your local DB2/2 1.2 databases. 1) Insert CAE/DOS diskette no.1. Enter at DOS command line: > install Only Windows support portion of CAE/DOS is needed by DataGuide. 2) When prompt for protocol, because of a known bug in their installation, it's required to enter something even user only attempts to use it locally. So select NetBios by using the arrow key following by the space bar, then hit enter. NetBios protocol support is the smallest piece among all the protocols. 3) When prompt for userid, enter any valid userid. DataGuide uses the logon userid and password at DataGuide logon panel so it doesn't matter what default userid you enter here. But this is also required by CAE/DOS at installation time. 4) When prompt for default database, skip it by hitting enter. 5) CAE/DOS will ask you if you want to install it at default directory, C:\SQLLIB. We prefer to use \CAEDOS instead. Just be careful don't use the same directory name as the DB2/2 directory. 6) After installation is completed, let CAE/DOS update your AUTOEXEC.BAT automatically. 7) You don't need to reboot to use CAE/DOS, just re-run your new AUTOEXEC.BAT to let your system know the new DB2PATH path. 8) At DOS command line, enter DB2. CAE/DOS command line processor is now in effective. 9) User need to configure the machine name, this is the same name you use when DB2/2 1.2 was installed on your machine. (Normally the machine name is the same as your machine's LAN ID) At the DB2 prompt, enter the following: DB2> UPDATE DATABASE MANAGER CONFIGURATION USING NNAME machinename 10) Since user wants to access local databases, thus the cataloging has to be done using CAE/DOS command line processor. The catalog utility shipped with DataGuide for Windows only supports NetBios protocol. It doesn't support local cataloging. At the DB2 prompt, enter the following: DB2> CATALOG DATABASE dbname AS dbalias ON drive Where the dbname is the name of your DB2/2 local database name, dbalias is what you would like to call it under WIN-OS/2, and drive is where the DB2/2 database resides. 11) To get out of CAE/DOS command line processor, enter QUIT at DB2 prompt. B) To install DataGuide for Windows, either use a WIN-OS2 full screen session or use a DOS session. 1) If from DOS session, at DOS prompt, first change the drive to A drive, insert DG diskette, then enter the following: > WIN INSTALL The installation procedure is very similar to DG/2 installation. I will not repeat the details here. 2) If from WIN-OS2 session, select "file" from program manager's action bar, and from file's drop down list, select "run..." In the run window, enter A:\INSTALL. Or if you prefer, you could double click on the install.exe from file manager, drive A. 3) After DataGuide for Windows is installed, it's advised to soft boot the system. C) Now you are ready to run DataGuide for Windows under Win-OS/2. Notes: Just watch out for one thing: If your machine only has 16M of less of RAM, it's very likely that you won't be able to launch any large applications under WIN-OS2. In a 16M environment, WIN-OS2 only gets 3.7 M of memory. So if an application requires 4M to run, then do not show this particular program launch to your customers. We have tried PaintBrush and found it failed to bring up the image file that DG passed to it. But after PaintBrush itself became the foreground runner, we can tell PaintBrush to open the same image file.