REVISED 19940524 STATUS Announced TYPE Software TITLE IBM DATAGUIDE/2 VERSION 1 VRM 1.00.0 ABSTRACT Making the right decisions at the right time with the right information could make a difference between a business having great success - or struggling to survive. Although data abounds in today's business environment, finding the right data for business decisions is far from easy. In fact, most people would agree that determining what data is available, what the data really represents, who owns the data, where it is located and how it is stored is the most demanding part of any decision analysis. IBM DataGuide/2 Version 1 and IBM DataGuide/MVS Release 1 are the first two members of the IBM DataGuide product family that provide an Information Catalog capability for end users to efficiently locate data for the support of their business decisions. Windows** clients for DataGuide, as previously announced, will be provided at a future release. Based on a graphical user interface (GUI) on OS/2 2.1, IBM DataGuide/2 Version 1 provides end users with easy-to-use functions to look up, in business terms, data and information objects which are to be shared in the workplace. Once the object of interest is identified, DataGuide/2 can invoke decision support and desktop tools to retrieve and process the data. In addition, the administrator, using the GUI, can organize data and information object definitions in DataGuide/2, together with an extensive set of utilities to extract object definitions from various sources. DataGuide/2 operates as a database client application and stores its object definitions in a database on DATABASE 2* (DB2*) OS/2* (DB2/2*) Version 1 on LAN, or on DATABASE 2 on MVS when connected with IBM SAA* Distributed Database Connection Services/2* - Version 2 (DDCS/2 V2). DataGuide/2 can also be used to provide a graphical front end to DataGuide/MVS Release 1. PRODUCT POSITIONING DATAGUIDE AND INFORMATION WAREHOUSE The DataGuide products implement the Information Catalog concept which serves as a delivery vehicle for the end users to find out, in their terms, what is in the "warehouse" of information and data resources. DataGuide/2 Version 1 implements the following interfaces which are defined for the Information Catalog in "Information Warehouse* Architecture I" (SC26-3244). o Information Catalog Application Programming Interface o Import/Export Interface to the Information Catalog These interfaces are published in the DataGuide/2 Programming Guide and Reference (SC26-3368). DATAGUIDE AND DECISION SUPPORT TOOLS The DataGuide products are closely affiliated with, and complementary to, decision support tools. The DataGuide serves as a directory to information and data objects for the end users, allowing experienced as well as novice users - including those who are currently hardcopy users, to look up information and data. Once located, a decision support tool can be launched to access data, transform it into information, and format the information for presentation. DataGuide expands the use of decision support tools. By allowing end users to focus on information and data, the DataGuide helps draw more potential users to decision support tools within an organization. Over time, many novice users will become familiar with the tools and can exploit their capabilities. DATAGUIDE AND DICTIONARIES DataGuide is business-oriented, supporting end users in locating and accessing data. The traditional dictionaries are DP-oriented, supporting application and database developers and administrators in developing and managing data resources. DataGuide can help the end users access information and data via decision support tools; this capability is missing in traditional dictionaries. DataGuide and traditional dictionaries have complementary roles in the life cycle of metadata. The metadata is created in the traditional dictionaries for support of database administration and application development. As the database schemas and applications go into production status, the metadata in the dictionary becomes an excellent source for import into DataGuide. DATAGUIDE/2 AND DATAGUIDE/MVS These two products operate on different platforms. While DataGuide/2 can be used to provide a GUI front end to DataGuide/MVS, the latter is required to support 3270 terminal and emulation users. DataGuide/MVS is also required if MVS-based information tools are to be invoked from a 3270 environment. HIGHLIGHTS DataGuide/2: o Provides users with an Information Catalog for sharing data and information in the workplace. o Provides an easy-to-use, graphical, iconic user interface on OS/2 which is CUA*-91 compliant (application model) for end users and the administrator. o Allows end users to search efficiently for objects described in the Information Catalog in business terms, or through quick scans of objects grouped by subject areas. o Once an object of interest has been identified, an associated program can be started easily to retrieve the data. o Allows end users to customize the desktop with icons for saved searches and user collections. o Provides the administrator with a starter set of the Information Catalog's data model, which can be extended and customized for local use. o Provides the administrator with an extensive set of extract utilities to help gather descriptions for data and information objects from various sources for populating the Information Catalog. o Provides an API to allow decision support and desktop tools to access the Information Catalog. o Supports an Information Catalog on LAN using DB2/2, or on DB2 on MVS with DDCS/2. o Can be used as a graphical client front end to DataGuide/MVS. o Allows data descriptors to be exchanged between Information Catalogs via import/export functions. DESCRIPTION DATAGUIDE AS AN INFORMATION CATALOG Data is needed for decision making, and one of the major challenges is knowing what information is available, and where it is located. The IBM DataGuide products provide a solution in this area by supporting an Information Catalog for the workplace. The IBM DataGuide products provide an online catalog for non-DP-oriented end users to easily look up data and information objects that are shared across an organization in business terms. DataGuide/2 catalogs characteristics of these data and information objects that exist throughout the enterprise and are controlled by various applications and databases. DataGuide/2 allows users to formulate searches in order to locate objects based on their descriptive properties. Objects may be grouped logically into business-related areas. Navigation functions are available to locate objects in these groupings. Once the object of interest is identified, DataGuide/2 can invoke applications and tools to retrieve and process the data. DataGuide/2, working in conjunction with decision support and desktop tools, provides a powerful solution for supporting end-user access to shared data in the workplace. Both information objects and data objects can be cataloged in DataGuide. Information objects may include objects that carry information, such as spreadsheets, report and query outputs, documents, images; as well as objects that, upon execution, generate information, such as report and query specifications. Data objects may include tables and views, as well as columns (data elements). Objects grouped by subject areas may be created to facilitate the organization of information. In addition, supporting objects such as a glossary for easy lookup of terms and definitions, contacts for identifying data owners, and news for providing status information, can be used to help end users effectively use the Information Catalog. DataGuide provides an application programming interface (API) to the Information Catalog so that decision support and desktop tools can store and obtain common definitions of information and data objects. The Information Catalog API, which is documented in product publications, can be used by IBM and non-IBM decision support and desktop tools to access such common definitions for consistent and cohesive support for the end user. DataGuide/2 provides functions to satisfy information needs for end users as well as functions for the administrator. END USER INFORMATION NEEDS End users have indicated that when there is need for information: o The preferred approach for satisfying the needs is to help the user locate what reports or queries are available and readily usable. o If no reports or queries are available, then help the user locate data which can be used to formulate queries or reports. While the first approach can reach the broadest level of end users with minimal skill required, the second approach allows ad hoc information requests to be satisfied. Both ways are important and are supported by DataGuide/2. The end user capabilities are implemented in DataGuide/2 as described below. HANDLING OF INFORMATION OBJECTS As mentioned, DataGuide catalogs two types of information objects - those that carry information and those that generate information. These information objects can be searched by the end user either through pattern-matching on descriptive properties (including names) of these objects, or through quick scan through groups of related objects. Once an information object is identified, the user can start an associated program to operate on the information object. In general, programs which can be started from a command line and support execution parameters can be used. When invoked from the DataGuide/2 GUI, the program can be an OS/2, DOS, or Windows program running under OS/2 2.1. If an informational application supports client/server protocols, the client program at the workstation can also be called by the DataGuide/2 GUI and invoke a host server to perform host data access. When invoked by DataGuide/2 in this manner, these programs provide powerful information delivery capabilities for end users. Examples of such operations include: o Invoking a spreadsheet package such as Microsoft(1) Excel(1) or Lotus 1-2-3** to display a spreadsheet containing the desired information. o Invoking a query/report package such as IBM Personal AS or IBM Visualizer Query for OS/2 to perform a predefined query or report. o Invoking a table browser such as IBM Visualizer Query for OS/2 to display the contents of a relational table. o Displaying a finished report or query from a file server on the LAN or from the workstation. o Invoking a graphic package such as Lotus** Freelance Graphics to display a chart. o Invoking a word processor such as WordPerfect to display a business document. o Invoking a multimedia data handling package to display a multimedia object such as video. o Invoking a client/server application to access data on other platforms, such as a mainframe. o Invoking other popular packages or user-written applications which support the command line invocation and run under OS/2 2.1, Windows, or DOS. Thus, without programming effort or data processing skills, any novice end user can use DataGuide to locate existing information objects and display those that are accessible. Users can also benefit from locating objects that cannot be accessed directly from a workstation. Instructions to logging on to a separate mainframe or contacting an owner of a hardcopy document can be provided by DataGuide. HANDLING OF DATA OBJECTS DataGuide can be used to describe data objects including tables, views, and columns; as well as files and data elements. These data objects can be located by the end user either through pattern-matching on descriptive properties of these objects, or through quick scanning through groups of related objects. Similar to information objects, once a data object of interest is found, such as a table or a view, an informational application may be invoked to perform query or reporting on it. This allows end users to transform data into information even when there are no information objects predefined to process it. End users can now manipulate, store, or print this information to meet their specific requirements. ADMINISTERING DATAGUIDE DataGuide/2 provides the administrator with a GUI which is used for installation, customization, populating and maintaining the DataGuide store, and for exporting and importing the DataGuide data from one DataGuide to another. DataGuide/2 is shipped with a starter set of object types and properties, which are tailorable and extensible by an administrator for an organization's use. The starter set includes object types such as tables/views, columns, dynamic reports, completed reports, images, programs, business groups, contacts, glossary, and news. All DataGuide/2 objects are maintained in the DataGuide store in one of the following server environments: o DB2/2 on LAN o DB2 on MVS Version 2 Release 3 or above via the DDCS/2 gateway o DB2 on MVS as managed under DataGuide/MVS Release 1 To help put metadata (description of data objects and information objects) into the DataGuide store, an extensive set of extractor utilities is provided. Extractors for descriptions about data objects include: o IBM DB2 catalogs on MVS o IBM DB2/2 catalogs on OS/2 o IBM catalogs on OS/400 o IBM DB2/6000 catalogs on AIX/6000 o Oracle catalogs on DEC VAX/VMS o Sybase catalogs on HP-UX o Bachman Database Administrator on OS/2 An extractor for descriptions about information objects on the host: o QMF* Version 2 Release 4 and above Extractors for descriptions about information objects on the desktop include: o IBM OS/2 Query Manager o IBM Personal AS/2 Version 3 o IBM Visualizer Query V1.0 for OS/2 o Lotus 1-2-3 - Release 4 for Windows - Release 2.0 for OS/2 o Microsoft Excel Version 4.0 for Windows o Borland Quattro Pro Version 5.0 for Windows o WordPerfect Version 6.0 for Windows o Microsoft Word o Lotus Freelance Graphics - Release 2.01 for Windows - Release 2.0 for OS/2 o CorelDRAW! - Version 4.0 for Windows - Version 2.0 for OS/2 o Harvard Graphics** 2.0 for Windows NOTE: Some of the desktop products, including 1-2-3, Excel, and CorelDRAW!, support file formats of older releases. Since the DataGuide/2 desktop objects extractor can operate on these formats, it can be used with older releases of the products. The output from the metadata extract process will be stored in a documented output format, referred to as the DataGuide Tag Language, which can be loaded into the DataGuide store with a single invocation of the DataGuide IMPORT function. Additional metadata extract programs can be provided by the customer, professional services, or a third-party vendor to cover sources not listed above. Note that most extractors provided by DataGuide/2 are in source form; they can be used as examples to build additional extractors. The DataGuide/2 administrator can set up multiple databases to maintain different sets of metadata. This allows a single administrator to support multiple user groups with similar information sharing needs. User groups with unique requirements or information not commonly shareable can also be supported. Based on the tag language as a common format, metadata can also be exchanged among multiple DataGuide data stores with the IMPORT/EXPORT function. The DataGuide/2 Administration package contains both the administrator and the end user functions. GROWTH ENABLEMENT - ACCESS TO ENTERPRISE DATA Today, most enterprise data is not available to knowledge workers because they don't know the name for it and they don't know where in the enterprise it is located. The DataGuide will help describe enterprise data in business terms and can launch an informational application to access it. Easy access to enterprise data is among the highest requirements in IBM customer surveys. END USER PRODUCTIVITY - IMPROVED KNOWLEDGE WORKER PRODUCTIVITY With a DataGuide-provided online catalog of available information objects (charts, reports, etc.) and data objects (tables, columns, etc.) at their fingertips, knowledge workers can easily and quickly locate and retrieve information for the business needs. Since DataGuide can be used by novice as well as skilled users, the productivity gain is extended to the broadest set of users. BUSINESS SOLUTIONS - IMPROVED DECISION MAKING/COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE With improved visibility and accessibility of information and data sources provided by the DataGuide, decision making can be enhanced with timely, accurate, and comprehensive information. INVESTMENT PROTECTION - BETTER USE OF INFORMATION ASSETS DataGuide helps end users locate and make better use of existing information and data assets, thus improving the return on investment on these valuable assets. DataGuide can be used with existing decision support and desktop tools, thereby also improving the value already invested in these tools. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OPERATING ENVIRONMENT MACHINE REQUIREMENTS For the DataGuide/2 user and administrator workstations, the minimum configuration would be a 386, 20MHz processor, with 12MB memory. A display with a minimum of VGA resolution is required. 2.5 MB RAM is required for the user or the administrator. Disk requirements are as follows: o User - .5MB o Administrator - .5MB to 3MB (the latter includes optional files for sample extractor sources and input for sample database) o LAN Server - 2MB (for the program code) RAM and fixed disk requirements for the DataGuide/2 database are dependent on the amount of information stored in the database. Creation of the optional sample Information Catalog for installation verification and demonstrative use of the product will require 2MB disk space. PROGRAMMING REQUIREMENTS Programming requirements for the user and the administrator workstations are: o IBM OS/2 2.1, or OS/2 for Windows (OS/2 2.1 special edition for Windows 3.1) o Database Client-Enabling Distributed Feature support for OS/2, or Database 2 Client Application Enabler/2 Version 1.2 o OS/2 LAN Requester 3.0 Programming requirements for the file server to contain the code to be shared: o OS/2 LAN Server 3.0 Programming requirements for the database server environment will depend on the particular server used. For DB2/2 on LAN as a database server: o IBM OS/2 2.1, or IBM OS/2 2.0 with ServicePak* level XR06055 o IBM DB2/2 Version 1 (Client/Server) with ServicePak level WR07025 For DB2 on MVS as a database server connected with the DDCS/2 gateway: o IBM OS/2 2.1, or IBM OS/2 2.0 with ServicePak level XR06055 o IBM SAA Distributed Database Connection Services/2 - Version 2 (DDCS/2 V2) with ServicePak level WR07016 o IBM DB2 Version 2 Release 3 or above on MVS For product evaluation and demonstration purposes, the DataGuide/2 administrator function can be installed with IBM DB2/2 Version 1 (Single-User) on an IBM OS/2 2.1 workstation. A number of extractor programs are shipped with this product as part of the administrator function. The extractor for IBM relational catalogs is shipped in object code; in addition to being able to extract catalogs from DB2/2 and DB2/6000 on LAN, it would require the use of DDCS/2 V2 for extracting remote catalogs on DB2 on MVS, or on OS/400, from the administrator workstation. In addition, DB2 on MVS and OS/400 catalog extractors and all other extractors are provided in source form as samples, which can be customized by an installation to satisfy the local environments. These sources include: o COBOL source for DB2 on MVS, and for OS/400 o REXX source for desktop object extractors o ANSI C source for others NOTE: Additional communication software may be needed for communication and transfer of files. COMPATIBILITY Not applicable. LIMITATIONS Not applicable. PERFORMANCE CONSIDERATIONS Not applicable. PLANNING INFORMATION CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES The customer must provide at least the minimum hardware and software environments in which the IBM DataGuide/2 program will operate. The customer must assign an administrator who has responsibility for planning, installation, maintaining and administering the use of DataGuide/2. CONVERSION Not applicable. SECURITY, AUDITABILITY AND CONTROL DataGuide/2 maintains and supports access to a set of metadata, i.e., description about data and information, which is managed under a database in DB2/2 or DB2 on MVS. End users must be authorized to access DB2/2 or DB2 on MVS, which has its own security, auditability, and control mechanisms. DataGuide/2 does not directly access the described data and information objects, which are under the control of various database managers and/or application programs outside of DataGuide/2. Depending on the management policies and data sensitivity, organizations can choose to permit end users to have access to all metadata maintained with DataGuide/2, or create different DataGuide data stores within DB2/2 or DB2 on MVS to control the access to different sets of metadata. User management is responsible for evaluation, selection, and implementation of security features, administrative procedures, and appropriate controls in application systems and communication facilities. PROGLIST o #8324, P/N 05H0321 (5871-AAA) DataGuide/2 1.0 Administrator o #8325, P/N 05H0762 (5872-AAA) DataGuide/2 1.0 Admin AL w/o Cert o #8326, P/N 05H0763 (5872-AAA) DataGuide/2 1.0 Admin AL w/Cert o #8327, P/N 05H0764 (5871-AAA) DataGuide/2 1.0 User o #8328, P/N 05H0766 (5872-AAA) DataGuide/2 1.0 User AL w/o Cert o #8332, P/N 05H0767 (5872-AAA) DataGuide/2 1.0 User AL w/Cert o #8337, P/N 05H0768 (5875-XXX) DataGuide/2 1.0 User 10-Pack o #8338, P/N 05H0770 (5876-XXX) DataGuide/2 1.0 User 50-Pack *Signifies a trademark or registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. **Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.