DataGuide/2 Top-Ten Questions 562212600 8/01/94 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1-Getting Pre-Sale Information -Question: Where can I get pre-sale information about DataGuide/2? -Answer: In the U.S., call 1-800-IBM-4STL, Extension 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2-Ordering DataGuide/2 -Question: How can I order or purchase a copy of DataGuide/2? -Answer: Contact your local software reseller, or call 1-800-3IBM-OS2 (in the U.S.). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3-SQL0551N or SQL0552N " does not have the privilege..." -Question: I sometimes get Message SQL0551N or SQL0552N when I use the "Create Information Catalog - DB2/2" or "Create Information Catalog - DB2/MVS" utilities, or run the extract program for the DB2 Family. What should I do? -Answer: You might get Message SQL0551N or SQL0552N when the user ID you are using does not have the right level of authority to perform certain SQL operations. To perform these tasks, close DataGuide/2 and log on again with a user ID that has SYSADMIN authority. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4-SQL1006N "The code page of the application does not match..." -Question: I sometimes get Message SQL1006N when I run a DB2/2 application like Query Manager with my DataGuide/2 information catalog. What should I do? -Answer: You might have this problem if your OS/2 system is set for a U.S. English environment with a primary code page of 437 and secondary codepage of 850. You can tell if your OS/2 system is set this way by looking at your CONFIG.SYS file; look for the line 'CODEPAGE=437,850'. As suggested in the "DB2/2 Messages & Problem Determination Guide", change the code page for the process and restart the application program. For example, if you are running Query Manager and get Message SQL1006N, enter the following commands from OS/2 command line: CHCP 850 QUERYMGR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5-FLG0206 "A administrator is already logged on." -Question: I sometimes get Message FLG0206 when I log on to DataGuide/2 as an administrator, even though I know no other administrator is logged on. What should I do? -Answer: If an administrator was previously logged on to DataGuide/2 and the program closed unexpectedly, the next administrator won't be able to log on. From the OS/2 command line, enter the following command: CLEARKA this command file is in the subdirectory: DG2LIB\UTILS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6-Changing the Administrator's ID -Question: How do I change the primary or back-up administrator user IDs for my DataGuide/2 information catalog? -Answer: From the OS/2 command line, change DG2LIB\UTILS as current directory. If your information catalog is on DB2/2, enter the following command: ALTERKA2 If your information catalog in on DB2 for MVS, enter: ALTERKAH These utilities allow you to change, delete, or add an administrator user ID for a specific DataGuide/2 information catalog. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7-Using JCL to Create a DB2 on MVS Database for DataGuide/2 -Question: Is it necessary to use JCL (similar to the sample DGCRTDB.JCL in the subdirectory DG2LIB\UTILS) to create a DB2 database on MVS, in preparation for creating a DataGuide/2 information catalog? -Answer: No, it is not the only way to create a DB2 database on MVS. You may also use an on-line facility, such as SPUFI, to create a a DB2 database on MVS. However, you must refer to the requirements given in the prologue of the sample JCL; you must use the same Table Space names as specified in the sample JCL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8-Creating a SUBJECT GROUPING -Question: How do I get a group of objects to appear in the SUBJECTS window? -Answer: SUBJECTS is a list of the highest-level grouping objects which contain at least one object. SUBJECTS is the "top" of the Tree view. To create a SUBJECT using the DataGuide/2 end user interface: a) Create a GROUPING object type b) Create one or more GROUPING objects using that type c) Create an ELEMENTAL object type d) Create one or more ELEMENTAL objects using that type e) Select the GROUPING object and use the 'Update Grouping' menu choice to tell DataGuide/2 which ELEMENTAL objects to place under the GROUPING object. -Question: How do I put one group under another? -Answer: Select the GROUPING object you want at the top and use the 'Update Grouping' menu choice to tell DataGuide/2 what additional GROUPING objects to place under it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9-Defining a startable Program -Question: How do I get my applications to start from the START PROGRAM button or menu choice for an object? -Answer: Define your applications as PROGRAM objects in DataGuide/2. Please see "Setting up objects to start programs" on page 43 of manual "Managing DataGuide/2" for defining a PROGRAM object to handle an object type. You can only do this for GROUPING and ELEMENTAL object types. Once you define the PROGRAM object, the program appears in the list of startable programs for all objects of that type. Here are some tips: a) Specify the "Start by invoking" property correctly: For example: /START /F /PM drive:\path\pgm.EXE parms for a Presentation Manager (PM) program. Generally, you can specify any command which can be issued from the OS/2 command line. If DataGuide/2 can't find the pgm.EXE, you'll get an error message. Please see page 43 of section "Setting up objects to start programs" of the "Managing DataGuide/2" manual for other examples. b) Specify the program parameters correctly Use the % sign to indicate substitution of a property from the object to be acted on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10-IMPORT limitation and recommendations -Question: Is there a limit on the amount of data I can import into a DataGuide/2 catalog? Are there any general recommendations for using the IMPORT function? -Answer: The practical limit is the amount of space available on the underlying database management system (DB2/2 or DB2 on MVS). There is a limit of 3500 different object types allowed in one tag language file. Prior to importing large tag language files, you should increase the size of your primary and secondary log files to handle the load. Be sure to include :COMMIT checkpointid tags in your tag language file at frequent intervals. If you are defining tree structures with many branches, it is best to define from the top down: a) Define highest-level object b) Define next-level objects c) Define the CONTAINS relationship between a and b d) Define next-level objects e) Define the CONTAINS relationship between these two levels f) Repeat d and e until you reach the bottom of the tree ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11-Limitation on displaying OBJECTS -Question: Is there a limit on the number of objects that DataGuide/2 can display at one time? -Answer: A maximum of 1600 objects can be displayed by the Subjects window. A maximum of 5000 objects can be displayed for the Search Results, Contacts, Found in, and Tree Views. Various errors (e.g., FLG0034E) can occur if the total number of objects for display exceeds the maximum. If you get an error, you can get around the problem by either: a) de-selecting some of the objects for display b) being more specific with your search criteria ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12-Using DataGuide/2 EXPORT for backup -Question: What do I use EXPORT for? -Answer: You use the DataGuide/2 EXPORT function to create a tag language file for backing up your information catalog; that file can then be used for importing into another DataGuide/2 catalog. When you export the objects from your information catalog, make sure to choose the following on the Export Options window: a) select ALL objects in the catalog for export b) export all underlying associations/contacts If you export the objects of one information catalog in order to import them into another information catalog, be aware that objects might have specific paths and file names associated with them which might not apply to the new catalog. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13-CLEARKA/ALTERKA command files failed after DB2/2 1.2 install -Question: After migrating to DB2/2 1.2 and attempting to run CLEARKA from DataGuide/2, the following error message was received: SQL0805, "NULLID.SQLAC3A0" not found. -Answer: DB2/2 1.2 installations/migrations may miss a bindfile or two when it is installed. The workaround is to issue SQLBIND against the SQLUBIND.LST in DB2/2's SQLLIB directory against each DB2/2 1.2 database. SQLBIND SQLUBIND.LST dbname For additional assistance, please contact DB2/2 support. Note: The lack of NULLID.SQLAC3A0/SQLAC4E0 will prevent any user using DB2/2 command line processor, thus the DataGuide/2 REXX command files will not work. ------------------------------------------------------------------------