************************************************************************ DataGuide/2 1.0 CSD UG03776 August 31, 1995 US English ************************************************************************ Diskette Creations: These files are self-extracting ZIP files. Insert a blank, formatted diskette into drive A and type: DGCSD03x A: Where x is the diskette number. After unpacking the files to the diskette, you must correctly label the diskettes for the install program to work. Type: LABEL A:DGIENU01 (for the first CSD diskette) LABEL A:DGIENU02 (for the second CSD diskette) If you do not label the diskettes as above, you will see an EPFIE200 error during install. Installation: Insert diskette 1 and type A:\INSTALL. Fixes: Cumulative - all previous fixes, plus the following: GG03546 - Increase Export capability for large catalogs GG03572 - Support for DB2/2 2.1